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June 16, 1972 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-16

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Friday, June 1.6, 1972


Page Nine

Mexican President denounces .___________

U.S. poli
parting from usual diplomatic
practice, Mexican President
Luis Echeverria criticized the
United States across a broad
front yesterday as he began a
two-day state visit.
Echeverria, in an address to
a joint session of Congress, said
nations like Mexico "are suspic-
ious of the pacts between the
great powers that ignore the
YIP plans to
curb Miami
drug abuse
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (/P) -
Doctors worried about the poten-
tial problem of drug abuse
among demonstrators at the up-
coming national political con-
ventions bave gotten an offer
of help from an unexpected
source: the Yippies.
"We're going to do everything
we can to keep people f r o m
dealing heroin and cocaine to
our people. In fact, we're going
to hold a march against drugs
the day before the convention
opens," said Yippie Julie May-
nard of Madison, Wis.
Dr. Dan Sackinger, a patholo-
gist at Cedars of Lebanon Has-
pit I and chairman of the State
Committee on Dangerous Drugs,
said one of his main concerns
was "finding enough people who
have the experience to handle
problems such as bad trips and
drug overdoses."
Both Sackinger and Maynard
said drug abuse could peak
during the period between the
Democratic Convention July 10-
14 and the Republican Conven-
tion Aug. 21-23.
Some 100,000 protesters are ex-
pected to attend the conventions.
"We'll have lots of people
available when the conventions
actually are going on and every-
thing is _exciting, but I think
we'll have trouble finding peo-
ple to work during that month-
long lag between conventions
when enthusiasms start to flag,"
Sackinger said.
Maynard agreed. "The people
won't have much to do in that
period between conventions, and
I think that's when you'll see a
lot of them dropping drugs," she
said. "They'll be bored, so trip-
ping on acid will be something to
Asked if the Yippies would
hand a heroin dealer over 'o the
police, Maynard answered, "No,
but we can take care of him
ourselves. We'll just take his
drugs away from him and tell
him to get out of town."
Sackinger said street teams
to provide first aid for all kinds
of medical emergencies would be
on the job during both conven-
He said, however, that one
of the big problems would he
identifying what kind of drugs
an overdose victim took.
"A lot of the drugs are adult-
erated with things like strychn-
ine, and the difference between
a non-lethal dose and a lethal
&>se is very small;" he said.
Asked if he would accept Yip-
pies as members of the dru
abuse medical teams, Sackinger
replied, "sure."

Child Care
Action Center
Needs Your Support
JUNE 16, 11

ies before Congress
rights and interests of the less fair that the exportation of our
developed nations." manufactured goods should not
be compensated advantageously
He denounced the United in view of the high price that
States for not taking decisive we are obliged to pay for the
action to reduce the salt con- capital goods that we require."
tent of the Colorado River. -Mexico does not understand
saying the result has been pov- why the United States does not
erty for thousands of Mexican use the "same boldness and
farmers. imagination that it applies to
The unexpectedly tough lan- solving complex problems with
guage came after Echeverria its enemies to the solution of
was accorded a lavish White s i m p 1 e problems with its
House arrival ceremony that friends."
included full military honors. --There can be no justifica-
Mexican and U.S. diplomatic tion for the United States' de-
officials had been saying prior lay in the adoption of a gen-
to Echeverria's arrival that eral scheme of tariff preferen-
relations between the two coun- ces, promised by Nixon more
tries never have been better. than two and a half years ago.
But the speech before Con- --The United States has
gress was one of the most criti- changed to a more flexible poli-
cal given by a foreign head of cy toward the Communist pow-
state to that body in recent ers yet these changes "have not
memory. yet been reflected" in the policy
In an extemporaneous aside toward the third world and to-
at the conclusion of his speech, ward Latin America in partic-
the 50-year old Mexican presi- ular.
dent said he purposely went US officials generally
"outside the rules of protocol U s were
and diplomacy" in an effort to dismayed by the harsh tone of
bring frankness into relations the speech but at least one
between two countries, senator, Majority Leader Mike
At other points during his Mansfield (D-Mont.), com-
speech, which received occa- mended Echeverria for "frank-
sional applause from the 150 ness, honesty and forthright-
senators and congressmen who ness."
showed up, Echeverria said: Echeverria met with Nixon
-Mexico does not aspire to for an hour and 40 minutes but
special concessions in foreign White House spokesman Ron-
trade, "but we consider it un- ald Ziegler gave few details.


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WORDS I day 2 days 3 days 4 das 5 days 6 das add.
0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55
11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4 80 5.60 .75
16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85
21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05
26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8 10 9.40 1.20
31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 9.05 1u.50 1.35
36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50
41-45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10.95 12.70 1 65
46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1 80
1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9 80 11.90 13.80 1 80
2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19 10 23 45 27.60 3.60
3 7.40 14.80 21.10 27.60 34.00 40.20 5 40
4 9.40 18.80 26.95 35.30 43.55 51.60 7.20
5 11.20 22.40 32.20 42.20 52.10 61.80 9.00
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