Saturday, June 10, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Saturday, June 10, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Po~je N~rte IF -~______ ~;ii conspiracy presents John Fahey in concert with Ed H Virginia 1( -Chicago singer-so Saturday, June 17 1 Kissinger 1 ln with Japar TOKYO (P) - Henry Kis Japan after two postponement anese leaders today in hope of in relations between the Unite ally. The wide-roving presiden nese leaders on, among other S. foreign policy signaled by trips to China and the Soviet, The Japanese are particularly interested in an explanation of why Nixon reversed long-stand- ing U.S. policy on China and de- cided on the trip to Peking without consulting his allies in Tokyo. Another irritant in U.S.-Japan relations likely to come up in the three-day visit is trade. U.S. policies to strengthen the dol- lar and the Peking visit a r e known in the Japanese press as the "Nixon shocks," and they have strained the close ties be- tween Washington and Tokyo. Kissinger's plans include talks with Prime Minister Eisaku Sato. Japanese newspapers re- ported yesterday that Sate, 71, is suggesting he will retire The Japanese press also re- ported that Kissinger will de- liver to the Japanese govern- ment a letter from Nixon invit- ing Emperor Hirohito to visit the United States next year. to Coilfer 's leaders singer, finally making it to s, is starting talks with Jap- mending some broken fences d States and its major Asian tial envoy will brief Japa- matters, the evolution of U. President Nixon's summit Union. olstien emens ngwriters- 8300 P.M. Power Center for the Performing Arts TICKETS: $3.50 at Conspiracy, 330 Maynard Street, the Michigan Union and all J.L. Hudson outlets ReEHcIENRY JOHNSON ANN ARBOR SCHOOL BOARD The Black School Administrators of Ann Arbor urge you to keep o fighter in the ring. Henry Johnson is a leader in the battle for these and dozens of other issues: " EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY > - * THE CAPACITY FOR CHANGE * CITIZEN INPUT * STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPON- SIBILITIES >tf* BOARD CREDIBILITY AND 4 3