ummer rock '' roll - .
Area residents will again have
the opportunity to enjoy free
Sunday rock concerts this sum-
mer. Scheduled to begin t hie
second week in June, the can-
certs are being organized by theu
Community Park Program and
will be held at the site of the
1970 Ann Arbor Blues Festival.
adjacent to Huron High School.
Coordinators of the program
maintain that the music con-
certs are designed primarily for
the community's young people.
but they are encouraging ttll
rmenibers of the community to
participate in the activities.
This summer will mark the
fourth consecutive year that fre
rock concerts have been held
in the city. In addition to pro-
viding entertainment and re-
creation for the area's young
people, past concerts have prov-
ed to be an excellent vehicle Ir
exposing local and national tal-
Past years have featured ap-
pearances by nationally known
blues artist Johnny Winter.
Mitch Ryder, the MC5. Teegar-
den and VanWinkle, Guardian
Angel. SRC, Savage Grace, the
Up and ther locally known mu-
sical groups.
This summer's concerts may
present a greater variety of folk
Affiliated with the Ann Ar-
bor Tribal Council, a network of
community-oriented organiza-
tions, the Community P a r k
Program will be putting on
twelve concerts this summer.
Participants in the Sunday fes-
tivities will be encouraged to
take part in a collective effort
to keep the area clean and dis-
pose of their own trash.
Last year fresh organic food
was provided at the concert site
along with a lecture from a local
food co-op on the advantages of
health foods. Concert-goers can
look forward to fresh organic
rice, vegetables, watermelon.
fruit juices, and corn on the cob
again this year.
See ROCK, Page 7
16 age three 4 Low-70
Sunny and breezy
Thursday May 11 972 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN News Phone 764-0552
fW.. W .
-couici memers
With the adoption of a budget for the 1972-73 fiscal
year, the city has completed one phase of the fast-paced
and complex task of allocating tight funds to a range of
city programs.
Though City Council nembers expressed mixed reac
tions to the $9,914,500 budget, city officials indicate that
re-allocations may be necessary pending salary negotia-
tions currently unda wwy betweet he cit uu d the un o
utund hnts-untotn employ es.
City Coutncil dtd not adapht thue budget at its Motnday
-Associated Press
SENS. HUBERT HUMPHREY (left) and George McGovern (right) talk with' supporters in Washington
following Tuesday's West Virginia and Nebraska primaries. Slow vote counts in both states have de-
layed reporting of results in the convention delegate contests.
Slow count delays result iii
W.Va., NeW .delegate races
menting this week as the seven
vote necessary to approve a
budget were not available. Only
six council members - two
HRP members and four Demo-
crats voted to approve the bud-
The city charter requires,
however, that a budget be
adopted by the second week ia
May and stipulates that if
council is unable to obtain sev-
en votes on a budgetary plan,
the budget proposed by the city
administrator automatically
goes into effcct.
Howcver, the final revised
budget submitted by City Ad-
ministrator Guy Larcom - the
budget that goes into effect July
1 - incorporates changes from
his original plan. Republican
councilmen are concerned that
the budget now in effect is not
the original budget proposed by
Larcom, but one modified after
the Democrats and HRP coun-
cil members reached an agree-
The new budget included
changes in allocations to the
police and fire departments. and
See CITY, Page 7
By The Associated Press
Long, complex ballots caused
slow and incomplete returns yes-
.terday in the Nebraska and
West Virginia delegate races for
the Democratic convention.
Final results from Tuesday's
primary made Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey (D-Minn.) a clear winner
over Alabama Gov. George Wal-
lace in West Virginia's prefer-
ence primary, but the delegate
contests were only partially tal-
lied. '
In Nebraska, final returns gave
Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.)
a six percentage point victory
over Humphrey. However, par-
tial totals in the delegate races
Put 12 Humphrey delegates
ahead in the race for 22 conven-
tion seats. McGovern delegates
led in nine races.
Balhts from the areas where
McGovern ran strongest Tuesday
are being tallied today.
In West. Virginia, delegates
pledged to Humphrey weren't do-
ing nearly as well as the sena-
tor did in defeating Wallace in
a head-on clash there Tuesday.
Final figures gave Humphrey
a 67 per cent to "3 per cent vic-
tory over Wallace in the prefer-
ence primary. Put in sparse re-
turns there, three uncommitted
delegates were ahead, two sup-
porters of Humphrey, two of Mc-
Govern and one of Maine Sen.
Edmund Muskie.
West Virginia will have 35.
delegates in the Miami Demo-
cratic convention and Nebraska
Wallace apparently will not
have any of them.
McGovern, Humphrey, and
Wallace are back on the cam-
paign' trail now priming for
Tuesday's elections here and in
McGovern will be in Flint and
may also go to Detroit today,
and Humphrey is campaigning
in Maryland.
In Nebraska State Sen. Terry
Carpenter, 72, held on to his lead
and won the Democratic nomina-
tion to oppose Republican Sen.
Carl Curtis, who won renomina-
tion Tuesday.
hue , .et drive
.. eduled
To follow the successful Feb.
16 "Fast for Bangladesh," the
RefugeehRelief Fund Commit-
tee of the Ecumenical Campuis
Center will stage a massive
bucket drive here on Saturday.
The drive will be conducted
in the downtown area, Arbor-
land, Westgate and Maple Vil-
lage, and State St. and S. Uni-
versity to raise funds for "the
mnassive millions who are dis-
located and economically ruin-
ed" in the new nation.
The Church World Service and
the United Nations will channel
the money into Bangladesh. Both
have organized networks in Dac-
ca and work closely with t he
nation's government.
Two hundred and fifty vol-
unteers from Pioneer High, Hur-
on High, and Slauson J it n i o r
High Schools pledged to work for
the drive after viewing an NBC
documentary on Bangladesh.
The Refugee Relief Fund urg-
es private initiative to aid the
new nation as well as a more
positive commitmient from the
U.S. government. The U.S. Con-
gress has allocated $200 million
for Bangladesh for the 1972 fis-
cal year but has actually com-
itted less than $70 million.
Of the $70 million. $27 nillion
has gone to pay old refifues
debts in India instead of aidin
The fund expects to sponsor
the film version of the famous
Madison Square . Garden Bang-
ladesh benefit soon. The Auaust
1971 concert included perform-
ances by Ravi Shanker, John
Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo
Starr and Bob Dylan.
Musli-e aides throw in the towel
Campaign workers fon Demo-
cratic presidential aspirant Sen.
Edmund Muskie (D-Maine )
have conceded the May 16 state
primary to Alabama Gov. George
"If Wallace doesn't win here
it will be a real setback to him,'
says Jack Casey, in charge of
Muskie's press and public rela-
tions. "He should beat Hum-
phrey by 10 to 15 per cent."
Muskie is no longer campaign-
ing for the Democratic nomina-
tion and his workers in Michi-
gan have virtually closed down
all their offices.
Muskie aides feel that Wallace
will ride to his first northern
victory on the busing issue,
which is a major concern in
communities around the state.
He cancelled a scheduled
fund-raiser at the Raleigh
House in Southfield. "If he had
shown up we might have been
able. to pay our bills," Casey
Over 2,000 precinct delegate
candidates who c o m m i t t e d
themselves to Muskie, including
many top level UAW and Demo-
cratic Party leaders, will now be
listed on the ballot as uncom-
mitted because of a ruling by
State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley.
According to state law, a can-
didate may release delegates
pledged to him if the candidate
writes a letter to the state *cen-
tral committee of his party.
Solomon Bienenfeld, assistant
attorney general, said that a
letter was received from Muskie
on May 2 asking to release his
committed delegates. A telegram
was also received from Sen.
Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) last
Monday seeking release for the
50 to 60 delegate candidates that
were committed to him. Jackson
withdrew from the Democratic
primary race over a week ago.
According to BieneHifeld. if
there . isn't enough time to
change Muskie's and Jackson's
delegates to uncommitted on the
ballot, before the election, those
precinct delegates among them
that are elected will be cont
sidered uncotmmitted.
Precinct delegates are bound
under state law to vote for the
candidate they are committed to,
for the first two ballots at the
national convention in Miami.