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June 15, 1972 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-15

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Page Eight


Thursday, June 15, 1972

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, June 1 5, 1972


ne aws bri e s Secret Service to check
by The Associated Press news persons' credentials

announced an almost-total ban on domestic use of DDT yester-
day. The decision, effective next Dec. 31, was appealed im-
mediately by both sides in the dispute.
Manufacturers of the chemical asked a federal court in New
Orleans to set aside the EPA directive, while environmentalists filed
an appeal with a Washington court calling for elimination of the
remaining exceptions to the DDT ban.
William Ruckelhaus, director of the EPA. said that methyl
parathion, a highly toxic, but fast-decomposing chemical could be
used instead of DDT.
HENRY KISSINGER, President Nixon's national security
advisor, is leaving this week for his fourth trip to the People's
Republic of China, a follow-up to the summit meeting last
Topics for discussion with Chinese officials have not been
announced, but the trip comes at a time when their criticism of the
bombing of North Vietnam has been extremely harsh.
Richard Solomon, a former University professor, will -accompany
THE DEATH TOLL from last week's disastrous flood which
hit Rapid City, S.D. reached 203 yesterday as National Guards-
men continued to search for flood victims.

U.S. Secret Service told the
news media yesterday it will'
screen the credentials of all re-
porters covering the Democratic
presidential nominating con-
The group of news persons
charged with assigning space
to news organizations at the
convention objected, saying the
move might give the Secret
Service "an unprecedented veto
of who will cover the conven-
The announcement was made
by the Democratic National
Committee which said all per-
sons receiving any type of press
credentials to the convention
must provide personal informa-
tion to the Secret Service.
Requested information in-
cludes full name, age, sex, date
and place of birth, Social Se-
curity number, current state.
city and street address, tele-
phone number, employer and

The flood, which destroyed 700 homes and caused an estimated
$100 million worth of damage, began after torrential rains swelled Holly student now
usually peaceful Rapid Creek into a massive wall of water. O
Survivors have begun to return to the flooded areas, although rules the schools
the danger of further flooding still exists.
HOLLY (I)-Just four days
PRESIDENT NIKOLAI PODGORNY of the Soviet Union after he graduated from Holly
leaves Calcutta today to visit North Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi. Senior High School, William
Diplomatic sources in Moscow speculated that the journey-was Coale became a member of the
part of a concerted Russian move to bring about settlement of the school board. l
Vietnam War. Coale, a straight-A student,
Prior to the announcement of the trip, North Vietnamese delegate was the only reported winner
to the Paris peace talks Xuan Thuy said he planned to return to the among at least 10 18-year-olds
French capital with "new directives" from his superiors. who ran for school-board posts
in the Detroit area.
THE AIR FORCE has told Congress that nearly 40 per cent of Coale was given the second of
the nation's B 2 strategic bombers may have "a structural defect two board posts by Holly School
of major proportions." District voters Monday as he
Details of Air Force testimony to the House defense appropria- ran well ahead of six older can-
tions subcommittee last March were heavily censored in the version didates.
released to the public yesterday. He trailed the leader, incum-
The defect was discovered in the wing of a bomber tested after 5-41Gr argin-not badfor a
heavy service in Indochina, and is also suspected as the cause of a first attempt.
B52 crash three years ago. Coale, who will also begin
study at the University of Mich-
BRITAIN'S CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT passed a cru- igan's Flint branch, credited
cial test in its plan to join the European Common Market last his success not to the 18-year-
night by a thin margin of eight votes. ' old vote, but to his campaign.
The vote was on the most controversial clause in the enabling "I was about the only one
legislation for membership, concerning the subordination of British ''It's something to have a can-
Law to the law of the European communities. paign here. It's just not done."
Defeat of the measure was prevented by the unusually high Hardly a media blitz, Coale
number of absent and abstaining Parliamentary Ministers. limited his campaign to dis-
- - --- tributing leaflets with a bio-
graphical sketch to north-
1 western Oakland County citi-
Britai takes ste s ees. C
Fleming speaks
to ward aend out on 'Issues

The information is to be sent
to Secret Service convention
headquarters in Miami Beach
and is to be received no later
than June 26, the Democratic
committee said.
The Standing Committee of
Correspondents, the group
charged with press arrange-
ments for coverage of Congress,
the conventions and presiden-
tial inaugurals, said it takes
sharp exception to the plan.
Other than giving the Sec-
ret Service a possible veto on
who covers the story, the move
"undermines the traditional au-
thority of accreditation so long
held by this committee," the or-
ganization said.
In a statement, the organiza-
tion added, "Recognizing the
need for security, we believe
this commitee should be con-
sulted on standards and proce-
dures before any member of the
press is summarily excluded
from the convention."
John Warner, public affairs
spokesman for the protective
agency, said the screening
"gives us no more of a"veto
than we ever had when it in-
volved people in the vicinity of
the people we were there to
He said an individual could
be expelled "if the Secret Serv-
ice felt this type of person
should not be in the vicinity of
a candidate."
He said the screening gives
agents an opportunity to make
routine checks on those attend-
ing the convention. - including
police and security forces.
$1.50 8:*O
Decco Records
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Nixon to
give brief
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Nixon invited 122 members of
Congress to the White House to-
day to talk about arms curbs he
initiated in Moscow and to ques-
tion the sometimes-elusive Henry
It wa sto be perhaps the larg-
est congressional briefing ever
scheduled for the White House
and .signified the latest adminis-
tration maneuver in a determin-
ed search for Senate and House
approval of "first step" arms
Those invited included all
members of the five key com-
mittees directly involved- in con-
-The Moscow treaty to limit
defensive strategic missiles, sub-
ject to apkproval by two-thirds
of the Senate.
-A companion five-year exe-
cutive agreement to curb offen-
sive missiles - for which Nixon
seeks a majority vote in both

LONDON (AP) - Britain's
Conservative government won
a thin majority of only eight
votes last night in a crucial
test of its plan to take the na-
tion into the European Common
The vote in the House of
Commons was 296-288.
Normally the government has
a majority of 27 in the 630-
seat house. It was perhaps sav-
ed by 46 abstentions or absen-
tees, a high total for such a
critical ballot.
The vote was on the most
controversial clause in the leg-
islation to align British laws
with those of the European
trading bloc.
It is the so-called sovereignty
clause providing that the law
of the European communities
shall override British law.
The vote came in committee

stage, with the whole house
sitting as a committee. As such
it was not a vote of confidence
where defeat would have forced
the government to resign.
The House approved entry into
the European Common Market
in principle last October by a
majority of 112. Any clause in the
enabling legislation defeated in
committee stage could be put
back in for the final vote at the
end of the parliamentary pro-
cess. -
But a defeat would have spell-
ed trouble for prospects of push-
ing the bill through in the end.
Immediately after the vote
Michael Foot, opposition Labor
party spokesman on the bill, de-
manded a statement by Prime
Minister Edward Heath "in view
of such +a derisory majority."

(Continues-from Page 3)
one else, has discriminated
against women in the past. But
"there has been real progress
in reforming our attitudes
about women, he claims.
Any affirmative action plan
will be "kind of a slow process."
he admits, however.
Budget cuts and stabilization
of the University's size have
severely curtailed the number of
new openings available to both
men and women, he claims.
Fleming says that "it will be
easier" to bring women into
non-faculty positions than fac-
ulty posts.

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Highways don't have to be this
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Drunkdrivers, problem drinkers
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But first we've got to get them
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Do something. Get in touch
with the National Safety Coun-
cil, Dept. A, 425 N. Michigan
Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611.
And your voice will be heard.
Scream Bloody Murder.
for the public good.

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