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May 10, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-10

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ZZ P, r rigtn 43 i;j
1Vol. LXXX 1, No. I-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 10, I'972 Free Issue Sixteen Pages

Demonstrations f 1 a r e d
across the country yester-
day in reaction to President
Nixon's order to mine North
Vietnamese harbors, while
local antiwar groups plan-
ned actions for today and
later in the week.
Locally, a eroun cnmmO-d of
members of the Stodsnt Mllbili-
-ation Committee and 'outh
Liberation hIa v e sh em'
marhos at 11 a m. tod-y frm
four local schools to converne
at noon on the dia".
The demonstrators will thn
march to the air force recruiting
office where they plan to stage
In addition, the POnie
Against the Air Wiar are plan-
p nine a rally for Friday at City
Hall. Organicers exa-et a large
turnout for both actions.
At least two persons were shot
yesterday in Albuouerque. N.M.
after a demonstration in which
an estimated 700 protestors
blocked an interstate highway.
One of the gunshot victims,
University of New Mexico law
student Carolyn Coburn, was re-
ported in serious condition last
night having suffered wound
in the face, chest and abdomen.
i Police officials say they are
"in great doubt" as to whether
or not the shots were fired by
police, as police had been or-
dared to load their guns with
Ballistics reports. however in-
dicate that the shots may have
been fired by police.
In East Lansing yesterday
about 3,500 students blocked an
eiaht-lane state highway for
four hours before they were
aased by police. The protestors.
moat of them students. remained
on the highway last night how-
ever. despite the efforts of about
200 East Lansing police.
In Madison, Wis.. Monday
night a spontaneous demonstra.-
tion erupted after Nixon's
sneach. About 800 protestors set
un barricades and bonfires
around University of Wisconsin
dormitories before being tear-
eased by police. The demonstra-
tors subsequently split up and
moved to downtown Madison
where they trashed 12 business-
es, including IBM.
After a noon rally yesterday
of about 3.000 people, about
10,000 protestors last night
staged a candlelight procession
to the state capitol. Some of the
protestors spent last night at the
capitol building, while others
staged disruptions.
The University of Wisconsin's
Navy ROTC Bldg. was firebomb-
ed last night, but reportedly
See PROTEST, Page 2

Wallace sends them a message
Alabama governor George Wallace speaks last night to the more than 3,000 persons who had jammed
the Dearborn Youth Center. Wallace is campaigning in Michigan for the May 16 presidential primary.
The crowd enthusistically applauded Wallace's statements against busing, "pointy-headed intellec-
tuals" and Washington's "faceless bureaucrats."

ly The Assciated Press
The largest U.S. and naval
task force ever assembled
in Indochina struck targets
in North and South Vietnam
yesterday with the heaviest
pounding in years, after
mining the entrances to
North Vietnamese ports.
According to a radio Peking
biroadent' yest rday, further-
more. two Chiinise siiips in
North Vietnamese ikaters were
tare ts of both U.S. planes and
warshi s during weknd fight-
The broadcast, carrying a
statement by the Chinese For-
eign Ministry, said the two
ships were "brazenly and re-
peatedly attacked," and that
Chinese crew members and Viet-
namese civilians aboard were in-
jured in the attacks
In fighting yesterday, a bor-
der ranger camp in South Viet-
nam's central highlands near
Kontum was taken over and
hand-to-hand fighting was rag-
ing in another.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Com-
mand reported yesterday that
the initial phases of President
Nixon's blockade of the North
"have been successfully accom-
The U.S. Navy has warned
that the mines will be activated
automatically at 5 a.m. EST to-
morrow, giving nations with
ships in North Vietnamese wat-
ers a total of three "daylight
periods" to get out.
The navy warning, echoing
Nixon's words over national
television Monday night, said
the actions were taken "as a
part of the collective defense ef-
forts in response to the new
armed attacks" by North Viet-
nam avainst South Vietnam and
"the United States forces re-
maining in that country."
Related story
on Page 3
The Navy also notified all
mariners that U.S. and South
Vietnamese naval and air for-
ces have been directed to take
"appropriate measures within
the internal and claimed terri-
torial waters of North Vietnam
to prevent the delivery of sea-
borne supplies to North Viet-
In Washington, Pentagon
spokesman Jerry Friedheim said
that none of the 36 ships in Hai-
phong had made any move to
leave as of yesterday morning;
and that no ships had tried to
enter the port, either.
About 25 ships are en route
to North Vietnam, most of them
Soviet vessels, Friedheim said,
but he did not indicate when the
See INDOCHINA, Page 11

_McGovern takes
Humphrey wins
By The Associated Press cincts reporting, Humphrey had
Sen. Hubert Humphrey swamp- 83,067 or 69 per cent in West Vir-
ed Gov. George Wallace in West ginia and Wallace had 36,796 or
Virginia's presidential primary 31 per cent.
yesterday, but in Nebraska Sen. Humphrey termed it a magni-
George McGovern made up an ficent victory and said he gained
early return deficit and defeated it by showing the courage to con-
Humphrey as late returns came front Wallace when "the rest of
in early this morning, the candidates ran out."
In West Virginia. Humphrey Sen. McGovern hoped to pick
was doubling Wallace's tally, but up some delegates in West Vir-
in Nebraska, with 59 per cent of ginia, even though he wasn't in
the precincts reporting, Sen. the preference primary, oecause
McGovern had 42,345 or 38 per has had active volunteer groups
cent to 39,751 or 36 per cent for campaigning for his delegate
Humphrey. Wallace was running slate.
third with about 14 per cent. President Nixon walked away
The presidential preference wih the Republican primary in
contests in both states were ad- Nebraska. There was no GOP
visory, not binding on the na- presidential race in West Vir-
tional convention delegates who p
were also elected yesterday. The ginia.
outcome of those races (Me- With 40 per cent of the pre-
Govern and Bumphrey have cincts reporting Nixon was poll-
slates in both states.) may not tog over 90 per cent of the ovte
be in until tomorrow. Long bal- against Rep. John Ashbrook of
lots slowed the count. Ohio and Rep. Paul McCloskey
The preference race in West of California.
Virginia was never in doubt. McGovern, after trailing in
Wallace, virtually conceded it early Nebraska returns, moved
last Friday when he cancelled ahead of Humphrey early this
his only scheduled appearance in morning as the vote count near-
West Virginia to concentrate on ed the halfway mark.
other states. Votes for McGovern in upstate
With 36 per cent of the pre- areas, including Lincoln, erased

W. Va.


a margin Humphrey bad built
up from strong support in the
Omaha area, whose votes heav-
ily influenced the early :eturn=.
McGovern appeared to be car-
rying about three times as many
of Nebraska's 93 counties as
McGovern campaigned bar' in
Nebraska in an effort to demon-
strate vote-getting ability :n what
is considered the conservative,
agricultural heartland of the
Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty,
who had campaigned in the state
more than any other candidate
was polling about 2 per cent
and trailed with seven oher s be-
hind McGovern, Humphrey and
In state races, John Rockefel-
Ier IV, the West Virginia secre-
tary of state, won the Demo-
cratic nomination to challenge
Republican Gov. Arch Moore. Re-
publican Sen. Carl Curtis easily
won renomination in Nebraska.
In the race for the Demo-
cratic nomination to oppose Cur-
tis, State Sen. Terry Carpenter
was ahead in a close race with
economics professor W a 11 a c.e
Peterson and State Sen. Wayne

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