Record voter turnout expected in Calif. By ROBERT BARKIN special To The Dally LOS ANGELES - A record 75 per cent of California's reg- istered voters is' expected to turn out in today's election. Several high interest referenda are also on the ballot in addi- tion to the presidential primary. Sen. George McGovern (D- SD) is favored to win the 271 Democratic convention dele- gates. While only a one vote plurality is necessary to take them all, the margin, according to polls, may be as high as 26 per cent. Leading the fight against Mc- Govern is Sen. Hubert Humph- rey (D-Minn.) the only other active candidate. A write-in campaign of unknown strength is underway for the injured Gov. George Wallace of Ala- bama. Humphrey has attempted to- focus the campaign on the pro- grams and voting record of Mc- Govern. He has called McGov- ern's proposals "radical" and "mere schemes." McGovern, when not defending his pro- grams, has struck out against what he terms "the old poli- tics." "The new politics is not a fraternity of oligarchs," he said Saturday night. "It is not the defender of the status quo. Rather it is constructive, order- ly change." McGovern has drawn good crowds during his campaign ap- pearances. Before groups of blacks. Chicanos. and other eth- nic voters - all former areas of Humphrey's strength-his re- ception has been warm. Satur- day, before a large crowd in a See HIGH, Page 7 1. C' t t iign Bth Vol. LXXXII, No. 19-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 6, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages $5 TOKES: City grass law Bomb crater four goes into e ffect surrender to By CHRIS PARKS Yesterday was a day of celebration for marijuana smokers all over the city, as Ann Arbor ushered in a new era-the era of $5 pot. A city ordinance lowering the penalty for possession and sale of marijuana from a possible $100 fine and 90 days in jail to issuance of a $5 ticket, took effect yesterday amid reports of rampant celebration. Unusually large pumbers of young people were seen walking down the streets smoking the weed. It was even rumored that a couple from New Mexico had come into the city to get arrested and pick up the new marijuana ticket as a souvenir. baird asks funds hike for arms WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird told Congress yesterday the war in Indochina could cost the United States an extra $5 billion if it maintains its present militsary tactics through 1972. The secretary-also said that if Congress doesn't approve funds for new weapons systems it would be jeopardizing further U.S.-Soviet arms-limitation agree- ments because, he said, they must be negotiated from a po- sition of strength. Laird testified in the afternoon before a House subcommittee that U.S. bombing and the min- ing of North Vietnam harbors could add $3 billion to his re- quested $84-billion budget if it continues through the end of September. The secretary said he will ask for more than $75 million in a d- ditional funds to meet costs for the increased U.S. war opera- tions through this fiscal year, ending this month. Earlier in the day, Laird had told a Senate subcommittee that if Congress approved a $30-billion cut in defense funds proposed by presidential aspirant George McGovern it should provide "at least $1 billion for white flags . . because it means sur- render." However speculation that a new "psychedelic marijuana ticket" would be used was spiked by City Attorney Jerold Lax. "There was talk," he said yes- terday, "of designing a new ticket with a picture of a mari- juana plant on it." Though he admitted such a ticket would be "kind of neat" Lax said marijuana tickets will be the same as those presently used for traffic or building code violations. The new ordinance became law in the city yesterday, but local law enforcement authori- ties still seem far from together on how it should be implemented and enforced. The most controversial aspect of the new law is its lumping of aossessionaand sale together as a misdemeanor-in the same category as a traffic ticket. In See POT, Page 7 cops By DIANE LEVICK Four people, wanted by the police for alleged mali- cious destruction of property during the May 19 Diag dig-in, turned themselves in yesterday. A crowd of over 100 suppor- ters accompanied Richard Eng- land, Grad, Jonathon Goldman, '73, Jay Hack, a former Student Government Council adminis- trative vice president, and Genie Plamondon, f o r m e r Human Rights Party City Council can- didate, to City Hall where the four were placed under arrest. They pleaded not guilty and were released on a $50 personal bond. Trial was set for July 20. During their arraignment, they presented District Judge Sandorf Elden with a testimoni- al signed by over 280 people which asserted that "the sign- ers of this statement acknowl- edge organizing and digging those craters . . . We demand that charges be dropped and the University confess to its war crimes." Among the signers were City Councilman Jerry DeGrieck, John Sinclair of the Rainbow Peoples Party and a large num- ber of University students. . Th"echarges, which have a maximum penalty of 90 days and $100 fine, result from anti- war activities on May 19 cele- brating the birthdays of Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X. Over the University's objections, four symbolic bomb craters were dug on and near the Diag, University officials said they feared the diggers would en- counter electrical wiring or pipes in the Diag area, and they pro- posed an alternative site near the League. Hut tire crowd on May 19 rejectedtthe University's suggested site and dug around the Diag. "We want to teeve a visible, daily reminder of what the courtryside of Vietnam looks like," Plamondon said at last month's rally. The University filled in the craters the next day. The four marched to City Hall with their shovel-and-card carrying supporters, protesting the "arbitrary arrest of four for the acts of hundreds." See FOUR, Page 2 -Daily-Gary virani JAY HACK and Genie Plamondon, arrested yesterday; talk with City Administrator Guy Larcom before their arraignment (above). Their supporters wait on City Hall's sixth floor (below). STRIKE CONTINUES Police arrest picket at CPHA By NANCY ROSENBAJM About forty demonstrators picketed outside the Commission on Hospital and Professional Ac- tivities (CPHA plant again yesterday afternoon and one picket was arrested. Demonstrators hurled shouts of "scab", "pig -go home", and slammed their fists at the cars of company employes as the cars left the plant. Ron Alpern, '74, was arrested for obstructing traffic yesterday morning. Yesterday marked the fourteenth continuous week ,of demonstrations since the CPHA strike began last Feb. 24. The strikers who currently number about ninety-five are lower-echelon workers-key punch operators and a few computer workers. The CPHA strikers are members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 157 which is pro- viding them with strike pay and supportive serv- ices. The strike revolves around a move by the workers torestablish a job security policy by ere- ating a union shop, which requires that new em- ployes become union members after a designated time period. Little progress in the strike settlement nego- tiations has been made despite the continuing demonstrations and morale is apparently quite low among the strikers. About forty of the original strikers have crossed the picket lines and returned to their jobs. . Union spokespersons blame Ann Arbor's weak anti-trust breaking laws for the stalemate in ne- gotiations.