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June 13, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-06-13

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Warner, Dukes, Johnson win board seats

Clarence Dukes, a conservative, and incum-
bents Henry Johnson and Cecil Warner won
three-year terms on the city school board in yes-
terday's election.
In an election marked by an expected low
turnout of about 30 per cent of all eligible voters,
Human Rights Party (HRP) candidate Sonia
Yaco, a 15 year old student at Tappan Junior
High School, garnered a surprising 1,240 write-in
Yaco was prohibited from appearing on the
ballot because state law, requires candidates to
be over 18 years old.
According to an HRP statement released
last night, "The write-in votes for Yaco repre-
sent the most phenomenal support for a candi-
date not on the ballot in Ann Arbor history."
HRP candidates Curtis Holt and Gretchen
Groth Wilson finished last in the contest, in
which 10 candidates competed for three open

Johnson, recently'appointed vice president for
student services, commented last night on the
effect the election will have on the formerly 5-4
conservative-liberal split on the nine-person
"I'm realistic enough to know that the board
composition is now a six to three conservative
majority. This makes the job more difficult,"
he said.
Holt and Wilson scored clear victories in t=e
heavily student-populated precincts- of the First
and Second Wards. According to Johnson the
votes won by HRP "probably hurt significantly"
the candidacy of Ronald Bishop and Nancy
Brussolo, two liberal candidates.
Warner won with 7,873 votes. Johnson came
in second with 7,538 votes and Dukes garnered
6,750 votes.
M.Terry Martin finished fourth with 6,484
See JOHNSON, Page 10

Cj4P 4 400 t r4 t,[3 CYt Ft'ill,3

Cloudy, chance
of showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 24-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 13, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Court widens sto
.. .-..and frisk' powers
WASHINGTON ( -- The Robert Williams of Bridge- and a machete under the floor-
Supreme Court yesterday port, Conn., was arrested in the boards.
early morning hours of Oct. 30, The police sergeant who made
handed down several far 1966 after a policeman acting the arrest said an unidentified
reaching opinions. on a tip found a pistol hidden man at a gas station across the
Among those were: nstreet had pointed Williams out,
six to three decision giv- ineWilliams'awaistband.satfur saying he carried the contra-
thor search as Williams sat i
ing police the right to "stop and band material.
frisk" a suspect on the basis of his car turned up heroin hidden The effect of the ruling is to
an anonymous tipster's word in Williams' clothing and in the broaden the historic 1968 deci-
that the suspect carried a pistol auto, along with a second pistol See STOP, Page 7

tatt, o."., zsun uay. morcetnan one nunurea persoonsare Knon t o
have died, hundreds are missing and thousands are homeless
from an unexpected devastating flash flood.
Flood toll expected to
rise; seaorc goeson
RAPID CITY, S.D. GT) - Thousands of volunteers re- /
sumed the search for bodies yesterday, scraping away the
muck and silt left by flood waters that killed more than
200 persons and left thousands homeless in this Black Hills
resort city.
The death toll from the floods that crashed through
Rapid City late Friday remained at 208-the count report-
ed Sunday by Civil Defense officials before a 10 p.m, to
dawn curfew halted search operations by civilian volun-
The 2,500 National Guards-
men deployed in 12-hour shifts Demns tconvene
worked through the night.
FBI agents conducted a body Michigan Democrats hammer-
count early yesterday and iden- ed out a coalition at their state
tified 167 of the victims, convention last weekend. The
Officials believe as mnany as fusion plan may even keep the
400 persons are still missing. party's various factions happy.
Damage estimates topped $100
million. Much of the loss was in Besides deciding which dele-
private dwellings, mobile homes gates will represent the state at
and scores of cars crumpled like the national convention, the
tin foil by the racing wall of state Democrats also wrote a
water. strong amnesty resolution.
The water supply remained off
for the third day, prohibiting Of the 132 delegates being
bathing and making plumbing fa- sent to Miami, 53 are women, 31
cilities inoperable. Drinking wat- under 30 years of age, and 27
er was trucked from Ellsworth are black.
Air Force Base and nearby com-
munities. A well was reported' Because of the new rules gov-
dry at Custer, one of the towns erning delegate selection many
supplying water to Rapid City's party leaders will not he going
43,000 residents.
Typhoid and tetanus inocula- to the convention as delegates.
tions were given to hundreds of Democratic party leaders Sander
persons swamped and injured by Levin and Neil Stabler are two
See SEVERE, Page 10 of those not elected as delegates.

and illegal narcotics,
a seven to two decision giv-
nall defendants facing a pos-
5.551 jolt sentence the right to
a awyer. This would affect more
sha half the states where law-
yers are presently supplied only
for more serious crimes,
* a six to three decision up-
holding the right of private
clubs to exclude blacks as guests
* a four to three decision
stopping creditors from repos-
sessing merchandise without
giving the buyer advance notice
and a hearing before a "neutral
The stop and frisk decision
overturned a reversal by a fed-
eral appeals court which had
ordered a Connecticut man set

U.S. at cks cose to
border anger China
SAIGON AP}--Fuel fires and ammunition explosions
roared across a wide area of North Vietnam after U.S.
warplanes picked off targets stripped bare by previous
bombings, the U.S. Command reported yesterday.
Waves of Air Force Phantom jets demolished 60 rail
cars stranded northeast of Hanoi and 25 miles below the
Chinese border. Air Force and Navy fliers claimed touching
off 27 secondary explosions and 25 fires in the raids Sunday
aimed at preventing war materials from reaching Com-
munist forces in South Vietnam.
-.-. - China said the American air
strikes near its border with
North Vietnam were "threaten-
ing the security of China." The
Forein Ministry. in a statement
' '. ,.. r b-oadest by the Nw China
N-as ency from Peking,
ctsi,d "thesee fren7ied sets of
'e eF-ionaore not uoniv"new
war"ries" against North Viet-
nam but also " Cave provoca-
tions agerst the Chinese
Ze people."
The U.S. Command reported
_ Air Force. Navy, and Marine
fihter--bmbers flew more than
280 strikes over North Vietnam
About 20 Air Force Phantoms
pounded the north ast rail line
to China. leaving a 10-mile
stretch of the tracks in flames
and dstroying the string of
freight crs. Many of the cars
were swir to be loaded with war
materials from China, and the
explosions and fires indicated
they contained ammunition and
The command said the U.S.
raids also destroyed or damaged
three bridges. 20 trucks, five
barges, 59 supply boats and 14
warehouses in North Vietnam.
Two Navy Phantoms from the
carrier Coral Sea also shot down
a pair of slow-moving MIG17
jets 26 miles south of Hanoi,
-Dany-Denny Gainer See U.S., Page 12

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