Balloonists sail up, up, and away By NANCY ROSENBAUM Up, up and away in their beautiful balloons sail local balloon enthusiasts. It's not just a local craze or a passing whim-the sport of ballooning is growing and it's growing fast. Last Saturday, nine balloonists representing various parts of Michigan and other states too, congregated in Barton Hills for a gala children's balloon party. A few hundred spectators and guests witnessed the grand departure as the balloons lifted off Sat. evening despite a temporary delay because of stronger than expected winds. Balloonists first aroused the attention of many local residents when they stationed their crafts above the University stadium last fall during half-time ceremonies at a football game. Hot air ballooning has made a decisive comeback in the last twelve years since it was discovered that a simple nylon envelope inflated with hot air generated by a propane burner could produce a reliable thermal or hot air balloon. Most balloons are rarely seen by the public-it's a sport reserved for the early morning hours when the winds are calm, the air is mild and the temperature is most agreeable for smooth flying. "It's marvelous, you feel so free. It's as though you're high above the world and just floating around," says Ann Arbor's Dr. Bill Grabb, balloon enthusiast. Dr. Grabb, one of Ann Arbor's three balloonists, is president of the Balloon Federation of America, a divi- sion of the National Aeronautic Association. Bruce Comstock, another local balloonist, is editor of "Ballooning" magazine. Dave Clagett is the third balloonist in this area. The hot air balloon works on the simple principle that air rises when it is heated. The hot air which gives the balloon its lift is produced by a propane burner. By increasing or de- creasing the amount of heat generated the balloon pilot can regulate how high the craft will go. The stronger the flame, the more hot air generated and the higher See Up, Page 10 ' I~eiri igan ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Tuesday, June 13, 1972 News Pho ie: 764-0 Page Three" Council approves weak anti-strike breaking bill Another Irish fallen An Irish youth is carried away by friends after receiving facial wounds in the Falls Rd. demonstration in Belfast, Northern Ire- land Sunday. He was hit at close range by a rubber bullet fired by a British soldier, his friends reported. NOW! Women hold first state meeting; discuss plans By DIANE. IlEVICK City Council last night voted seven to three in fa- vor of a substitute anti- strike brealger ordinance and rejected several pro- posed Human Rights Par- ty (HRP) anti-war ordi- nances. The anti-strike breaker ordi- nance as passed, which council member Nancy Wechsler (HRP- Second Ward) referred to as "watered-down." forbids any local agency or corporation to recruit or supply professional strike-breakers. The ordinance also prohibits temporary and part-tune cm- ployment agencies from refer- ringtprospective employes to parties invoiced in labor dis- putes. HRP's anti - strike breaker version, rejected eight to two, would have prohibited strike- breakers to be imported from outside the city, providing that such a prohibition did not in- fringe on the National Labor Relations Act. In addition, the HRP version made stipulations concerning vehicle penetration of picket lines and information on strike- breakers who are hired. Wechsler commented before the weakened ordinance was passed, "I will regretably vote for it. I don't consider it any victory, though." Council mem- bers Richard Hadler (R-Fourth Ward) Bruce Benner (R-Fourth Ward), and John McCormick (R-Fifth Ward) voted against the weakened version, In discussion on the anti- strike breaking ordinances, the question of their legality came up. Mayor Robert Harris said, "There's a 50-50 chance the Democratic version (the one which passed) is constitutional. There's zero chance the HRP versioin is constitutional." Re said council was "playing gambling games with the court." In other business, council de- feated an HRP proposed ordi- nance which would prohibit land use to companies that manufacture products to "de- stroy or injure human or ani- mal life" in Indochina. Another HRP resolution as- signing the City Attorney duty to counsel young men on the draft was also voted down. In positive action, council ap- proved six to four a resolution making June 19-25 Ann Arbor's first "Gay Pride Week." Stempien announces as second district candidate By MERYL GORDON Special to the Daily East Lansing - The first state convention of the National Or- ganization for Women (NOW), held Sunday in the Michigan State University Union Ballroom, gave women from different com- munities a chance to discuss lo- cal and national priorities for NOW. The 90 women, representing the nine NOW chapters throughout the state, spent the day attend- ing a variety of workshops fo- cusing on women's rights. Although no concrete action was taken by the conference, the women decided to focus their efforts this year on improving education in the public schools, passing the state's abortion re- form bill, and working on job compliance with an emphasis on Michigan Bell and the State of Michigan. The convention also elected Linda Stuits, a Detroit S o c i a I Planning Analyst, to be NOW'.- state coordinator. Ruth Popp, an executive in the state High- ways Department, was elected legislative coordinator. The day's workshops cover, d topics ranging from welfare re- form and mental health +o lobby- ing and women's image in the media. Jean King, a lawyer from Ann See NOW, Page 7 By ROBERT BARKIN Rep. Marvin Stempien (D- Livonia) announced yesterday that he is a candidate for Con- gress in the newly created Se- cond District, Stempien is cur- rently the House Majority Floor Leader in the State legislature. The Second Congressional Dis- trict consists of northwestern Wayne County, all of Monroe County except one township, and the eastern half of Washtenaw County, including Ann Arbor. Stempien said that he is "in favor of the withdrawal of all troops and supplies from ti e area of Southeast Asia." He also said that a new emphasis on domestic problems, plus cringres- sional, tax, and welfare reforin is needed. In a news conference yester- day, the candidate placed great emphasis on Congressional re- form. "The present structure die- tates against the citizen," he said. He referred to the power- ful committee chairmen as "bar- ons" and said they should be chosen "by ability rather than See STEMPIEN, Page 7