Thursday, June S, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Thursday,"9TT!^_ JuneT!"'T!"8,"'?M1972!"! THE MICHIGAN!?'t'"!fT!±' DAILY Pa!" q,, N;,t e't IS' '+n Pilot group threatens flight d.-. Man-'Tailored 4 shutdown to protest hijackings MaTilr i WASHINGTON P) -- The Air cern over the worldwide prob- and their friends," an ALPA 0+BLO U SES Line Pilots Association (ALPA) lem. spokesman said.41 promised yesterday to impose O'Donnell told a luncheon "True, it would cost the sirat an instant boycott on U.S. alr meeting of the AFL-CIO Mari- lines and their customers mil service to any nation that here- time Trades Department t h a t lions. But when a $25-million dol- shtersancioscr iandyexorn- FeadeDratnt airLnt scmadeeta syna y ~ lIb ~ after sanctionoesir piracy or leaders of the 60-nation Inter- lar airplane filled with people fshts hjcesadetrl national Federation of Air Line is commandeered, that's an even r1 iStS. Pilots Association, meeting in greater cost. ALPA officials expressd con- London today, may join in any "A one-day shutdown, to show A N N A R BOR fidence many of their foreign shutdown as well as in the boy- our great concern, might b-ing colleagues would join in t h e cott of countries which shelter the need of air security some to 1121 .University boycott warning today or tomor- airline hijackers, ordered into nations that don't respect our. n r row. effect Tuesday for ALPA's 46,- boycott." 000 member pilots. Benjamin Davis Jr., assistant ,a t'dkdh 4 -, # nt. niti4-,4h ci nta it i They awaited developments in Algeria, regarding the American hijackers made welcome there over the weekend, to determine whether that country would be- come the first target of their war on hijack havens. John O'Donnell, ALPA presi- dent said that if all else fails- the union, as a last resort, would order a 24-hour demonstration shutdown of U.S. air service. This too, presumably, would be joined by some foreign pilots as an expression of their con- O'Donnell said the boycott will be applied, if sheltering of hi- jackers continues, to nations such as Algeria and Cuba and to countries having airlines that continue serving them. He said it might be broadened later to other countries such as Lebanon, Italy, and Egypt. "We aren't planing on a mass shutdown, but it must be held as a possibility in the event oth- er nations do not cooperate in this campaign against hijackers PROCEDURE IMPROVES: Population study shows early abortions safer 1.1.1~~1A 3/lY , V ., ! 77t tQ 1 secretary of transportation f or safety and consumed affairs, mot for three hours with representa- tives of the pilots, the airlines and the airport operators, but said the prospect of a 24-hour shutdown was not discussed. Davis told a news conference that the aviation representatives agreed at the meeting that henceforth there would be in- creased resistance to hijackers, less acquiescence in their de- mands, and greater reliance on the law-enforcement expertise of the Federal Bureau. "Too often airline managernent and flight crews have failed to take advantage of the FBI's cap- ability," Davis said. TONIGHT 7 and 9 3020 Washtenaw Dial 434-1782 Award Winner 1912 Cannes Festival "SLAUGHTERHOUSE- A- IVE" AUNMRSA PCIAL-1CNNICOL . JUNE SALE TOYOTAS -100-- CARS COMING-Alt models in stock BUY NOW AND SAVE FREE FREE With Purchase of '72 TOYOTAS CHOOSE-FROM AM/FM Stereo Radio Car Top Tent Campers 5 Radial Tires Trailer Hitches 5 Mag Wheels Side Trim Molding Stereo Tape Decks Syr. Rust Proofing Vinyl Tops PLUS MANY MORE FREE-with purchase-FREE CHOOSE UP TO $230 OF ABOVE ACCESSORIES DEPENDING ON MODELS. See List Posted in Show Room ???ECOLOGY MINDED??? We Are One of the Few Dealers Who Have the Infr-Red Analyzing Equipment Which Is an Absolute Necessity to Keep Your Car's Emission Pollutants at a Minimum. TOYOTA - ANN ARBOR 907 N. Main-663-8567 NEW YORK I) - A major study of abortions in the Unit- ed States has found that it is three to four times safer to have an abortion during the f i r s t three months of pregnancy than the second three months. This was one key finding in a study of 72,988 abortions per- formed between July 1, 1970 and June 30, 1971 in 66 institutions in 12 states and the Distict of Columbia. The study, conducted by the Population Council and released yesterday, also found over the year of study that there w a s a significant increase in abor- tions among women who are black, of low income, married and who have been pregnant be- fore. "This is very important," said Dr. Christopher Tietze of tte council. "These are among the itoups which originally did not make full use of available services, did not get the same services as the more privileged groups." Apart from these, the woman most likely to obtain an abor- tion - was found to be young, single, white, pregnant for the first time and a private patient, not medically indigent. The study found that the in- cidence of early medical comp..i- cations, including minor com- plaints, was about 1 in 20 abor- tions in the first three ntnhs. For major complicatiosss, the incidence was 1 in 200. "The risk to health assnciatcd with abortions was throe a four times as high in the second tri- mester of pregnancy as in the first trimester," the study said. "The important nessage is still to get it early," said Tietze. Tietze said the growing ex- perience doctors are gaining with the abortion procedure is re- flected in a sibstantial improve- snent over the last nine mcnths of the study in lowering conpli- cation rates. Six deaths were repo el, isthree of which were directly attribut- able to the abortion :p ocedure. thean n-a a r im * a a tiva i THIRD RETURN ON-CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT THIS YEAR! An encyclopedia of filmmaking technique. KEN RUSSELL'S with GLENDA JACKSON (Academy Award: Best Actress), OLIVER REED, ALAN BATES I Be Our Guest this Summer SUMMER SESSION, 1972 Registration-June 26-27 Classes begin June 28 Course offerings include: Archery Summer Theatre Workshop Golf American Government Tennis Natural Sciences Water Skiing Music Appreciation Camping, camp counseling Ceramics and Outdoor Recreation For complete course offerings consult our Summer schedule of classes. Call the Admissions Counselor at: Auburn Hills Campus-852-1000 Highland Lakes Campus--363-7191 Orchard Ridge Campus-476-9400 Southeast Campus Center---548-1252 Administrative Center--647-6200 OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE r-( HE MOvIE industry has a ten- wered the call and performed j dency to take a beautiful piece magnificiently. He displays a sen- of literature and destroy its inti- sitive understanding of the strong aacy by splashing it across the personal relationships which are screen. Occasionally a miracle at the center of Lawrence's writ- occurs and a conscientiousdirec- ing and unveils the elegance of tor is able to admirably translate his colorful prose. With the aid an author's work.ISuch is the case of script writer Larry Kramer, of Womenin Love, the movie ver- Russell exposes the intensityuand sion of D. H.Lawrence's sensualpassion of Lawrence's novel . .. novel directed by Ken Russell. The casting is excellent. Oliver Lawrence is a most gifted writer Reed (Gerald) and Jenny Linden with a style that typifies great (Ursula), even though she re- literature . . . sembles Debbie Reynolds, are good. It is a frightful task for a di- Alan 0ates, as Birkin, Lawrence's rector to even attempt to present alter-ego in the book, looks like some semblance of such a com- a well-fed Lawrence. But, the best plex writer, but Russell has ans- performance is by Glenda Jack- son (Gudrun) who issuperb as the character who represents Lawrence's anti-feminist view . . . If you can accept this film for how well it handles what it does in the allotted time, and not con- demn it for what it missesit is a truly great film; ananas good a rendition of a novel as can be ex- pected. Granted it could never be as goodas the original work, but it is a marylous film, well worth seeing, and hopefully it will in- spire you to read the book, if you already haven't. -Ronald Kubit, The Mich. Daily (Reprinted by permission of the author.) TONIGHT-June 8th-ONLY auditorium "a", angell hall color 35 mm 7 & 9:30 p.m. $1 TICKETS ON SALE OUTSIDE THE AUDITORIUM AT 6 P.M. For a copy of our complete spring/summer schedule, write us at P.0. Box 8, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48107 COMING TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 7 & 9 P.M. COMING THURSDAY, JUNE 15 VINCENT PRICE in Roger Carman's VANESSA REDGRAVE & DAVID HEMMINGS in MASQUE OF THE Antonioni's stunning color masterpiece BLOW-UP RED DEATH First on-campus show in the a rinlematic milestone'original 35 mm Cinemascope color format WE HAVE RAISED OUR ADMISSION PRICE TO $1 The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative is established to promote and support filmmaking in the community. Any profits earned at our film showings are invested in the cooperative's editing and production equipment, our film school, grants to community filmmakers, our 8mm festival and other projects. I is to increase the effectiveness of the cooperative that prices have been raised. Anyone interested in the cooperative or its activities is always encouraged to seek membership and to patronize our showings.