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June 07, 1972 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-07

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Page Ten


Wednesday, June 7, 1972

Page Ten THE MICFIIGAN DAILY Wednesday June 7, 1972

Diamond, ice leagues hold

Fledglings opt
for youngsters
MONTREAL (A) - The New
York Islanders and Atlanta
Flames -- expansion franchises
for the National Hockey
League's 1972-73 season-stocked
their clubs Tuesday, passing
up many of the familiar names
available and choosing to go
with young players instead of
Atlanta first in goalie draft
chose Montreal's Phil Myre. The
Islanders followed by taking.
Gerry Desjardins. Atlanta's
second goalie selection was roo-
kie Dan Bouchard, who spent
last season with Boston's Amer-
ican Hockey League farm team.
The Islanders completed the
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goalie draft by selecting Billy
Smith of Los Angeles. who
played last year with Spring-
field of the AHL.
The Islanders chose first in
the regular phase of the draft
and made defenseman Bart
Chrasley of Montreal their op-
ening selection.
Atlanta's first choice was an-
other Montreal defenseman,
Kerry Ketter.
The most familiar names
chosen in the draft were Bos-
ton's Ed Westfall, who was He-
lected by the Islanders and
Minnesota's Ted Hampson, both
selected by the Islanders.
General Manager Bill Torrey
of New York chose eight de-
fensemen and 11 forwards.
Cliff Fletcher. GM of the At-
lanta club. picked New York
Rangers' farmhand Norm Grat-
ton following Ketter and also
came up with Bill -MacMillan,
who played for Toronto last
year, defensemen Pat Quinn of
Vancouver and Ron Harris o
Detroit and forwards Keith Mc-
Creary of Pittsburgh. Ernie
Hicke of California, Bob Ieiter
of Pittsburgh and Lew Mor-
rison-of Philadelphia.

Despite a hard workout in which he impressed his opponents
with his Jimmy Walker-like hustle and drive, this bearded chap
chap seems to have run afoul of a bit of heart trouble. For the
bird's eye lowdown on the caper, check out News Briefs, Page 9.
l E e E (g
Ozzie Nelson sucked slowly on his smoking reefer and lis-
tened as the smoke whistled around in his ruined lungs. Ozzie
was down ever since June Cleaver upped and left him.
"Gee, Ozzie you look just like you swallowed a worm" said
Beaver. The Beav looked a little green around the gills from
a week long drinking spree with Larry "Fats" Mondello, a
childhood friend who is now captain of the city rackets. The kid
had been a little crazy in the noodle ever since his big brother
Wally got booted out of State U for fixing a basketball game.
See tomorrow's Sport Pages for contest rules and games
or else stop by the antiquated building on Maynard and ask
brightly for "Sports". Tell 'em Ozzie sent you.

San Diego tabs
schoolboy first
NEW YORK (') - Dave Ro-
berts, a .410 hitter for the UnI-
versity of Oregon, became only
the second collegian in the 15-
year history of the baseball
draft to be selected at the No.1
pick in the regular phase when
he was tapped by the San Diego
Padres Tuesday.
The Padres, who batted No. 1
in the draft of free agents be-
cause they had the worst re-
cord in the majors last sea-
son, went into the draft looking
for the best player available
rather than a player who had
the potential to fill a specific
They feel they found both in
Roberts. a right-handed hitting
and throwing third baseman,
who in 37g ames hit 12 homers,
and 'truck ot ons onee in
144 at-bats.
Infielders were the most priz-
ed, 11 selected compared with
eight pitchers, three catchers
and two outfielders. How many
will make the majors remains
a major question-mark, but 12
players from the last two drafts
aireadiedith major league
clubs inctuding home mnilad-
er Dave Kingman of San Fran-
cisco and pitchers Burt Hooton
of the Chicago Cubs and Pete
Broberg of Texas.
After San Diego selected Rob-
erts, Cleveland picked short-
stop Richard Manning, a .614
hitter at LaSalle High School
in Niagara Falls, N. Y., and
Philadelphia went for Larry
Christiansen, a towering 6-foot-
3 pitcher from Marysville High
School in Marysville, Wash.
One unusual aspect of the
first round was the selection of
two players from one school-
Rancho Cordova High School
in Rancho Cordova, Calif. Out-
fielder Mike Ondina was pick-
ed by the Chicago White Sox
and shortstop Jerry Manuel by
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