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June 16, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-06-16

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Favorite dorms: Views change
By MATTHEW GERSON living arrangements that students are finding
Just a few years ago, "just about everybody" more and more attractive.
wanted to live in South Quad. And Mosher Jord- More students than ever now leave the dorms
on gave its summer orientation guests, summer and are turning to co-ops and especially apart-
after summer, a decidedly hum-drum impression ments, according to a study recently completed
of dormitory life, at the University. by Feldkamp's office.
But there's been a drastic turnaround in the South Quad's recent experience is characteris-
last two years. South Quad has experienced tic of the crises that have suddenly confronted
astaggering drop in reapplications. And Mosher the dorms.
sJggrg dro n"The race problem" is a key one for South
undergone a fantastic boom. Quad, according to Housing Information Dirertor
South Quad, which in 1968-69 filled over 70 per John Finn.
cent of its rooms with returning students, now The present two-to-one ratio of black women
fills only 20 per cent of them with reapplicants, to men in South Quad had led to a "companion-
according to University Housing Director John ship problem for the black women," Finn says.
Feldkamp. Inviting boyfriends from outside Ann Arbor
Mosher-Jordon filled only about a quarter of is the way many black women solve this di-
its vacancies with returning students in 1968-69 lemma, Finn comments. The "outsiders" going
But by 1971 its rate was well over 50 per cent. in and out of the dorm caused complaints from
All the dorms on campus are having trouble white female students, he adds.
competing on the housing market with o t h e r See SOUTH, Page 7

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Sunny and

Vol. LXXXI I, No. 27-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 16, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
rejects contract,
, votes for strike
Members of the Ann Arbor division of the American
u Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AF-
SCME) which comprises 354 of the city's blue collar workers
k e have voted Wednesday night to strike if the city does not
present them with an acceptable extension to their present
contract which expires June 30.
By a 98 per cent majority, Local 369 AFSCME members
voted down a tentative agreement reached by the city
negotiating and the union negotiating team.
The strike would involve city garbage collectors, sewer
maintenance workers, bus drivers, parking, traffic and
:" garage workers, and employes in- the Parks and Recreation,
4 A Public Works, and Traffic Engineering and Transportation

McGov 'kicks 'em out' at Madison Sq.
George McGovern kisses Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary last night following another star-stud-
ded campaign extravaganza at Madison Square Garden in New York. On stage following the per-
formance are (from left to right) Art Garfunkel, Travers, McGovern, Paul Stukey, Paul Simon, and
Ms. McGovern.
Kel to ask high'court

to stay
LANSING, Mich. (')-Michi-
gan Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley
said today he will ask the U.S.
Supreme Court for a stay of
U.S. District Judge Roth's order
for cross-district integration of
Detroit area schools if Roth will
not grant a stay Monday. Kelley
said he felt Roth's decision was
"wrong and cannot legally be
He said "a decision of this
magnitude should be reviewed
by the higher courts, especially
in light of the important federal
decision by the U.S. Court of
Appeals in the Richmond school
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals recently overturned a
district court order which con-
solidated schools for integrega-
tion purposes in Richmond, Va.,
and two suburban counties.
Meanwhile, William Saxton,
attorney for 40 of the 52 white
suburban school districts affect-
ed by Roth's ruling, said yester-
day he has already filed an ap-

peal with the high court. He
said, however, he doubts the
court will hear the appeal be-
cause a specific plan has not
yet been issued.
Roth's Wednesday ruling did
not set up a busing plan as
such, but rather named a nine-
person pannel to study the ques-
tion and draft a plan within 45
Roth's ruling also drew the
fire of Michigan Gov. William
Milliken, who said, "Massive
busing will not only be disrup-
tive but counterproductive."
Milliken said yesterday, how-
ever, President Nixon has in-
formed him that the federal
busing moratorium will probably
not apply to the Detroit situa-
The recently passed anti-
busing bill temporarily halts
busing orders for 18 months or
until all appeals are exhausted.
Milliken's office said the
President told the governor, that
preliminary indicators are that
Detroit would not be covered

because Roth has not specifical-
ly ordered busing.
Kelley and Milliken several
months ago appealed Roth's
finding that Detroit schools were
segregated by law.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals in Cincinnati refused
to hear the appeal, saying Roth
had not, at that time, issued an
appealable decision.
Kelley then went to the U.S.
Supreme Court. The high court
has not yet decided whether to
hear the case.
Kelley said he could go direct-
ly to the high court with a stay
request, without first seeking
one from the Appeals Court.
The attorney general said,
"Judge Roth admits he took no
proofs of de jure segregation in
any area outside Detroit. He
would be hard put on appeal" to
show that state officials were
guilty of legal segregation.
In the absence of a stay,
Kelley said state officials -would
be bound to follow directives
issued by Roth.

The most serious repercus-
sion from the proposed strike
would be the cessation of rub-
bish pickup and waste-water
treatment services.
Nelson Watling, president of
the local, said union officials
are meeting with city officials
in an attempt to settle on a
contract. At present, Watling
said, the entire employe pack-
age offered by the city is unac-
ceptable to his union.
Robert Guenzel, chairman of
the city's negotiating committee
said he was not sure exactly
which aspects of the tentative
agreement were unacceptable to
AFSCME members.
Guenzel said the dispute in-
volves several issues and cited
wages and the pay plan as
points of controversy.
Guenzel would not comment
on detailswof the tentative
agreement but said it did con-
tain wage increase for all work-
"We didn't agree on across-
the-board pay increases. Some
workers would receive a great-
er pay increase than others,"
he added.
Guenzel said a study of the
city's classification and pay
plan recently conducted by the
Public Administration Service
shows that pay for jobs being
performed by AFSCME work-
ers is as high, if not higher.
than comparable communities in
the area.
Last year, AFSCME mem-
bers received a 9 percent wage
increase and the previous year
a 7 per cent increase.
AFSCME is the largest of
the city's eight bargaining

SGC fe
A plan to increase Student
Government Council funding
from 50 cents per student per
term to $100 was discussed at a
Regents open hearing yesterday.
SGC President Bill Jacobs said
funds gained from the planned
fee hike will be used for a legal
advocate and the funding of a
student grocery cooperative.
Jacobs claimed that SGC is
a "responsible organization" and
that the actions planned will
show "that we are no longer in-
terested in spilling oxblood on
The idea of increasing SGC
funding has been in the wind
for several years. An SGC ref-
erendum calling for an increase
was defeated twice, in March,
1971 and last November, before
passing narrowly last March.
Lawrence Lindemer (D-Stock-
bridge) voiced objections to the
legal advocate. "The only thing
that your attorney could do that
isn't presently done by a Univer-
sity attorney for you," he said,
"is sue the University."
President Robben Fleming
said that he was not concerned
about this aspect. "We keep
telling the young to work
through the system," Fleming
said. "Now we can't tell them
not to."
Regental decision on the pro-
posed funding may come today.

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