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June 16, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-06-16

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Support the 'U'
see a movie tonight
There may be a solution to the nagging problem shared in
connon by all University students. If- you want your tuition to go
down, go to more movies.
This startling revelation is not as bizarre as one might think.
According to the University's schedule of investments, 6,940 shares
of Butterfield Michigan Theatres Company, are owned by our
favorite conglomerate. Butterfield is the owner of the State. Cam-
pus. Michigan, and Wayside theatres locally, as well as others
around the state.
Because the company is privately owned, the total number
of shares outstanding is unknown. But according to a source in
the University's accounting office, the holding is about one-third
of the company's stock.
The University also owns 37,500 shares of the parent company
Butterfield (W.S.) Theatres Inc., about 25 per cent of the stock.
This company is also privately held.
According to Graham Conger of the University's investment
office, the University received the stock in 1950 from Paramount
Wilbur Pierpont, vice president and chief financial officer, said
yesterday that "in essence the stock was received as a gift."
According to Pierpont. Paramount was ordered to divest the
theatres as part of an anti-trust action.
"The action involved a purchase arrangement," Pierpont said.
"We pay back the company through the dividend. That is our only
The stock's worth is unclear because there is no trading of
the stock, according to Conger. In addition, most theatres around
the country are privately held so there is little market value for
Page Three Conger said that the Butterfield family owns the rest of the
theatre stock. "The University has little to say in the direction of
the holdings, being a minority stockholder," he said.

Friday, June .16, 1972 News Pho so: 764-0552
U.S. suspends
Hanoi ombiag
SAIGON o-The United States hatted honmhang attacks
an the Hanoa region yesterday an a shuow of good wall durang
the vasat there of Sovtet Nakolsa Podgorny, Ametacan tn-
formants reported. But rads continued an the southert-
etor of North Vaetnam just above the demalatarazed zone.
The temporary suspensaon was ve wed by some oh
servers as a precautionary measure to avoad any incidents
that might involve Podgorny during his tour of the Hanoi
Podgorny flew to Hanoi yesterday morning after talks
in Calcutta with Indian leaders on the Vietnam war
Diplomats in Moscow believe he is on a peace mission.
Informants said it appeared unlikely that the American

seeks trial
for Gen.
WASHINGTON (A) - S e n .
William Proxmire (D-Wis.u, cal-
ted yesterday for court marlist
proceedings against Maj. Gen.
John Lavelle, who has acknow-
ledged ordering unauthorized air
strikes against North Vietnam.
Defense Department repire-
sentatives told reporters t li a t
"as of today" the case is clos-
ed. There is no plan, they asaid,
to take further action against
Lavelle, who has been removed
from command and retired.
Lavelle has acknowledged he
ordered at. least 20 unauthoriz d
strikes against a buildup of
communist supplies from Jan-
uary to March 10 this year, This
was just before President Nixon
authorized massive raids into
North Vietnam.
In one report yesterday, Sen.
Clifford Case (R-N.J.) released
excerpts from a letter of a Navy
pilot aboard the aircraft car-
rier Hancock who said he. was
sent over North Vietnam iLa t
deliberate attempt to d r a w
communist fire.
The officer. whom Case de-
clined to identify by name,
charged this was done so Navy
fighter bombers would have an
excuse to bomb targets t n a D
were otherwise off limits.
(See LAVELLE, Page 7)

air raids would be suspended
beyond his visit unless there
is a political development.
Reporting on air action Wed-
nesday, the U.S. Command said
Air Force, Navy and Marine jets
carried out more than 230 strikes
across North Vietnam from the
upper Red River Valley is the
Hanoi region to the coast.
Across South Vietnam, U.S.
Air Force fighter-bombers flew
less than 200 strikes, about 50
per cent below the average.
Spokesmean said this was because
ot a low level of battlefield ac-
tivity and overcast skies.
South Vietnamese forces, who
appear in the final stages of
lifting the 70-day siege of An
Loc, inched northward alone
Highway 13. They were trying to
clean out pockets of North Viet-
namese resistance.
ARM show
nowe free
To celebrate their aquisition
of Detroit News stock, American
Revolutionary Media (ARM) will
present the scheduled John Fa-
hey concert tomorrow night for
free, according to ARM spokes-
person George DePue.
Those who already have tickets
may receive a refund at the box
office and remaining tickets will
be distributed free at the Pawer
Center box office on a first-
come first-serve basis stareinr
noon tomorrow.
Anyone wishing to attend tOw
concert will need a ticket to pre-
vent "hopeless overcrowding,"
DePue said.

SOUTIl VIETNAMESE soldier flashes peace sign near An Loc yesterday as the long seige of the
crucial city appeared finally to have been lifted. lie and his friends are being evacuated as relief
troops =arrive.
Rape victim files suit against
s herff, Waslitenaw County

A suit seeking over one mil-
lion dollars in damages has been
filed in Circuit Court against
Sheriff Douglas Barvey anti
Washtenaw County. Donald Nor-
ris, the defendant in the suit,
claims that he was sexually at-
tacked and beaten by inmates of
the county jail last February.
Norris, 17, was then in jail
for failure to produce a $5,000
bond on a first offense breaking
and entering charge.
The suit charges that the jail
officials failed in their duty to
"maintain the jail in a safe and
proper manner."
The lack of an adequate night
patrol or monitoring of the jail
cells constituted a violation of
the duty to protect inmates, the
suit claims.
Norris "suffered permanent
physical and psychological dam-
age" due to the negligence of
jail officials, the suit contends.
Harvey could not be reached
for comment last night.
The county jail has been the

focus of much controversy of
late. Another suit, still pending
in Circuit Court, charges illegal
and unconstitutional adminis-
tration of the jail.
Norris surrendered himself to
the police on the breaking and
entering charge, on Feb. 18.
He said he was 'tried" on the

following night by a kangaroo
court of inmates, then sexually
assaulted. The attacks were re-
peated two days later. According
to Norris, nobody was around to
Norris, after reporting the in-
cident to his attorney, was re-
leased on personal bond.

Davis to speak in Detroit

Angela Davis, recently acquit-
ted of a complex conspiracy
charge in California, will speak
Sunday at 4 p.m. at the State
Fairgrounds Coliseum in Detroit.
The speech will be part of the
Black Expo '72 program, now
underway at the fairgrounds,
located south of Eight Mile Rd.
at Woodward Ave.
The state chapter of the South-
ern Christian Leadership Confer-
ence, which is sponsoring the
exposition, has given the coh-
seum, which seats 8,440, to the
Free Angela Committee rent-

Admission to the fairgrounds
will be $1.
Davis had originally planned
to speak at the University of De-
troit, which refused her permis-
sion to appear on campus.
Free Angela Committee repre-
sentatives will be in the Fish-
bowl today to organize rides.
Another group is arranging rides
in conjunction with the Univer-
sity housing special programs of-
fice, in the basement lobby of
the Michigan Union, just outside
the University Cellar.
For further information, call

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