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June 15, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-15

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Cloudy, chance
of showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 26-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 15, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Bill slashes * * *
$5 million Rot orders i
Soff request
o By JIM O'B IEN P 7

' The State Senate yesterday
approved a $341.5 million high-
er education bil including a
drastically reduced appropria-
tion for the, University.
The measure, an amended
form of Gov. William Milliken's
original budget proposal, calls
for a $5.6 million funding in-
crease for the University next
Milliken's plan had originally
provided $10.2 million in new
funds for the University, still
far short of the $11 million in-
crease the University had re-
quested from the state.
The present form of the bill
requires cuts in the area of sal-
ary increases and added finan-
cial aid to students, both cruc-
ially necessary next year, ac-
cording to Allan Smith, vice
president for academic affairs.
The University had asked for
$2.7 million over last year's al-
lotment to financial help for
students, and faculty salary in-
creases averaging 11 per cent.
Milliken revised the figures
downward to $926 thousand for
student aid and 6.5 per cent as
an average pay raise.
The amended version of the
bill passed by the House cut
them still further to $152 thous-
and in student aid, and raises
averaging 4.8 per cent.
If the budget is not revised,
money for these projects will
have to be taken from some
other area of the .University,
according to Smith.
The average increase in fund-
ing for state colleges was 11
per cent over last year with the
University listed as receiving a
10 per cent hike in appropria-
According to Fedele Fauri.
vice president for State Rela-
tions and Planning the actual
increase is two per cent less
than that. because of a cut in
money received last year by
the University not reflected in
the budget.
"We hopeto get some consid-
eration from the House," where
the bill will be discussed next
week before any final action is
taken on it, Fauri said.
He plans to ask the House
Appropriations C o m m i t t e e's
Higher Education Subcommit-
tee for a hearing to present the
University's reasons for re-
questing more funds.
The University's Flint cam-
pus fared somewhat better, re-
ceiving a 48.8 per cent raise
in their budget. The figure rep-
resentsthe large enrollment in-
crease at that campus, com-
pared to the static enrollment
level here, Fauri pointed out.
Other features contained in
the measure include an "ac-
countability" clause, requiring
schools to keep track of facul-
ty work loads, and the num-
ber of students taught, in an
attempt to more accurately as-
sess the financial needs of the
various colleges.
Funding for new law schools,
to be started at Michigan State
University, Western Michigan
University, and Grand Valley
State College was also pro-
vided in the bill.

of etroit area schools
DETROIT (-Desegregation of schools in Detroit and
53 suburbs was ordered yesterday by U.S. District Judge
Stephen Roth, in a decision involving a 300-square-mile
area with 750,000 school children.
It was only the second time that a federal judge has
ordered desegregation on an areawide basis. An earlier
decision, consolidating three school districts in theRich-
mond, Va., area, has been overturned by the 4th U.S.
r{ Circuit Court of Apppeals.
The head of the board of education in Detroit, where
} the school system is 60 per cent black, said Roth's decision
would be appealed.
Roth did not order any particular desegregation plan

yesterday. Instead, he out-
lined the desegregation area
and created a panel of nine
education experts to draft a
plan within 45 days.
The panel is ordered to draw
an interim plan involving some
grades for implementation this
September, with a complete plan
for all grades to take effect in
the' fall of 1973.
Roth issued several specific
guidelines for the panel:
-Within each "cluster" of
schools and districts, the racial
makeup of each school and class
-' is to reflect the racial balance
of the cluster;
-The faculty of each school
should be at least 10 per cent
black, with biracial administra-
tive teams preferred; and
-Busing of children should be
kept to the minimum consistent
with complete desegregation.
Roth's order results from
nearly two years of hearings and
trials which began when the
NAACP filed suit charging De-
troit schools were segregated.
The case eventually was ex-
panded to include the state and
the State Board of Education as
Roth ruled last fall that De-
-Associated press troit schools were segregated as
the result of official government
actions, and ordered metropoli-
tan busing plans to be drawn up.
In March, he rejected all De-
troit-only integregation plans,
saying full desegregation of the
Detroit public schools could only
3e . come through the inclusion of
suburban students.
Roth's decision, while not un-
expected, is expected to intensify
the storm of anti-busing protest
which has swept the Detroit
area since the judge first pro-
posed areawide desegregation
last September.
0,000. The 400 At the federal level, Congress
about one per has passed and sent to President
stock. Nixon legislation which would
n'a divestment stay any new busing orders for
ie Detroit News 18 months or until all appeals
Deri es have been exhausted.
family owned. The NAACP has announced
sold by ARM, plans to challenge the consti-
titute the first tutionality of the national
t Detroit News measure.
Implementation of the order
e wanted the may deepen the already-severe
provide media financial crisis of the Detroit
ople directly," school system, which anticipates
inuing to work a deficit of nearly $90 million
without any extra desegregation
the system."
make the De- The judge ordered Michigan's
-racist corpora- superintendent of public schools
-ito provide recommendations on
financing the integration plan
Page 2 within 15 days.

VP post
By The Associated Press
Sen. Edward Kennedy ( -
Mass.) said yesterday that he
would consider running for vice
president on a ticket headed by
Sen. George McGovern (D.-S.D.),
if that was the only way to beat
President Nixon in November.
Kennedy said later, however,
that he would not take the job.
"I can't foresee any circum-
stances under which I might ac-
cept," he said. In an interview
with the Boston Globe, Kennedy
had said that he might consider
accepting the vice presidential

Judge Stephen Roth
VALUED AT $60,000:
News shares

The American Revolutionary
Media (ARM) yesterday an-
nounced that it had been granted
control of 400 of the 500,000 out-
standing shares of the Detroit
News. ARM will liquidate the
stock, according to George De-
Pue, an ARM spokesperson.
Guerin Scripps Wilkinson, a fifth
generation News heir and mem-
ber of ARM, came into legal
possession of the shares as his
inheritance on his nineteenth
Wilkinson subsequently turned
the shares over to ARM, making
DePue their legal trustee.
At $150 per share, ARM's hold-

ing is worth $6
shares represent
cent of the News
Prior to Wilkins
of his holdings, th
had been entirely
The shares to be
thus, would cons
public offering of
DePue said h
shares sold "to
tools to the pe
rather than cont
"helplessly with t
"We could not
troit News a non
tion," DePue said
See ARM,

Sen. Kennedy
He was asked, in the inter-
view, whether he could be per-
suaded to run to strengthen he
McGovern ticket.
"In my own mind, if it would
make a difference, then it would
really make a difference," the
Globe quoted Kennedy in reply
"The same general principles
apply to not accepting the vice
presidency as the presidency. I
don't want to exclude all t he
possibilities, because it would be
presumptuous of me to turn
down something that nobody has
offered. I think Sen. i McGovern
is within an eyelash of a first-
ballot nomination," he said.

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