MONTAGNARD REFUGEES, who have already fled their homes numerous times, runc
tum street, after North Vietnamese gunners shelled the battered city yesterday
U.S. planes hit
Hanoi, Haiphong:
top advisor dies
SAIGON 1"- -American warplanes battered the edges of
Hanoi and Haiphong this week with the most concentrated
bombing of North Vietnam's military heartland in more
than four years, U.S. officials said yesterday.
The officials also announced yesterday the death of
John Paul Vann, 47, in a helicopter crash. Vann, the senior
U.S. advisor in the central highlands and considered the
top American expert on pacification, became the highest
ranking civilian to die in the Vietnam war.
Vann was named senior adviser in the 2nd military
region 13 months ago, after several years in the Mekong
Delta where he earned a high reputation for his success in
pacification in the countryside.
The strikes Thursday used
laser-directed 2 000- and 3,00-
pound bombs and were followed .
by saturation raids by 30 or
more B52s in the southern pan-
Fighter-bombers struck at
~oc c least 200 times, collapsing rail
down a on bridges 25 miles from China
leaving a barracks and ware-
house complex near Hanoi in
flames and exploding a Hai- :;"..C
phong fuel depot, officials said
"It was one of our most effec-
tive days over Hanoi," an Air
Force officer said. The raids
used far more sophisticated
bombs-with accuracy up to
five feet - than explosives
dropped during President Lyn- Joln Paid (nn
don Johnson's 1965-1968 cam-
In South Vietnam, the U.S. Soc ll Se(Utitv
: Command said, tactical aircraft
Page Three made nearly 400 strikes Thurs- *
day, including heavy bombing by raise I'esflcteU
B52s to support ground troops.
It was a marked increase in the Conservatives on the Senate
raids after several days of bad Finance Committee succeeded
weather. yesterday in holding a general
South Vietnamese spokesmen increase in Social Security ben-
said waves of helicopters man- fits to 10 per cent.
aged to fly into the besieged However, Chairman Russel
provincial capital of An Loc, 60 Long (D-La.) pointed out that
miles from Saigon, and shuttle 64 of the Senate's 100 members,
out wounded on Friday. It was including himself, have an-
the biggest evacuation since nounced they will vote for a 20
communist troops cut off the per cent increase when the
town 64 days ago soon after body considers the bill.
am he added, starting their offensive into When the House voted on the
inction, not so South Vietnam, officers said. bill last year, it approved only
e persons, but The air strikes in North Viet- a 5% boost. But Rep. Wilbur
selors," a term nam were the third heavy raids Mills (D-Ark.) chairman of the
heir active role in three days along the Hanoi- Ways and Means Committee
dents. Haiphong axis. The B52s struck who will head the House con-
en voiced that just north of the demilitarized ferees on the legislation, has
School will be- zone Thursday and followed up since said that he favors 20
g ground for yesterday by dropping hundreds per cent and that financing for
t make it at a of tons of bombs on war ma- it is available.
h school. Bode- terial awaiting shipment into The increase would be made
nted out that South Vietnam, officials said. retroactive to June 1.
Saturday, June 10, 1972
News Phote: 764-0552
Innovalive Corn unily Hi
Scolpasopening in
U a
Scheduled to open this fall,
High School (CHS)' is designed
to get the student out of the
classroom and into the com-
munity at-large.
Its most obvious innovation is
the community resource course,
a work-study opportunity in any
of several hundred areas of local
Ann Arbor endeavour.
The Community High School
is not a vocational training cen-
ter. It offers all the conventional
courses which Huron and Pio-
neer High Schools offer. But as
an alternative to the usual high
school experience, CHS aims, to
set each student in a wide vari-
ety of learning opportunities
throughout the community.
Dean Bodley, dean of the new
school, said that approximately
100 people have volunteered to
be community resources, while
30 teachers have applied for the
18 available teacher-counselor
positions. 483 students have en-
Community High School has
been compared by many to the
year-old Pioneer II school. Both
assume a "learning by doing"
approach to education and at-
tempt to individualize their pro-
grams in order to meet each
student's needs and desires.
The two differ, however, in
the degree to which they are
structured. Pioneer II tends to
rely on the individual direction
of each student; little formal
curriculum planning; and the
use of teachers as resource per-
Coimmunity High School, on
the other hand, said Bodley. "is
a structured school." The edu-
cational experience will be
"closely monitored" and "regu-
larly evaluated" in order to im-
prove the progrt
The staff will fu
much as resourc
as "teacher-couin
which indicates t
in guiding the stu
Fears have be'
Community High
come a dumpin
anyone who can'
conventional higi
Iv however, poi
'U' offei Russian poet
a e
pos of poet-in-residence
The Uti versity has offered a had "no useful work" and sen-
renoswned Russian poet, Iosif tenced to five years at hard
Brodsky, a position at the Uni- labor in a labor camp. He was
versity. If Brodsky accepts, lie freed after 18 months.
will become the University's Very little of BI dsky's own
poet-irs-residence, toth ias ben subliihed ttopcnly
Brodsky, a controversial fig- in the Soviet tliin. siodsky is
ure iti Russia, left the Soviet also well lots iss'ii a translator
Union last Monday because the of English, i uodern American,
authorities there had suppressed andIrih lisets rit
his writings. "We'ii vies excited that this
He is presently in Vienna and vytalinteds poet will be con-
should be arriving at the Uit- ttie, a position here," said
versity in two weeks to uoisider "rank ritd'Rhods, Literary College
the position. He has also beets Dtai. "If lie accepts, he will be
offered an appointment in the a tremendous campus resource.
department of Slavic languages We hope he'll be conducting
and literature, seminars, offering readings of
Brodsky has had a very diffi- his and other's poetry and
cult time with Soviet authori- teaching courses in creative
ties for nearly ten years. In writing. He'll'" also be able to
1064, he was convicted of being give all of us a unique perspec-
"an idler and a parasite" who tive on Soviet society."
enrollment is voluntary. In ad-
dition. the students must meet
the same requirements as at
Pioneer and Huron High schools.
Minority enrollment in CHS is
" for the first year. Bodley
tliinks that among the students
sho have signed up for CHS is
a"witde rtange of past academic
performance in the conventional
schools. He does not regard CHS
as an option only for the stu-
dests who are not going to col-
lege or who have riot done well
in conventional studies.
Students are coming to Com-
munity A igh School for a variety
of reasons. Margaret Loomis. a
senior. said, "A lot of us are
expecting CIIS to " on a more
personal level. I m lookiig for
a closer relationship between
teachers tnd students." She also
expects more opportunities for
"going it on your own, doing
thinshs by yourself and for your-
Cindy Smith, junior said,
"I'ms ex-cting a lot more stu-
dewt determination of what we
do- nct o many teachers with
uipls over yoga."
Cindy's sister Kathy, a so'ior,
saidthat CS will, if anythisg,
imov is' 'iih'r chanes of getti'"
itori the col's tlste of her choice.
"I'm taking all the college prep
courses I would normally take,
but at CHS I'll also be doing
things that broaden my inter-
Donald Newsted, a teacher at
Huron High, however, doubted
that enough time has gone into
See STUDENTS Pa e 12
i {C ii bist
Police raid Dodge State Park near Pontiac Thursday looking
for drug violations. They arrested 19 persons, but only three
were for drug offenses. These three seaworthy freaks slip away
before the police used tear gas to break up th unruly crowd.