meGovern eyes Miami
after victory in Calif.
Special To The Daily
LOS ANGELES - With his sixth consecutive
primary victory under his belt, Sen. George Mc-
Govern (D-S.D.) enters the final stages of his
quest for the Democratic nomination.
A candidate that once was taken lightly is
now favored to win the top spot on the Demo-
cratic ticket - perhaps on the first ballot.
With his four victories Tuesday, in Califor-
nia, New Mexico, New Jersey and South Dakota,
McGovern now has, about 1000 of 1509 dele-
gates needed to win the nomination. Projections
indicate he will win an additional two hundred
delegates June 20 in the New York primary. He
would then enter the convention between two
hundred and three hundred votes short of a
first ballot victory. He hopes to pick up the
necessary votes from the ranks of the uncom-
McGovern's strength lies in a coalition of
the young, the high income suburbanites, and
of late, ethnic voters. He remains weakest
among blue collar workers, and in California at
least, in the Jewish community.
His four victories show that he has consid-
erable support and an organization to mobilize
it. Yet his success has not proven to many
party regulars that he can beat President Nixon
in November.
It was for this reason that he flew to a post-
midnight caucus with twenty-one Democratic
governors Monday night. Although the confer-
ence did produce "a sense of camaraderie" be-
tween the governors and the candidate, it did
not eliminate opposition by several governors
to his candidacy.
The situation points to the difficulties of a
reform candidate in a traditional party.
McGovern is hardly an insurgent. He en-
dorsed and campaigned hard in 1968 for Sen.
Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.). But today he has
ideas that will be difficult to sell - both to the
public but more so to the party regulars.
In addition, a great source of his strength
lies in young voters and volunteer workers.
They are new to the party and have little al-
legiance to the formal structure. It is apparent
that this alienates many state leaders.
But the main goal for all Democrats is to
See McGOVERN, Page 7
Awnir4i#ttn 43att
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 8, 1972
SEN. GEORGE McGOVERN grins broadly as he meets sup-
porters in a Hollywood auditorium after he defeated Sen. Hubert
Humphrey in the California Democratic presidential primary.
Twelve Poges The victory, combined with triumphs in New Jersey, New Mexico
and South Dakota Tuesday, brought his total to over 900 of the
1509 delegates needed for the nomination.
5Vol LXXXII, No. 21 -S
Ten Cents
SOUTH VIETNAMESE soldiers probe the rubble in Kontum yes-
terday as they patrolled positions recently held by North Viet-
U.S. hits Vietna m
near Chinese border
'U' bud
by Sen
The S e n a t e Appropriations
Committee reported on Tuesday
t h e i r recommendations f o r
changes in Gov. William Milli-
ken's proposed higher education
bill-changes which included a
$4.8 million cut in funding for
the University.
Allan Smith, vice president for
academic affairs, was "shocked"
when he heard of the commit-
Pot petitions
to hit Capitol
Supporters of the Michigan
Marijuana Initiative (MMI)
from all over the state will "in-
vade the Legislature" today in
an effort to get law makers to
sign the MMI petitions.
At least 265,000 signatures are
needed to put the question of
legalized marijuana on the
November state ballot.
MMI supporters will meet on
the Capitol steps in Lansingnat
10 am., hold a press conference
at 10:30, and then divide up to
visit every legislator's office.
The legislators will be asked to
sign the petitions. Walden Simp-
er, an MMI coordinator, s a i d
yesterday supporters will not
use force or any illegal tactics.
"All offices are being contacted
ahead of time," she said.
Simper does not anticipate
any problem in getting into the
Capitol. "It would be awfully
funny if they slammed the door
in our faces," she said. "We're
trying to promote what they
are trying to promote-d e m o-
MMI began its petition drive
last month and has gathered ap-
proximately 20,000 signatures so
far, according to Linda Ross of
MMI. State Sens. Jack Faxon
(D-Detroit) and Coleman Young
(D-Detroit) and Rep. Jackie
Vaughn (D-Detroit) have already
tee's plan, which hit especially
hard in the area of salary in-
creases and expanded financial
aid to students, planned for next
Milliken's original proposal had
allowed a total of $90.2 million
for the University, with $6.2 mil-
lion allocated for faculty salary
increases averaging 6.5 per cent.
It also called for more than
$600,000 in new funds for student
financial aid.-
The Appropriations Committee
plan aims at a 4.8 per cent in-
crease in salaries, but it would
actually amount to three per
cent, since state money pays for
only a portion of faculty salaries,
Smith said.
The vice president added that
he is still planning to secure
salary increases averaging five
per cent for faculty and staff
next year.
The committee's recommenda-
tions, which must now be ap-
proved by the Senate, will be
discussed next week by Univer-
sity officials. "We will bend
every effort to get the Senate to
restore what has been cut," ac-
cording to Smith.
If this action is unsuccessful,
the University will be forced to
consider other ways to make up
the difference. Fedele Fauri,
vice president for state relations
and planning, said earlier this
week that one possible course
of action could be a further in-
crease in next year's tuition.
The five per cent increase al-
ready approved by the Regents
was based on the assumption
that Milliken's proposed budget
would be passed, Fauri ex-
The committee's recommenda-
lions for student financial aid,
$052,000 in new funds, was also
a disappointment to University
"We have a very heavy com-
mitment in aid for students com-
ing next fall, and we will honor
it. The costs will have to come
from somewhere else," Smith
In any case, "discussion over
areas to be cut will not begin
until a firm figure has been
reached" by the legislature,
according to Smith.
get cut asked
ate committee
SAIGON ()P) - American jets
battered a North Vietnamese
railroad switchyard only 40 sec-
onds flying time from China
and bombed one of the North's
biggest industrial power plants,
U.S. sources said yesterday.
Hanoi claimed five U.S. War-
planes have been shot down
over the North since Saturday.
Four F4 Phantoms were down-
ed over Quang Binh Province
and another was hit over Ninh
Binh Province, the official Viet-
nam News Agency said.
U.S. officials reported no loss-
es. They said Air Force Phan-
toms struck the North Vietna-
mese rail center and a nearby
bridge on Tuesday only 20
miles from the Chinese border.
The attacks on the installations,
southwest of Lang Son were the
closest raids to China since the
1965-1968 bombing campaign.
Other Air Force Phantoms
dropped laser-guided bombs on
the Bac Giang thermal power
plant, 25 miles northeast of Ha-
noi, for the second time since
full-scale bombing resumed on
April 6.
In South Vietnam, newsmen
visiting Kontum found govern-
ment troops in firm control of
almost all the town except for
an area north of the airstrip,
where occasional sniper fire
rang out.
Reporters noted heavy dam-
age to most buildings in the
vital central highlands provin-
cial capital, which was under
communist attack for.13 days.
In fighting near Saigon, com-
munist troops seized the hamlet
of Phuoc An, 25 miles north-
west of the capital, and cut vi-
tal Highway 1 leading to Cam-
English classes link
departments at 'U'
By JILL LAWRENCE dent a better understanding of
Interdisciplinary studies will his plays. Few peopel realize,
be emphasized in projected Eng- Fraser said, that Peter Paul
lish department programs, ac- Rubens and Sir Francis Bacon
cording to English department were contemporaries of Shake-
chairman Russell Fraser. speare.
"Interdisciplinary s t u d y is "Most students don't really,
very much a part of the future," have that sense of putting things
Fraser stated in a recent inter- together," Fraser said.
view. In order to remedy this situa-
Fraser used Shakespeare as tion, the department has come
an example of how interdisci- up with some suggestions which
plinary study could benefit the are outlined in it's spring bul-
student. letin.
The art, music, science, and One proposal is to form a "col-
mathematics of Shakespeare's lege" of medieval and Renais-
time can help to give the stu- See ENGLISH, Page 12