Napalm mishap
hits 20 civilians
1By The Associated Press
Near Saigon, a South Vietnamese Al Skyraider acciden-
tally dropped four canisters of napalm close to a temple
yesterday setting off a searing inferno in which about 20
civilians and soldiers were killed or injured.
South Vietnamese marines stormed the nine-mile de-
fense line above Hue and advanced into communist-held
territory yesterday while U.S. officials disclosed the heaviest
air strikes over North Vietnam in three weeks.
Sheets of flame ripped across the district town on High-
way 1, about 25 miles northwest of Saigon. Scores of women,
children and soldiers ran down the road, but some could
not escape the burning jellied gasoline that clung to their
Muskie talk,
no deal set
George McGovern (D-S.D.) met
with Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-
Me.) yesterday, amid reports
that Muskie would abandon his
campaign for the Democratic
presidential nomination entirely
and support McGovern.
"There was no pressure from
me to get him to withdraw or
release his delegates," Mc-
Govern said after a brief discus-
sion with Muskie in a room off
the Senate floor.
McGovern said Muskie asked
for more time to decide his
future role in the campaign for
th e Democratic presidential
Muskie denied that he would
release his delegates to Mc-
Govern at this time, during a
press conference after the meet-
McGovern said he and Muskie
discussed only "staying in con-
tact and avoiding disrupting the
Democratic party," but would
disclose no details of the meet-
McGovern quoted Muskie as
saying he was most interested in
defeating President Nixon. "And
so am I," McGovern said.
Muskie has 166 delegates com-
mitted to him at the Democratic
National convention. McGovern
has 907% delegates. For nomi-
nation, 1509 votes are needed.
McGovern and Muskie were
in Washington for the Senate
vote on confirming Richard
Kleindienst to be attorney gen-
eral. Both opposed Kleindienst's
McGovern, who plans a cam-
paign awing through the South,
told a reporter earlier a South-
ern runnig-mate 'would be
helpful" if he agreed generally
with McGovern's policies and
views and was qualified t take
over the White House without
major policy changes.
One small girl ripped off all
her clothing and ran naked with
several other children, crying and
screaming. The skin was burned
off her back. An old woman
screamed hysterically that her
four children had burned to
death. Another old woman
clutched a charred child, seek-
ing help.
Medics treated youngsters who
had been seared when the na-
palm exploded, and other Sai-
gon troops aided the injured.
Government soldiers, burned
by the attack. lay along the
road. A South Vietnamese man
hobbled along the highway.
carrying his wife piggyback
style. She had been sprayed by
the napalm.
The propeller - driven bomber
accidentally dropped the napalm
on both sides of the highway.
near a Cao Dai temple, while
trying to flush out communist
troops surrounding Trang Bang.
The jellied gasoline fell into the
positions of a Saigon infantry
company and civilians trying to
escape the cross fire.
Military sources said another
accidental South Vietnamese air
attack occurred Wednesday, be-
low the northern defense line at
the My Chanh River. Govern-
ment A37 jets struck advance
paratrooper units there, killing
nine and wounding 21, the
sources said. Airborne troops are
p u s h i n g against communist
troops lodged near the former
imperial capital of Hue. south of
the river.
American pilots flew more than
300 strikes over the North on
Wednesday, using B52 bombers
on two missions for the first
time since April 24, the U.S.
Command said.
Hanoi claimed three U.S. war-
planes were shot down over
North Vietnam yesterday.
Air Force F4 Phantoms col-
lapsed the mouth of a rail tun-
nel only 20 miles below the Chi-
nese frontier Wednesday, using
laser-guided bombs. U.S. afficials
SOUTH VIETNAMESE forces follow terrified children down Route 1 near Trang Bang after'a South
Vietnamese Skyraider accidentally dropped four canisters of napalm yesterday. The girl at center,
who ripped off her burning clothes, suffered severe back burns.
Friday, June 9, 1972
News Pho ie: 764-05
Page Three
Circuit judge declares recess
Eckstein makes Dem. hid
for state representative
Peter Eckstein has announe-
his candidacy for the Democra-
tic nomination for State Repre-
sentative from the 53rd Dis -
Perry Bullard and Marvin
Carlson are also candidates.
Eckstein calls for an elected -.
consumer advocate for the
state, an end to "regulatory ag-
encies that do not regulate",
and tax inequities according to
a press release.
Eckstein says that he is en-
tering the race "to seek ways to -
make state government more re-
sponsive to the needs of the
people" of the state.
Eckstein also calls for an end '
to gexism in hiring practices
among the state executive de- .s
; partment Peter Eckstein
in Indian
Circuit Court Judge William
Ager yesterday ordered a two
week reess in the hearing on a
suit brought against the Uni-
versity by the Chippeawa, Ot-
tawa, and Potowatomy Indians.
Adjournment until June 22 was
granted to give University at-
torney Roderick Daane time to
prepare briefs in a move to set
aside a default motion against
The default was filed by the
Indians' attorney Elmer White
when the University failed to an-
ser the suit last fall.
The suit charges the Uni-
versity with failure to live up to
treaty obligations made in 1817
to provide for the education of
the state's Indian population.
According to the Indians, the
treaty of Ft. Meigs in which the
University was ceded Indian
land contains a provision thai
the University will ediucate the
state's Indians.
University attorneys have
claimed that no binding promise
is contained in the treaty.
The suit seeks a money judge-
ment on the University to com-
pensa te for what the Indians
terma failure to provide neces-
sary recruiting, counseling and
scholarship services.
The American Indians Unli. i
ed, a local organization. is ase
demanding that the Regents up-
grade services to Indians in
these areas.
Over a year ago and again last
month these demands were pre-
sented to the Regents, by the
No action, however, has been
taken by the University. Officials
claim they are trying to deal
with the demands but lack the
funds to do so.
The University has tried on a
number of occasions to have the
case moved out of the circuit
Daane lost two appeals to
move the case to Federal Dis-
suit against U
trict Court in Detroit. White alsi
Yesterday, he asked that the versity with
case be moved to the Court of strange ma
Claims, saying it was the only the case."
court with jurisdiction to judge "requires th
money claims against the state to court an
of Michigan or the University. The Univers
"The University," White said court."
yesterday," can't decide what According
to do. They lost twice in federal versity didn
court and now they're claiming cause it was
that the Court of Claims has a series ofc
jurisdiction." to the India
Court to hear suit on
State Senate election
Oral arguoent on a lawsuitseking to force new state Senat
elections this year will be heard today in Detroit.
Plaintiffs in the suit, filed by the New Democratic Coalition,
would be under-represented by the present Senate because of
changes in the 1970 census.
In addition, the 520,000 newly enfranchised 18 to 20 year olds
would be denied fair representation in the State Senate until 1975
unless new elections are held this year.
Perry Bullard, attorney for the New Democratic Coalition,
said yesterday that he expected the Michigan Court of Appeals
to issue a decision from the bench today. The suit was filed May
16 simultaneously in the Michigan Court of Appeals and the-
Michigan Supreme Court.
Bullard said that he had originally asked that a decision on
the suit be rendered by yesterday to ensure sufficient time for
state Senate candidates to file for office by the June 20 deadline.
According to Bullard, if the Court of Appeals acts tomorrow,
there will still be sufficient time for an appeal to the State
Supreme Court.
Bullard cited the 1964 State Supreme Court decision which
held that ample time existed "for holding orderly primary and
general elections for the State legislature" provided that a plan
was placed in effect by June 25 of that year.
The Michigan Supreme Court had previously refused to hear
the case prior to the Court of Appeals decision.
o charged the Uni-
"acting in a very
nner" in regards to
The law," he said,
e defendant to come
d answer charges.
ity didn't come to
to Daane, the Uni-
't come to court be-
awaiting answe-s to
questions he had put
n's attorneys.