Tuesday, June 13, 1972 1-HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tuesday, June ~3, 1972 PHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven The Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton PERFORM The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat under the direction of The Marquis de Sade JUNE 14-17 8 P.M. EAST QUAD AU D. DONATIONS $1 RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE SUMMER THEATRE Everyone Welcome! GRAD COFFEE (~ J} HOUR Wed., June 14 E. CONFERENCE ROOM, RACKHAM Lemonade and Cake for all HIGH COURT DECISION Stop and frisk' rules eased (ContinuedfromPage1) sion which allows policemen to stop and frisk suspicious-looking persons for weapons, then use the weapons found as evidence. Williams was convicted of il- legal possession of the pistol and heroin by a Connecticut state court. He was later cleared on appeal to the U.S. Second Court of Appeals, which made the ruling overturned yesterday. The right to a lawyer decision, delivered by Justice William Douglas, guarantees a lawyer's help to millions of poor people who are prosecuted for petty offenses and misdemeanors. Less than half the states now supply free lawyers to defen- dants in all trials that could lead to a jail term. The historic ruling, an expansion of past Sixth Amendment decisions, will necessarily change trial prac- tices in those states. Chief Jus- tice Warren Burger, who con- curred, said he was confident the legal profession would meet the "large new burdens" placed upon it. The decision on serving blacks was delivered by freshman Jus- tice William Rehnquist. It went against a black brought as a guest to the Moose Lodge in Harrisburg, Pa. The black, Leroy Irvis, the majority leader of the Pennsyl- vania House, contended that since the club held a liquor license from the state it could not exclude blacks as members or as guests. Rehnquist said the club's re- fusal to serve blacks does not violate the Fourteenth Amend- ment even though the Moose Lodge gets its liquor license through the state. NOW fOrmu conveI-nton (Continued from Page 3) Arbor working on the Michi- gan Women's Political Caucus, spoke to a. large group on women in politics. "I don't think women are poli- tically naive," she commentud, "I think as a class they're more idealistic. They know 'that t h e people in power now are cor- rupt and cynical." King emphasized the impart- ance of electing women to The Michigan educational boards this year. "I believe that some of the spots open hold terms of eight years, she said. "If you can put a woman on those boards who will raise the right kinds of iuestions, you can have a long term effect." Today's decision dealt directly with the exclusion of blacks as guests-and not with their ex- clusion as members. Rehnquist said Irvis could not challenge the Lodge's all-white member- ship policy since he had never applied for membership, but had only been brought to the club as a guest. is plans at in Lansing Linda Stults led a workshop on Michigan Bell, declaring that, "Michigan Bell is w o r s e than American Telephone a n d Telegraph. Ma Bell has bigger and better sexism." Stulls and other Detroit NOW members are trying to organize women within the company to deal with Michigan Bell's cx discrimination policies. "Mhi- gan Bell is the largest private employer in the world," Stults emphasized. "It hires more wo- men than any other company in the world - over 200,000 em- ployes are hired each year. Ma Bell could have enormous poten- tial for improving women's satus." The Ann Arbor NOW chapter is working to have married wo- men's names listed in the phone directory next to their husbands names. Several women from the Gay Women's Awareness Collective in Ann Arbor spoke in a' in- formal workshop with NO W women concerning the image and problems of lesbians. "There was a point in t h e women's movement," said one gay woman, "when it was un- clear whether lesbians would be claimed by the movement. My- be that isn't true anymore, I'm not sure." NOW women assured her that they were not opposed to g a y women joining their organization, and that they were interested in hearing about gay issues. At the close of the convention, the women passed a resolotion to solicit and encourage mem- berships from young people. One woman commented, "I have a, nine year old daughter who'd just love to be here. But don't try to give her and others jun- ior memberships - they consid- er themselves women and they'd be offended:" Stempien jons race for Rep. (Continued from Page 3) seniority." Stempien also said that he was opposed to wiretapping because "it is an invasion of privacy" He is in favor of amnesty for those who refused to serve in Vietnam "after the war has end- ed." He also said that he con- sidered abortion reform 'a "legal rather than moral or religious question" and said that the "rights of the mother, father and fetus must be considered." Stempien, a supporter of Mc- Govern for cresident, said that he was confident that McGovern would win the nomination. His recidence is in Livonia where he has his law practice. He holds deg"ees from the utni- versity and Detroit College of Law -- and is a former city at- toney for the City of North- vitte. S orien will be running 0001nst three ,ther Democrats in Arg'; rio primary fr epriv- Esch, the "resemn in.rman from the Scond Dietric. Thet ciler three candidates are Wellr h-piro, a graduate i iiin rteaching fellowat ite 'University Frederick Schaill, Washt(!aw County conmissi r fra ciaYpsilanti Township, and Billy Turner, an Ypsilanti Town- ship trustee, someonrexicht' wo. ab pSwedeji o sxt ifenyas. 2trg.Adnoboan D enmarkou. fryDahiu, yrynia yo'vchar tel~a s e' nfre i e ,'Iee's a 24 earodgr fo h ie or10 e fcs Ader,,~e'sed eay e youe ine,,,iee, ee1Oeielies. j__ (f 101e1 ~ I miee~e~ee ~ .,, Japa. U;Daemasre . :Bahamas. pu ie. esons rest ed n Stadven 101 ( 'U. S. Emebai I ~eesy: o eae, eemiS I Tel. 21111 dru chre cne Iet S okolm, SwedCen 105 Akasaka IChroe' I Tel.OR4505 'I I meinium of6 oe2 mnc s ,' 1 Tel. c3/05/20 Minato-KuTokyo eti a UScof"emet. Te. 5837141 ' e aRefeecee -f ( 1 "'1 345 Colonia Cuauhtemoc : Mexico CityMexico R Spain. Penaltydepends on quantity of drugs nvolved. Less than 500 grams cannabis, fine and expulsion. More than 500 I grams, minimum of 6 years -n jail US.Embassy: Italy. an 3.40 ,ie fine. xium 11 RmeItaly r Greece. Possession, minimum 2 years _in jail Trafficking, maximum 10 years plus fine. U. S. Embassy: 91 VasilissisSophia's'Blvd. Athens. Greece Tel. 712951 L- -----..-- - -. I iei:inman3y.r plugs ne S 3Bnn-adGdeberg IeL0u2229-1955 I 1 i I I 1 I I I ------------ Lebanon. Possession. I to 3 years in priuan. Traffcking, 3 to 15 years. U. S. Embassy: Corniche atRue Aiv Mreisseh, Beirut, Lebanon Tel240-800 Turkey. Possession, 3 to 5 years. Traieking, 10 years to life. U. S. Embassy: 110 Ataturk Blvd., Ankara, Turkey 'Tl. 8. 00 Canada. Possession, ail sentence and expulsionTrafcking, min- mum 7 years, maximum life. U. S. Embassy: IOs Wellington Street Ottawa' anada Id .236-2341 ' ----------- ----------- --------- Jamaica. United ' France. an i. '." 'ins K ingdom . (prsntmof3mnhso5 I s ys MPossession.usetrafikin will also levy heavy fine. U. S.Embass ~,maximum 10 earad heavy , Minimm3to 4months ie S i amount for personal useJ aUSEmbassy: TIel.6341 e i nrsc ya fne or 1, u oFanquevile expulso. 1 l.Anjou 6440 24!36 orsquare .1- - - ~ - -- I ~ ~ I .. d' If',:"r2".''''" "0 _ t tie ( a mbn 71 k eel o ( nx minnm --rt - I perI 91s d - 1 f i 1 _ . 1,I hi I ~1 t',advetising cnrbtd fo'h pbicga