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June 06, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-06-06

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page three I1 Sitii~rn at3t

Warm, chance of
morning showers

esday, June 6, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone; 764-0552

J.S. bombs rail
>ridges in North
By 'Te Associated Press
U.S. pilots continued their raids over the North, bomb-
ng two major rail bridges and severing the northwest train
ne to China, the U.S. command announced yesterday.
Meanwhile, Radio Hanoi, quoting the official Com-
iunist party newspaper Nhan Dan, said yesterday, that
forth Vietnam is having "very difficult" economic prob-
ems because of two months of U.S. bombing.
"But our people can walk, can use torchlights, can eat
iluted congee water rice gruel, and still defeat the U.S.
ggressors," the radio announcement declared.
The broadcast, monitored in Hong Kong, apparantly
eferred to damage inflicted by superaccurate "smart"
bombs on the North's trans-
,a C t - portation, power and storage
-4 'E"IdCE systems. Both the northwest
and northeast rail lines to
)K c asChina have been cut by the
) e7 aris raids
"Even if the enemy succeeds
in the bomb destruction of our
t plan cities and our large industrial
installatiotns, they cais never
paralyze our economy tonthe
city Council oassed n ontil- point of preventing our survival
'ar Maesolurion Iset night, oitiat- and our ability to supply the
d by Mayso Roberto Harris. South." the broadcast said.
hick rails for an cod to all U.S. Another Hanoi broadcast to-
ilitary activity in Indochina by day said aves of U.S. aircraft
ext October, provided that U.S. attacked the vicinity of Hai-
risoners of war are released by phong city with "thousands of
tat time. steel pellet bombs, killing or
Harris will present the resolu- wounding some dozen civilians
on to the U.S. Conference of in bed."
Mayors which will be convening Hanoi's Vietnam Nkw- Aveney,
ter this month. in a broadcast monitored in
The original resolution passed Tokyo, said the attacks were
y a vote of six to four follow- made Sunday on Luy ong ham-
y aejvoteonof xt asenfollows let and Dong Hat village near
ig rejection of amendments Haiphong. N o r t h Vietnam's
osed by cNouciimen Jerry De- main port.
nieck and Nelson Meade. A statement from the North
Meade's amendment called for Vietnamese Foreign Ministry
hanging the deadline for termi- said U.S. planes attacked "many.
ation of U.S. military activity populated areas" the same day
om October to "immediately." in "Lang Son. Quano Ninh
DeGrieck proposed to "amend Thanh Hoa. Nghe An. Ha Tinh
ie amendment" p o s e d by and Quang Binh provinces kill-
leade by introducing a clause ig or woundting rmatih civilias
'ich would call for an "in- mostly women anid chitdten. and
aediate end of all U.S. aid and wrecking many dewelling houses
ailitary support to Ike present and economic and cultural es-
buthietnamsepp eovherent" tablishments."
oath Vietnamese g eme. The U S. Coimasnd said more
HRP council members voted than 260 strikes were flown
gainst Harris' resolution claim- Sunday and eight Air Force F4
ng it. was not strong enough to Phartoms destroyed the Tai Hut
e effective. and Dong Kh i brides. 51 miles
south ' of the Chinese border
Harris said of. his resolution. Flying in two formations the
It's not supposed to display Phantoms direetd five 2 Ott-
'ow the city of Ann Arbor would thund brie bout to tbies
ke to conduct foreign affairs. northwest of Hanoi.
I will be a miracle if the reso- U.S. aircraft also hit a high-
tion gets through the Council way bridge south of the key
f Mayors." See U.S., Page 7

Davis freed: Justice on trial

By The Associated Press
The American judicial system was condemned
and defended at home and abroad yesterday ii
the wake of black militant Angela Davis' aquit-
An all-white jury found Davis innocent Sun-
day of murder, kidnap and conspiracy in con-
nection with a 1970 Marin County Courthouse
escape attempt in which four died.
The jury reached a verdict in only 13 hours
After a 13-week trial that climaxed one of the
ongest, costliest and most controversial criminal
proceedings in California history.
Davis told reporters Sunday that it was the
happiest day of her life, but said. "The very
trial because a fair trial would have been no
fact of an aquittal means that there was no fair
trial at all."
The 28-year-old former UCLA philosophy
teacher and Communist Party member had
spent 16 months in jail while awaiting trial,

but was freed2on bail just before the case went
to court Feb. 28.
One of Davis' defense attorneys, Leo Branton,
.merged from the courthouse Sunday giving a
lenched-fist salute. He had called the prosecu-
tion case "weak" and said the state "had no
ease against her."
Asst. Attg. Gets. Albert Hairris Jr., rho pros-
ecuted Davis, declined comment on 'the verdict.
Black Panther party leader Elaine Brown in
Oakland. Calif., said, "We do not give credit to
the American judicial system for declaring her
innocent. She has had to endure one year of
orison unnecessarily because of that system."
The Soviet News agency Tass called the ver-
dict "a victoryfor progressive-mitded people in
+he United States and the world in their long,
hard fight for Angela's freedom."
California Gov. Ronald Reagan said those
iho protest the judicial system should have
"second thoughts" because of the acquittal.
See DAVIS, Page 12

'U', Cellar council deals with

customer, employe prol)ems
By ERYL GORDON salaries," explains Weinberg. crated Cellar began as
Large stores are often un- "We're explaining what criter- store in the Student A
pleasant and unfriendly places ia are used to determine salar- Bldg. in January, 1969a
for both customers and employ- ies, such as skill and longevity, now developed into a vet
es. To overcome these problems and we're also discussing how it operation in the Michig
which accompany expansion, Un- should be done in the future." ion, with a branch at
iversity Cellar einployes form- The student-managed and op- and a large warehouse.
ed a workers council last Jan-
uary. T", '1_7 1 _ A ' 91

a small
and has
ry large
'an Un-

The council includes people
from various departments in the
store. According to Bruce Wein-
berg, "The council was estab-
lished to deal with employe prob-
lems and customer relations."
One of the council's first ac-
tions was to restructure t h e
prsonnel committee, which is in
charge of hiring and firing. Pre-
viously, Cellar employes volun-
teered and were chosen for the
positions on a random basis for
a three month term.
The new committee is c o m -
posed of one member chosen by
each Cellar department (art,
books. stock. records, office,
cashiers, copying, offset and the
The personnel committee also
has a permanent secretary who
now handles all job applications
and filters complaints or re-
quests to the committee. "She
acts as a buffer in this situa-
tion so people don't pressure
committee menibers to hire
their friends as much as in the
past Weinberg says.
After restructuring the per-
sonnel committee, the council de-
cided to publish a list of em-
ploye salaries for circulation
within the store. "There were
feelings that the wage structure
was secret, and people didn't
know why some people were get-
ting higher salaries. We decided
n 'i'nr tihn air nri nhli+h i

r ord aeays 7' l tS
to run antipollution tests

DETROIT sP)-Ford Motor
Co. announced yesterday that
because of stringent government
antipollution regulations the
company will delay the start-up
production dates for its 1973
In a joint statement issued in
Detroit, Board Chairman Henry
Ford II, and President Lee Ia-
cocca said that the firm was
extending its production period
for 1972 models in North Amer-
"We have added 40.000 cars
and 65,000 trucks to our 1972
schedule which will enable us
to keep our employes at work
building vehicles that our deal-
ers can sell," they said.
"Accordingly, some 1973 model
start-up production dates have
been delayed. These changes,
it is hoped, also will give up
enough time to obtain limited
certification and begin 1973 pro-
duction to meet newly establish-
ed dealer introduction dates."
Ford said that its introduction
dates for 1973 model cars would
be delayed one week and its 1973
trucks by two weeks.
Uriluoma noiR rralclhane hoarAf_

the federal Environmental Pro-
tection Agency (EPA), announc-
ed Friday that Ford would be
granted limited certification of
its 1973 models, provided it
meets certain emission control
It was disclosed last month
that Ford had performed un-
lawful maintainance on 1973
model prototypes which were
being tested for their ability to
meet emission standards, and
that the tests would have to
start anew.
In yesterday's ,announcement,
Ford and Iacocca said it was
clear that "the task we face is
They complained that Fo.rd
sas being forced to meet more
stringent conditions than its
To insure that Ford vehicles
actually meet the emission
standards at 50,000 miles, they
said, the EPA is requiring Ford
test vehicles at 4,000 miles to
have emission levels that over-
all are 30 per cent lower than
those required by its competi-

A VIETNAMESE WOMAN, carrying her baby wrapped in a towel,
flee from her village in the Que Son valley, 22 miles south of Da
Nang, as North Vietnamese attacked in the area.

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