page three ~t ~14 ~1 ~ tt
Sun shiny,
moon glowy
Saturday, June 3, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
May food prices jump;
jobless rate unchanged
Baklava anyone?
"Yasoo!" That's the welcome issued to all guests at the
Greek festival and bake sale taking place this weekend at Ann
Arbor's St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.
Greeted by women wearing traditional Greek costumes,
visitors yesterday tasted mouth-watering Greek delicacies, ad-
mired Greek artifacts on display and genuinely enjoyed the
warm, spirited atmosphere generated by Ann Arbor's Greek
Last night under an open-air tent, festival-goers linked arms
with costumed Greeks and danced to the music of the bouzoukee
-an instrument similar to the mandolin.
Ann Arbor's Greek population comprises about 250 families.
"We want to share the beauty of the Greek heritage and
cultural background with the community," says Father Athena-
goras Aneste.
See WANT, Page 8
S. Viet headquarters
bombed by saboteur
SAIGON -A saboteur blew up the Binh Dinh Pro-
vince command post and U.S. advisers evacuated a district
headquarters yesterday amid fears bitter new fighting was
imminent in the rich central coast region.
A man identified by witnesses as a South Vietnamese
airman smuggled a 40-pound satchel charge into the bunk-
ered command post at Qui Nhon, and was killed instantly,
apparently because the device exploded prematurely. Field
reports said the blast killed two others and wounded 15
South Vietnamese, three U.S. advisers and two South
Koreans. It also wrecked
valuable electronics gear at !D
the provincial headquarters S ate b
compound. S
Two American advisers were
flown out of Phy My, 32 miles to etn am
north of Qui Nhon, as North
Vietnamese troops ringing the By DIANE LEVICK
district headquarters closed in. An anti-war bill originally in-
. Should Phy My fall, it would troduced y e r itRep.n ack
be the fourth district capital in Vaughn (SDtrt) inp Fake
Binh Dinh and the 15th in mary, 1971 would "provide a
South Vietnam lost to the anti- basis for urging a Supreme
Saigon forces since the offensive Court ruling as to the con-
began March 30. stitutionality of the Vietnam
Senior officers in military re- war," according to Atty. Gen.
gion 2 said they expected hard Frank Kelley.
fighting in Binh Dinh. Military The bill makes it illegal to re-
sources reported from Qui Nhon quire servicemen from the state
that the deteriorating situation to serve in a combat zone un-
and apparent poor security had less Congress has declared war
affected troop morale. or a state of emergency exists.
In the air war, U.S. Air Force The bill, now in the judiciary
pilots beamed super-accurate committee also provides that
"smart" bombs onto targets in the attorney general defend any
North Vietnam, crippling a individual who wishes to resist
major power plant and severing assignment to combat zone un-
a patched-up rail line to China der the proposed "unlawful"
military spokesmen said. conditions.
Fewer than 10 F4 fighter- In an analysis of the bill, re-
bombers collapsed the river span quested by Vaughn, Kelley does
Coa Nung Bridge, 50 miles from not take a political stance on
the Chinese border, and badly the question.
damaged the 12,000-kilowatt telley does say, however, that
Bac Giang power plant, 25 miles if the bill is approved, "the re-
northeast of Hanoi. sources and influence of the
Also, sources report that nine state of Michigan would be
more B52 heavy bombers were placed squarely behind an effort
flown from U.S. bases to South- to resolve the question of the
east Asia. This brings to nearly constitutionality of such presi-
se the number of B52s com - dentis ventures as the Vietnam
mitted to the air war, conflict."
government said yesterday
wholesale prices of beef,
pork and other farn pro-
ducts surged up again last
month while the unemploy-
ment rate held steady at 5.9
per cent.
Livestock prices alone went up
4.9 per cent. The increases will
soon show up at supermarket
meat counters, if they haven't
already. The administration said
it is considering. letting more
foreign beef into the country as
a countermeasure.
Overall, the Labor Depart-
ment's Wholesale Price Index
rose 0.6 per cent in May, or 0.5
per cent if the normal monthly
increase is discounted.
This compares with small in-
creases of 0.1 per cent in both
April and March, when food
prices were falling after a three-
month climb.
Wholesale prices of industrial
commodities, most of which are
subject to price controls, went
up 0.3 per cent unadjusted, or
0.4 per cent seasonally adjusted.
This is about the same as in
March and April, but officials
say it must go lower if Nixon's
goal of a 2 to 3 per cent infla-
tion rate is to be met by Decem-
Another' Nixon goal is a job-
less rate near 5 per cent by the
end of the year. But May's 5.9
per cent is the same as in March
and April. In fact, the rate has
been hovering around 6 per cent
for a year and a half.
The total number of unem-
ployed persons was 4.3 million
last month. After statistical cor-
rections for normal seasonal
variations, the Labor Depart-
ment figured the number at 5.1
million,mthe same as the two
earlier months.
There was an increase of
about 200,000 persons holding
jobs. Geoffrey H. Moore, com-
missioner of the department's
Bureau of Labor Statistics, said
this increase is too small to be
statistically significant.
ro poses end
combat draft
Kelley notes that the Vaughn
bill parallels in its intent and
language a' Massachusetts bill
which is now law. "That law,"
he adds, "is assumed to be on
appeal following its dismissal
from a U.S. district court."
Vaughn says Kelley expressed
concern that the Michigan bill
would be redundant in view of
Massachusetts' action. "I intro-
duced my measure to put Michi-
gan on the record in support of
the concept," Vaughn explained.
"Kelley isn't vehemently op-
posed to it-he just left it in the
air," Vaughn continues. "He
seems to think there's no cause
for action."
If Vaughn's bill does not come
up for a vote before the close of
the House's session-tentatively
the end of December-it will
die in committee.'
Should this happen, Vaughn
says, "I will introduce it again."
He does not expect the bill to
come up for a vote this session.
"The attitude here is 'get out as
soon as possible.' " Vaughn says
that the House's main concern
will be the state budget, leaving
no time for the anti-war bill.
-Associated Press
HERB'STEIN, chairman of the President's Council of Economic
Advisors tries'to explain the latest jump in food prices, at a
press conference yesterday.
by The Associated Press
FORD MOTOR CO. may avoid a shutdown in new car pro-
duction, thanks to a compromise proposal by the Environmental
Protection Agency allowing them to distribute, but not sell, the
cars without proper testing of their anti-pollution equipment.
Ford had admitted to the Agency last month that previous tests
for 1973 cars were run incorrectly, but claimed that operations in-
volving 450,000 workers would have to shut down if the company
were denied permission to distribute them.
WEST GERMANY and the Soviet Union overcame a last-
minute bottleneck, clearing the way for the signing of a Big
Four agreement on Berlin, involving France, England, and the
United States.
The difficulty, which arose from a separate, Soviet-German non-
aggression pact was worked out in a secret compromise.
The treaty will ease travel restrictions in Berlin, and is seen as
a major breakthrough in improving East-West relations.
THE ANGELA DAVIS case went to the jury yesterday after
Judge Richard Arnason instructed the seven men and five
women in the meaning of the charges against Davis, and the
possible verdicts they could hand down.
The murder-kidnap-conspiracy charges against Davis stem from
a shootout at a Marin County courtroom nearly two years ago. Davis
was not present, but guns belonging to her were found at the scene.
THE NATION'S BIRTH rate fell to the lowest level ever
recorded in the first three months of 1972, according to the Na-
tional Center for Health Statistics.
If the current level of 15.8 births per 1000 population continues,
the nation could achieve zero population growth in 40 to 50 years,
the Center reported.
Census experts say the decline may be due to liberalized abor-
tion laws and the 1969-1970 recession.
BLACK MILITANT II. RAP BROWN was sentenced to a
maximum of five years on a federal gun law violation for the
third time yesterday.
Brown, who skipped bond on the charge while waiting for an
appeal, was on the FBI's "most wanted" list for 18 months until
his capture last October in New York.
William Kunstler, Brown's attorney, argued that the defendant
had been moved illegally from New York to New Orleans, the site
of his sentencing, and that he would appeal the verdict again.