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Fair and cool
Vol. LXXXII, No. 23-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 10, 1972
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
-Associated Press
FORMER ATTY. Gen. John Mitchell and his successor, Richard Kleindienst, are all smiles now that
Kleindienst is finally the top law enforcement officer in the country. Yesterday, President Nixon
nominated University Prof. Thomas Kauper to work under Kleindienst and head the justice depart-
ment's antitrust division.
Voters face arraoy o issues in
in cty school boardelection
law prof.
icke for slot
ml juts-tice de-t.
President Nixon announced yesterday he will nominate
University Law Prof. Thomas Kauper to head the justice
department's antitrust division.
Kauper, who teaches antitrust and property law, will
replace Richard McLaren in the assistant attorney general
Previously, Kauper served as a deputy assistant attor-
ney general and general legal counsel under then Asst.
Atty. Gen. William Rehnquist-now a Supreme Court
McLaren, who had a major role in the International
Telephone and Telegraph
antitrust suit settlement, re-
signed to become a federal
udge in Illinois.
Kauper had no comment yes- >
terday on the ITT case, nor on
any other matters he will handle e .
as chief of the antitrust division.
Atty. Gen. Richard Klein-
dienst, who was confirmed by :;'
the Senate Thursday, called ::x> >
Kauper with the news yesterday
He will move to Washington
within the next few weeks.
Kauper, 36, served as a legal
assistant to Supreme Court Jus-
tice Potter Stewart in 1961 and
1962 before coming to the Uni-
versity in 1964. Here he joined
his father, Paul Kauper, who Prof. Kauper
has been a University constitu-
tional law professor since 1936. St }
Kauper quipped yesterday that 3tate w
at the age of ten "he was gettingi P
Supreme Court cases at the
dinner table."
He declined to comment on
any matters involving the de-
partment, including wiretapping
which was ruled unconstitution-
al and constitutional in con- By JOHN ADAMS
flicting federal court rulings The State Stnate Judiciary
this week. Committee is debating a bill
Kleindienst, who took over for that would legalize wiretapping
President Nixon's campaign after "normal investigation
manager John Mitchell, an- procedures have been diligently
nounced yesterday that wire- tried and have failed . . . or
tapping was a "legitimate con- reasonably appear to be too
stitutional means to root out dangerous to employ."
organized crime," and vowed to Under the bill and similar
keep using it. legislation which passed the
"This will be done while this State House in December, jud-
President (Nixon) is President ges could issue wiretapping
and while I am attorney gen- warrants, when they are con-
eral," Kleindienst told the vinced that "probable cause ex-
Philadelphia chapter of the Fed- ists" to believe a person is com-
eral Bar Association. mitting, has committed or is
b rit t nm ifn ri -
Daily News Analysis
Though city school board
elections usually generate low
voter interest and turnout, sev-
eral factors could make Mon-
day's contest an exception.
Ten candidates, representing
all sides of the political spec-
trum from radical to conserva-
tive are competing for three
vacant seats on the nine-person
Although there is a five-four
conservative - lib-ral split on
the present board, the outcome
of this year's election could
shift the distribution signifi-
One unknown element in this
year's race is the effect of the
three Human Rights Party (H-
RP) candidates - Curtis Holt,
Gretchen Groth Wilson and
Sonia Yaco.
Citizens to Assure a Respon-
sive Educational System (CA-
RES), a community organiz-
ation which has endorsed Nan-
cy Brussolo and incumbents
Ronald Bishop and Henry
Johnson, has said that HRP
might "split the socially respon-
sive vote."
The Daily in yesterday's edi-
tion incorrectly listed school
board candidate Henry John-
son as Henry Jackson.
Candidates who stand to gain
from the split are Clarence
Dukes, M. Terry Martin, incum-
bent board president Cecil War-
ner and Letty Wickliffe.
An HRP spokesperson, how-
ever, emphasizes that the elec-
tion should be a political one
instead of just a "contest be-
tween personalities."
This election will test HRP's
appeal in non-student areas.
Since this is a city-wide elec-
tion, HRP will have to muster
support across the board. And
unlike the April City "Council
election, HRP cannot count on
a heavy student vote during the
summer. ,
Some observers have said that
members of the community may
vote to insure an HRP loss.
A multitude of issues have
been discussed during the cam-
paign. Candidates have focused
on busing, racism, student
rights, community involvement
in decision making, the credi-
bility of the administration, and
.See VOTERS, Page 12
Muskie refuses to witlhdraw front race
WASHINGTON (I')-Se.n. Edmund
Huskie (D-Me) announced Friday he
is staying in the race for the Demo-
ratic presidential nomination. rather
than withdrawing in favor of Sen.
George McGovern (D-S.D.).
Conosndig a variety of predictions,
5 ie said he would be doing Me-
Gov rn a greatdisservice and would
harm ihe rforms that have opened
Lhe Democratic convention to popular
participa ion if he were to endorse the
south Dakota Dmocrat.
'Party unity is not achieved with the
mar" wnd of the kingmakir," Muskie
"Ho xna-, r r hand Sen. McGovern a
'illi d t ss lv he tlold a luncheon meet-
ni of t he Notional Press Club.
"I xhii Senator McGovern will use
,he Iime before the convention to draw
in the wisdom and experience of those
1ements of the party not yet prepared
o support his candidacy," Muskie said.
He said McGovern will go to the con-
vntion with between 1,200 and 1,300
elegate votes and said it is only realis-
ic to assume "tht his nomination is
'robable." The winner will ieed 1,509
Mcvern whose planned trip to
O lahoma ti wis cancilled because of a
exinmb threat on his plane, was casual
abu ukesdecision.
ii ud ht r'skie had decided to
ei-.ain x in t)" prsidential race, Me-
ovr:n sid ho could not see that the
Jecision would make any findxental
:liffe,'rnce in his own chancs for a
first ballot victory.
"I don't think it huts," lle sxlid. "W
" ie w xnnin without Sei. Muskie and
we will continue to win without lxim
Sen. Hub irt Humphrey (D-Mnix) saii
xe was pleased with Muskie's decision
and said it "kept it a much more open
envention." He said le had talked
with Muskie and that both were in-
terested "in having a party that can
agout io commit a crime -- up
to and including murder, kid-
naping ,gambling, robbery, and
sale of narcotics or marijuana.
State Rep. James Tierney (D-
Garden City), who introduced
the wiretapping legislation in
the House, says it will help law
enforcemert agencies fight or-
ganized crime.
As passed by the House, wire-
tapping wruld be allowed in all
state countics. But the judiciary
committee has amended the bill
to allow wiretapping only in
counties with populations of
400,000 or more, where, accord-
ing to Tierney, most organized
crime is cntered.
One Lasin observer says
"iany legislaWers think further
powe is , sicxcydsinc they
feellawi a's' 'xcxrs>heoriot have
suffieixnt powr to enforce the
'iTl bill xas r.ceived the sup-
port of the Detroit Police De-
pcctincnt exit the' Michigani
PreseutingA ttoinys Associa
However, Sex. Daniel Cooper,
iD-Oak Park) says it is a "ridi-
culous theory" that wiretapping
could hamper organized crime
in the state.
See WIRETAP, Page 2