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June 10, 1972 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-10

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Page Twelve



Students to
(Caontinued from Page 3)
planning the curriculum at
CHS. Commenting on mathe-
matics, his area of interest, he
said, "I don't see how they can
set up courses comparable to
those at Pioneer and Huron
without a lot of curriculum de-
velopment planning."
Dean Bodley and the five
teacher-planners have been
working fulltime on the project
since March 1. Betty Anderson.
one of the teacher-planners,
noted that "there's a delicate
b a 1 a n c e between planning

work, study
enough that you have a strong
program and planning so much
that you lose the ability to be
responsive to the students and
the teachers."
"The start-up expense of
Community High School is 3%
of the start-up cost of Scarlett
School and Huron High School,"
says Godley. CHS will be housed,
not in 2 new building, but in
the old Jones School on N. Di-
cis.on street. The operating costs
of CHS will be "consistent"
with those of the other high

Toeat or no tto eat.. .
This is the third in the summer series of consumer surveys
listing grocery prices around the city, for the week that ended
The survey indicates prices only. Shopping at the "win-
ning store" does not guarantee quality or that you will find
exactly what you want.
A group of University students with the aid of the Public
Interest Research Group in Michigan surveyed 14 stores, com-_
paring prices on 98 itms appearing on a typical shopping list
under the categories meats, staples, dairy, produce, 'other.' and
The stores are ranked weekly acording to cost for all pro-
ducts priced, with last week's position in parenthesis.
Rank Name, Location
of Store All Products Meats Dairy Produce
1 ( 1) Meijers
Carp. & Ellsworth 44.58 9.98 3.52 3.28
2 ( 5) A&P
Plymouth Road 45.55 10.25 3.41 3.89
3 ( 3) A&P
Maple Village 46.02 10.45 3.41 4.07
4 ( 2) A&P
E. Huron 46.10 10.51 3.39 4.13
5 (10) Wrigley
Wash. & Stadium 46.17 10.79 3.52 3.82
5 ( 9) Great Scott
Packard & Carpenter 46.17 10.66 3.59 3.51
7 (5) A&P
Stadium & State 46.30 10.45 3.41 4.11
8 ( 7)' Vescio
Stadium & Liberty 46.36 10.19 3.63 3.99
9 ( 8) Wrigley
Stadium & Liberty 46.50 10.81 3.52 3.93
10 ( 4) Wrigley
Maple Village 46.75 11.01 3.58 3.93
11-14 The Kroger stores on Broadway, at Arborland, on Pack-
ard and at Westgate.
Join the Daily Editorial Staff
Conspiracy presents
Theatre X
"Theatre X is far superior to the ordinary informal
theotre group . . . innovative . . . a refreshing
breath of air for the Ann Arbor theatrical environ-
ment. Whew . . . do we need it."
-Gloria Joe Smih, MICHIGAN DAILY
"A charged powerhouse called Theatre X performs
the Shakespeare classic emphatically, almost with-
out mercy. The play is choreographed throughout--
the jerky thrusts of the actors working contra-
puntally with Shakespeare's poetry. Rermarkably,
the poetry never gets trampled---it emerges clean,
neat and pungent"
330 Maynard 8:00 $2 at the door

Voters face
(aontinued from Page 1
The school board this year
voted down by a one-vote mar-
gin the "pairing" plan in the
Clinton school district which
would have involved busing.
Though some candidates have
made busing a major issue, oth-
ers say that it is only politically
expedient to do so.
Holt says, "I personally think
that some people are just going
to vote buing or anti-busing
and the school board will get
stacked with people who are
against innovation."
Johnson says, "Busing is a
code word for nap.t awhates to
aean segregation.It'sonly aii
issue if you make it an issue''
Dukes, Martin, Warner and
Wickliffe oppose busing to
achieve racial balance.
While candidates have dis-
cussed the issue of .student
rights. amore immediate ques-
tion is the place of a voting
student on the board.
Yaco's candidacy is challeng-
ing both a legal question and
the proper role of students in
the board's decision-making.
Yaco, a 15-year-old, will not
appear on the ballot, due to
state law which requires that
candidates be over 18. However,
a write-in campaign has been
organized by HRP.
HRP is challenging the bar-
ring of Yaco's name and has
said that they will appeal to the
Supreme Court if necessary.
The election may also reflect
community reaction to the poli-
cies and programs of the cur-

school issues
Superintendent R. Bruce Mc-
Pherson, who was appointed last
July, has become the focus of
a recent controversy. Mildred
Bautista, formerly an assistant
to the superintendent, was
asked to resign following an in-
vestigation into charges that
her credentials were falsified.
Though McPherson has deni-
ed any prior knowledge of her
false credentials, segments of
the community have called for
his resignation. Martin is the
only candidate who has de-
manded publicly that he resign.
Most of the other candidates
have expressed a "wait and see"
attitude, though some have
said that the controversy has
hurt the administration's credi-
bility with the community.

Saturdoy, June 10, 1972
TONIGHT 7 and 9
3020 Washtenaw Dial 434-1782
Jury Prize adWne
1912 Cannes
f IVE"

Everyone Welcome!
Wed., June 14
Lemonade and Cake for all



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