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June 16, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-16

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Friday, June 16, 1972


Page Seven

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South Quad's 0 arl dro ry. A l:

(Continued from Page 1)
Finn views this as an "in-
evitable problem, given t h e
make up of the black student
population at the dorm."
The situation was irritated
further when "complaints from
residents were not handled well,"
he adds. -
An over-use of threats by some
staff members against b 1 a c k
women, "snap judgments" and
negligence toward the com-
plaints all inflamed tensions
within the Quad, he continues.
Finn says the University's
problem in meeting its 10 per
cent black enrollment, goal has
given "short shrift" to equal-
izing the black male and female
population in the dorm. He
notes, however, that the Uni-
versity is opening up 50 new
spaces for black students in
South Quad in the fall.
Students who have lived in
the dorm express concern about
the "racial polarity" in the quad
and fear possible "skirmishes."
Some white students indicate
that they are upset with t he
"very public" atmosphere in the
South Quad snack bar, complain-

ing about the "outsiders" who
frequent the dorm.
Other students living in th e
dorm argue that the mixture of
"suburban Detroiters with
blacks and lower middle class
students" is a large factor in
the problems.
Much criticism of South Quad
from former residents centers
around the "lack of security."
Finn reports that there h a v e
been common complaints agan t
"lewd behavior." Students cit-
ed "midnight stalkers" near the
women's shower areas. -'You
can't go anywhere in the dorm
in safety," says a former resi-
dent advisor.
South Quad's location, ve y
close to State and Packad,
makes normal dorm security
precautions ineffective, F i --n
"At a dorm like Bursley or
Markley, the people visiting the
dorm have a specific reason to
visit. They're not just passirg
through, as is the case at South
Quad which has this problem
due to its nearness to the c:ty
and homes in the area," he arlds-.
In addition, students over'-

whelmingly reported irritating
noise levels in the dorm.
Feldkamp says a general "non-
addressing of the needs of
dorms" has been caused by lhe
"drastic lowering of contribu-
tions" to the ,University.
Some dorms - especiaily
South Quad - have been h:iit
harder than others, Feldkamp
says. Markley, for example, is a
building with "great reserves of
finance within its building fund,
but South Quad is depleted in
this area," he says.
Discussing the amazing suc-
cess of Mosher-Jordon, F i i n
says that "it is small, close to
the campus, has good social in-
teraction and 'homey' furnih-
ings." He stresses the "g r e a t
work" of the dorm staff, arii-
cularly Leroy Williams, tho
building director.
However, Finn quickly adds,
'Mo-Jo' is almost completely a
white dorm, even though 50 new
spaces will be allocated to
blacks in the fall.
Mosher-Jordon students prais-
ed the dorm's appearance, sociol
set-up and small size which, they
say, adds informality.
Many Mosher-Jordon residents
say they like living with pri-
maxily upperclass students, find-
ing the dorm more interesting
and fun than one filled mostly
with freshmen.
One student even mentioned
the dorm's "rustic beauty", and
all the residents liked the "ease
and frequency of parties".
"All is not roses," one stident
says about Mosher-Jordon. It is
too noisy, she griped. Other wo-
men students cite the smallness
of the corridor set-up as con-
stricting on dating relationships.
"You can't do anything with-
out everybody knowing it soon"
another student laments.
A parallel complaint w a s
that the same closeness of set-
up hampered friendship-seeking.
outside the dorm. "You tend to
stay securely in the dorm and
not meet people outside, or even
visit triends that much", was the
complaint of some.

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Who's number one?
Still in there slugging, Maine Sen. Edmund Muskie, former front
runner for the Democratic Presidential nomination told whoever
was listening in Salt Lake City yesterday that his chances are
still as good as George McGovern's to be the party standard-
bearer in November.
Lavelle trial sought
(Continued from Page 3) strikes after he learned that
In a related development, three false reports had been sent
Michael Lewis, a, University stu- to higher headquarters.
dent and member of the local In a Senate speech Proxmire
Vietnam Veterans Against t h e said Lavelle ordered as many as
War said yesterday he per- 20 unauthorized raids on can-
sonally worked onpre-planned munist targets "at a time when
strikes later described as pro- delicate negotiations to end the
tective reaction while serving in war were going on."
Vietnam. "He defied the orders of his
"There was a big flash to do superiors," Proxmire said.
them," Lewis said. "There had "He countermanded the rules
been some order from on high." laid down by the President. He
"These were not against anti- deliberately violated the princi-
aircraft guns or surface-to-air ples of civilian control of the
missiles, but against upply military."
lines." ' Pentagon representative Jerry
Lavelle, former commander of Friedheim said a retired officer
the 7th U.S. Air Force in Viet- could be recalled for court mar-
nam, told a House Armed Serv- tial but said this is not contem-
ices Committee this week he -r- plated in the Lavelle case.
dered an end to the unauthorized VietnamOtcau W
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