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June 16, 1972 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-16

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Pridoy, June 16, 1972


Page Steven

Royals rap Bosox, 13-9;

Cubs Pu
Dy The Associated Press
BOSTON - John May-
berry drove in six runs with a
pair of two-run doubles and a
homer, leading the Kansas City
Royals to a 13-9 victory over
Boston yesterday in a wild
baseball game replete with 32
The hit total was the most in
the American League this sea-
The Royals trailed 4-1 going
into the sixth inning when they
started their overhaul opera-
tion, erupting for six runs in
the sixth inning, three in the
venth, and, finally, three in
the ninth when Mayberry hit
his two-run homer.
In the sixth inning, Richie
Scheinblum singled home one
run, Mayberry doubled in two
and Cookie Rojas hit his first
homer of the season, with two
In the seventh, the Echein-
blum - Mayberry combination
worked again, Scheinblum sing-
ling in the first run and May-
berry doubling in the next two.
Amos Otis also homered for
the Royals in their 15-hit attack
while Tommy Harper and Rico
Petrocelli collected homers in
Boston's 17-hit offensive.
Cubs cream
CHICAGO - Outfielder Billy
Williams, celebrating his 34th
birthday, slammed successive
homers - the first a two-run
blast igniting a six-run fourth
inning - as the Chicago Cubs
pounded the San Diego Padres
10-1 yesterday in a National
League baseball game.
Williams in his next time up,
launched a three-run fifth with
his 11th homer of the season.
The Cubs also got the five-hit
pitching from Bill Hands, P-2.
The victim of the big Cub
fourth was starter Bill Greif, 3-
10, who gave up four walks and
a double. by Jose Cardenal be-
fore he was replaced by Gary
Ross. Randy Hundley greeted
Ross with a two - run, bases
loaded single and a run-scoring

lverize Padres

double play grounder by Hands
finished the onslaught.
After yielding a homer to
Williams, Ross was nicked for
two more runs in the fifth on
Jim Hickman's single, Carden-'
al's triple and a double steal.
Magic Number: 106
Here's some new info on magic
numbers for you Bengal parti-
sans: although the 4's and Ti-
gers are tied the Birds hold a
crucial one game lead in the all-
important magic number cate-
gory. Their's is only 101! Will
troubles ever cease .y.?
Cardenal slammed his second
double in the seventh and
scored on Ron Santo's two-bag-
The Padres finally scored
against Hands in the sixth on a
walk, Jerry Morales' double
and Leron Lee's infield out.
Pitt powers
PITTSBURGH-Nelson Briles
pitched Pittsburgh back into first

place with ninth inning relief
help from Dave Giusti as the
Pirates stopped the San Fran-
cisco Giants 4-1 in the rain-de-
layed first game of a twinight
baseball doubleheader last night.
Giusti got the last two outs
after the Giants collected two
singles off Briles. Thie victory
boosted the Pirates back into
first place in the National
League East, a few percentage
points ahead of the idle New York
Briles, 4-2, surrendered the
only Giant run in theethird in-
ning on a single, an error, and
a RBI-single by Bobby Bonds.
Pittsburgh took the lead for
good with a pair of fourth-inning
runs off loser Steve Stone, 3-7.
A walk and consecutive doubles
by Milt May and Gene Alley
provided the runs.
Pittsburgh added two more
runs in the fifth on a walk, a
triple by Willie Stargell off the
rightfield wall and a sacrifice
fly by Bob Robertson.

realization that his arrival into second base was not to be a safe
one. Nevertheless, his Royal comrades made believe they were
the Pittsburgh Pirates and won 13-9 against Boston.

Oosterbaan calls it quits

A N N A R B O R (A) -
Bennie Oosterbaan sat back in
the swivel chair of his office at
the University of Michigan and
propped his legs on the desk.
"The character of individuals
is brought out in football," he
said. "There are intangibles
that the average spectator
doesn't realize . . . Football
players have a common goal:
learn leadership; develop spirit,
enthusiasm, confidence; in-
spire and are inspired by ac-,
tion; develop personalities."
"A physique doesn't make it,"
he added. "People think all you

Giants acquire Cleveland duo;
Braves, Phils swap hurlers
By The Associated Press
0 NEW YORK - The New York Giants of the National
Football League announced yesterday they had acquired defensive
end Jack Gregory and defensive back Fred Summers in separate
transactions with the Cleveland Browns.
Gregory, a 6-foot-5, 250-pounder heading for his sixth pro
season, had played out his option with the Browns and negotiated
with the Giants as a free agent. The Giants turned over their
No. 1 1973 draft choice as compensation.
Summers, 6-foot-1, 190-pounder with three NFL seasons be-
hind him, was acquired from the Browns for a No. 2 1973 draft
choice the Giants previously had obtained in a transaction with
the New England Patriots.
The Giants expect both Gregory and Summers to hold down
starting positions, Gregory filling the spot vacated when Fred
Dryer played out his option and left the club and Summers fitting
in at the left cornerback spot.
* PHILADELPHIA - The Philadelphia Phillies dealt ace left-
hand reliever Joe Hoerner and a minor league first baseman to the
Atlanta Braves yesterday for pitchers Jim Nash and Gary Neibauer.
It was the second deal in less than 24 hours by new Phillies'
general manager Paul Owens, who Wednesday night traded
catcher Tim McCarver to the Montreal Expos for catcher John
Owens considers it the start of an overall shakeup in the Phil-
lies, a club that has been a National League doormat for the past
six years. Owens became Phillies' general manager June 3, suc-
ceeding John Quinn.
* DUBLIN - Irish bettors were hopping mad yesterday
after a race in which some fans swore the horses went backwards.
The race - The Gallinule Stakes over 10 furlongs at the
Curragh Wednesday night - was billed as a major trial for the
important Irish Sweeps Derby July 1. But none of the jockeys on
the four high class thorough-breds entered wanted to take the lead.
The horses went slower and slower and the bettors got wild-
er and wilder.
Fans booed and slow handelapped as the horses maintained a
gentle canter. Then several yards from the post, Bog Road made a
sudden spurt to beat Ballymore, the hot favorite, by four lengths.
That did it. When the jockeys unsaddled after the race, the
crowd surrounded them and refused to let the riders out for the
next race.
Bettors- waited their money back and officials held an in-
quiry but later announced there was nothing they could do un-
der existing rules,

need to play football is to be
big and have rippling muscles.
Many great big men don't make
"I've seen a thousand of them
that didn't make it. Well, that's.
an exaggeration. But I've seen
plenty who had the physique
but not the intangibles."
Oosterbaan had the intan-
gibles -- leadership, inspira-
tion, spirit, enthusiasm, con-
fidence, desire and the big
one, talent.
With that talent, primarily
an ability to catch passes, he
became the only three-time All-
American player in UM's foot-
ball history.
That began a 48-year stretch
of building UM tradition as an
athlete, coach and administra-
The tradition likely will re-
main. But, effective July 1,
Oosterbaan no longer will be
connected officially with it.
Oosterbaan, 66, has been in
athletic public relations for the
Wolverines, having moved to
the front office in 1959 after 11
years as head football coach.
"I'm going to miss it, ob-
viously," Oosterbaan said, re-
sponding to a question he has
answered many times since it
was revealed he is retiring.
"After all, I've been coming
down here one way or another
for 48 years."
Among the lesser known of
his achievements is his .489
baseball batting average that
led the Big Ten one season. He

also was an All-American bas-
ketball player.
TRACK BUFFS say he could
have been an Olympic champ if
he had pursued that sport. He
was the state champion high
school discus thrower at Mus-
kegon, where he was born and
raised - a first-generation
American of Dutch heritage.
In football, he was one half of
the Benny-to-Bennie combina-
tion, hauling in dozens of key
passes from quarterback Benny
Friedman, another UM All-
His grid accomplishments put
him on The Associated Press
All-Time All-American team in
1951. Several years ago, the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Asso-
ciation accorded him a similar
Two years ago in a poll of
UM alumni and friends, Bennie
was named the school's great-
est football player in history.
That was some 42 years after
the late Henry Hatch, equip-
ment manager, retired his No.
47 jersey, saying: "Nobody's
ever going to make All-Ameri-
can three years running again.
I'm not going to give Bennie's
number out."
While he was Michigan's
head football coach for 100
games from 1948 through
1958, his teams won 63, lost
33 and tied 4. His teams won
or shared the conference title
three times, won a national
championship and Rose Bowl

game and finished second
He was selected Coach of the
year in 1948,
Oosterbaan could have played
professional ball, but his family
was against it because of their
religion, Dutch Reformed, and
he would have had to play on
Oosterbaan's parents no long-
er are alive, but he has three
living sisters, his wife, Del, and
a daughter.
Asked what advice he would
give young pe'ople, he said:
"The only- way you can learn
to catch a ball is to catch one,
The only way you can learn
how to throw a ball is to throw
one. If nobody played, catch
with me, I would throw the ball
up to myself . . . You can't
feign interest"
Nicklaus in
Open lead"
Jack Nicklaus, heavily favored
to add the United States Open
Golf title to his Masters
crown; moved into a share of
the early lead in the first round
of the national championship
yesterday with one-under-par
The famed Golden Bear was
tied with Tom Shaw, who had
six birdies and five bogeys.
Kermit Zarley and veteran Ma-
Rudolph with several inore
players still out on the 6,812
yard, par 72 Pebble Beach Golf
L e e Trevino, hospitalized
with pneumonia until Tuesday,
had a hard-won 74 in defense
of the crown he won last year.
"I shot 74. I should have had
85 and I should be in a morgue
somewhere," Trevino said.
"I feel terrible,' he added
after his two-over-par round
that started in crisp, 54-degree
temperatures with damp, swirl-
ing fog and ended under patchy
clouds and mildly gusty winds.
The group at 72, just one
stroke off the pace and match-
ing par, included Cesar Sanudo,
a Mexican-born American citi-
zen, and a pair of South Afri-
cans-Gary Player and Bobby
Tom Weiskopf, Rod Funseth,
club pro Tom Jenkins of Hous-
ton, Tex., Eft Sneed and Rik
Massengale followed at 73.

Professional League Standings
Ameri n League NationasLeague
Fast Eas
w L Pt. GB W L Pct. GB
ratiore C8 CC .560 - Pittsburgh 33 18 .647 -
Detroit- C8 2C .500 - New York 34 19 .642 -
Cleveland 22 25 .468 41 Chicago 29 22 .569 4
Bos ton 21 2 .447 51, St. Souls 23 30 .434 15
New York 2 Cl29.431 6%zMontre alCs130 .41CC
Milwaukee 16 32 .333 11 Philadelphia 20 33 .377 14
West West
Oakland 33 17 .660 - Cminnati 34 19 .642 -
Chicago 31C0.608 2 1.osAngel Ces 32 .593 2
Minnesota 27 21 .563 5~Houston 31 23 .574 3y
California 25 27 .481 9 Atlanta 25 27 .481 8
-Kansas City C3 2 8.451 10 0 S n 1ieco 15836 .333 16%
'Texas 23 30 .484 11% San Feancsco 19 40 .3C2is
Yesterday's Results Yesterday's Results
Kansas City 13, Boston 9 Chicago 10, San Diego 1
New York 8, Chicago 1 Pittsburgh 4, San Francisco 1
Cleveland at California, inc. San Francisco at Pittsburgh, 2nd, inc.
Today's Gasses other slob' not rchedulrd
Chicago (Wood, 10-43 at oston Today's Gases
(Culp, 4-5), night Los Angeles (Osteen, 7-3) at Chicago
Texas (Bosman, 4-5) at New York (Hooton, 5-4)
(Kline, 4-C), night MontealI (Morton, - and Renko, 1-41
Kns s City (Drago, 4-4) at Milwaukee at Al anta ( ee, 4-7 and Kell ey,
(Lonborg,'3-3), night 4-5), 2, twi-night
Baltimore (Palmer, 7-3) at Minnesota San Diego (Norman, 4-5) at Pittsburgh
(Kaat, 7-1), night (Blass, 7-1), night
Cleveland (Tidrow, 4-5) at Oakland New York (Koosman, 3-3) at Cincinnati
(Holtzman, 9-4), night (Nolan, 8-1), night
Detroit (Coleman, 7-5) at California Philadelphia (Carlton, 7-6) at Hous-
(clark, 4-5), night ton (Wilson, 4-5), night

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