C4C , t t l i 34,att-u
Vol. LXXXII, No. 22-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 9, 1972
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
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Tokyo Hank
Professional tourist Hank Kissinger buttons his jacket debonairly
before leaving on another bachelor jaunt - this time to the Far
East and the alluring charms of Japanese diplomats.
Sunday in the park:
Kick out the jams!
H o u s e of Representatives
passed a massive higher ed-
ucation bill containing the
strongest anti-busing pro-
vision ever approved by
Congress yesterday.
The bill which now goes to
President Nixon, would put an
18 month moratorium on im-
plementation of any court de-
segregation order until all ap-
peals have been exhausted.
Civil rights supporters at-
tacked the provision as a heavy
blow to desegregation, and
many anti-busing members op-
posed it because they wanted
even stronger language, but
broad support combined to pass
the bill 218-180
The bill would establish for
the first time a program of di-
rect federal support for colleges
that could provide them with
as much as $1 billion a year. It
also would launch a new stu-
dent aid program under which
each college student would be
entitled to $1400 a year minus
what his parents can contri-
It is unclear how much mon-
ey the University could get
under the provisions of the bill.
Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allen Smith said it is
unlikely that the University aid
will receive money during tbe
1972-'73 school year.
Other provisions in the bill
establish a National Institute of
Education, new programs of
support for occupational educa-
tion, and Indian education, and
authorize $2 billion over the
next two years to help schools
The bill also contains a pro-
vision banning sex discrimina-
tion in federally aided educa-
tion programs.
Educators and legislators have
called it the most important
measure affecting higher edu-
cation that Congress has passed
in more than 100 years.
Nixon has been reported by
the White House to be dissatis-
fied with the busing provision,
but the bill's sponsors expect
him to sign it.
Of the 17 Michigan represen-
tatives voting, only liberal Dem-
ocrat John Conyers, and con-
servative Republicans Gerald
Ford, Robert Vanderjagt and
Jack McDonald opposed the bill.
provisions in the 229-page bill
the focal point of sharp contro-
versy surrounding it has been
a single paragraph that would
prevent any desegregation or-
ders of a federal court from be-
ing carried out until Jan. 1,
1974, unless all appeals have
been exhausted.
Civil - rights groups, con-
For a little "rock 'n' roll
hoochy-cooch," join the Mojo
Boogie Band, BratgGuardian
Angel and -the Dangerous Up
Sunday at one in the Otis Spann
Memorial Field next to Huron
High School on Fuller Road.
The concert, the first in a
series sponsored by the Commu-
nity Parks Program (CPP), will
be patrolled by the psychedelic
rangers. The rangers have been
providing security for the con-
certs for the past four years,
ever since the city decided they
could not afford to police the
"The idea of the rangers," said
Frank Duff, CPP organizer, "has
been to get people who would
normally go to the concerts to
work for them. The rangers ask
people for help, asking them to
park elsewhere, or things like
that. instead of giving orders.
People have been very respon-
sive to it."
This year the rangers have
been going through some first
aid and drug help training. Genie
Plamondon, Rainbow People's
Party person, who helped organ-
tending the provision would ef-
fectively halt court - ordered
desegregation, urged defeat of
the entire package in order to
eliminate the provision.
Antibusing forces, seeking
even stricter controls over tfhe
courts, wanted to defeat the bill
so the way will be clear to of-
fer a stronger proposal.
ize the training sessions, said,
"We just found that the rangers
were becoming organized into
three groups, stage crew, traffic
control, and working with the
people. After last year we de-
cided that we should go through
some training since we have to
deal with all the problems the
police deal with."
"It's not that easy," Plamon-
don added, "some people think
we're pigs, and we have to try
to explain what the rangers do.
We're trying to come up with
new solutions, we don't want to
be just like the police."
Duff feels that relations have
improved between the people
and the police as a result of the
summer concerts. "One of the
really nice things about having
people police themselves is that.
although a few police are here,
they don't have to work. They
start to relax and talk to kids.
and the kids feel comfortable
with them," he said.
Approximately 50 rangers work
each Sunday, along with a team
from Drug Help and several
Kleindienst, Schultz
WASHINGTON (A - Amid clashing cries of politics
and cover-up, the Senate yesterday confirmed by a 64-19
vote Richard Kleindienst's nomination as attorney general.
The Senate also confirmed yesterday by 83 to 0, the
nomination of another Cabinet member, George Shultz, to
be secretary of the Treasury. There had been no organized
opposition to him.
The nomination of the conservative Arizona lawyer
to succeed John Mitchell as attorney general was submit-
ted Feb. 15 by President Nixon.
It became enmeshed in a controversy over the Jus-
tice Department's out-of-court settlement last year of
three antitrust cases against International Telephone &
Telegraph Corp.
In the final debate before the
vote, liberal Democrats con-
tended an effort to get the full
story on whether a political
deal was involved in the settle-
ment had been stymied.
Columnist Jack Anderson
had published a memo written
by ITT's Washington lobbyist,
Dita Beard, linking settlement
of the antitrust cases against
the giant conglomerate to its
f i n a n c i a 1 committment for
the GOP convention. Beard lat-
er denied writing the memo.
Anderson, whose allegations
prompted the investigation,
called the Senate vote "an ex-
ercise in cynicism."
"Most Republicans and Dem-
ocrats alike ignored the evi-
dence," he said. "No wonder the
American people are turning
sour on our political system."
Republicans said the Demo-
crats were playing election-year
politics and that no evidence
had been produced of any im-
Richard Kleindienst proper conduct by Kleindienst.
10 candidates vie in school board race.
Ten candidates vying for three seats
on the city school board are in the final
stages of a campaign which culminates
in Monday's election.
Though the election is called non-
partisan, Curtis Holt, Gretchen Groth
Wilson and Sonia Yaco of the Human
Rights Party (HRP) are running to-
gether on a unified party platform. Yaco,
a 15-yeor-old Tappan Junior High School
student, will not appear on the ballot,
however, because state law requires
candidates to be 18 years old.
The other seven candidates are run-
ning as individuals. Two sets of these
candidates, however, h a v e received
group endorsements from segments of
the community on the basis of com-
men general positions and goals.
Citizens to Assure a Responsive Edu-
cational System (CARES), a community
organization, have endorsed Nancy Brus-
solo and board incumbents Ronald Bis-
hop and Henry Jackson. Each, however,
according to Johnson is running a sepa-
rate campaign. "Philosophically we
probably agree," he commented, "but
practically there are areas where we
Clarence Dukes, Lettie Wickliff and
incumbent Cecil Warner have apparent-
ly teamed up, expressing more conser-
vative views including opposition to bus-
ing and more rigid discipline policies,
M. Terry Martin is running individu-
HRP candidates emphasize decentral-
ization of decision making to give stu-
dents, parents and teachers more voice.
The HRP platform calls for the forma-
tion of tripartite boards to govern in-
dividual schools.
The boards, according to Holt, Wil-
son and Yaco, would be composed equal-
ly of students, parents and staff elected
by their peers. Under HRP's proposal
these boards would determine teacher
qualifications, hiring and firing, while
the citywide board would set 'general
school policies.
All three candidates condemn racism
and sexism in the city school policies
and employment practices, and call for
the elimination of tracking-involuntary
grouping of s t u d e n t s by intellectual
Wilson says the board must give more
support to black studies programs and
provide funds to insure implementation
of programs. She also proposes that
classes on white racism be taught.
Holt views the board's role as provid-
ing leadership to eliminate racism. "The
board can't really dictate the techniques
but it can work through the people it
puts in positions and impress upon them
the need for action," he says.
All thre HRP candidates "recognize
the necessity of busing as a tool to end
or prevent segregation." They add, how-
ever, "that when busing becomes a
means of destroying emerging commu-
nity control movements we cannot sup-
port it."
Holt, Wilson and Yaco support stu-
dent's rights to form or join political
organizations and unions and to strike.
Yaco's candidacy has made an issue
of students, particularly students young-
er than 18, serving on the board. Al-
though HRP is challenging the law set-
ting the minimum running age at 18,
See TEN, Page 12