Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, June 2, 1972 -. AofARA;ErINIA x , s F k #s t r r .1iti -.: ;; ,N'i. .t..r tiil 4 "fr, F+ ::' :. s.. r T£, an::''t.. ,i,,;,r i...+ ' UNCON°TRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 dasys 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4 80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21 -25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05 26-30 1.30 3.60 5.00, 6.60 8 10 9.40 1.20 31.-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.4.0 9.05 1cu50 1.35 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50 41 -45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10.95 12.70 1.65 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 1 1.90 13.80_ 1.80 INMCHEIS 1 2.60 5.60 7.60 9 80 11 .90 13.80 1.80 2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19 10 23 45 27.60 3.60 3 7.40 14.80 21.10 27.60 34.00 40.20 5.40 4 9.40 18.60 26.95 35.30 43.55 51.60 7.20 5 11.20 22 40 32.20 42.20 52.10 61.80 9.00 N- B5 Each aroup cf characters counts as one ward CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY Advetisemsents macy be reec-teed lease publication, bat will be billed acordn argi nl naueber cf days eedeeed. Tbie poliey is applic- able as wall ra ads equiring prepay- mess, i.e., nc refuads. AD SUBMIS- SIONS, CANCELLATIONS & COR- RECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY 12:00 NDDN DF THE DAY PRIDR TD THE DAY THEY APPEAR IN THE PAPER. "Help Wanted" ads caaaot discrim- inate cn tbe basic clarax, color, creed, or ational origin teeanyex lens {i.e., "preferably" is still 41s- criiniatory}. "Faced" ads aecreafrece-ofci-arge ts a emaximumssofi3 lines ice 3 clays. Infoematioan eegarding eontent ci classified ads caennos be disclosed price to pablicetion. Advetisers names may NEVER be revealed. Nanmbee af lines inadvertisenment is determained by tlnusmbee ci needs-S weeds/line. A WDRD: Hyphenated weeds undere 5 cbeeaa- lees. Hypbennted weeds ever 5Scar- aters, i.e., phone nambee-2 weeds. continued from Page 5) USED CARS '7c LOTUS El.a SE. Imasculate caoadi- ticn. (3200 asles). Enginloveaslsed as 31cc. Many sparces. Call 517-631- 4455-fleeparticulars. 41N19 WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$ BRINO YOUR TITLE Toyota Ann Arbor 907 N. Main acNes MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS GIUITARS, AMPS, PIANOS.FPr RohnerMarsIrs, Gibsocc Mastina Guild. One-stop cseer. ApollaohMusic, 322 a. Maia, ca9-14au. axle APOLLO ORUM CENTER. D0um sets, acer 2c etc ia steals Ragers, Scnr Ladwig, 0rat.soh. SliacrI ad. Priced- righa deals. 321 5. Ma, c6a-i400. cxtc ---- FOR SALE Hyphenated words acer S charactersc (this includes telepone numbers) 10lns Iaas 1 inch 5 woatds per it count as two words HELP WANTED - PERSONAL REYPUNCH. 1 chilL. Dead berneft..INTRO-ACT - Wely Os Weckend $500-4doe161-1325 44H17 gacs. Expltredeelingsc an4 inter-j persoal raios towards uder- PART-'lIME -M'ai Addressing cf the: lada el a-ac 91 Mich. Dsily, 3-6a ca. Taesa-Sac. Call stndngslf_ 63-6__491 764-05cc. dHil SELECTING WINE fs-a 5he Village SALES PERSON nrreede part-time. Es-j Apachecary's aeliar mans properly jpaerinerquid. SeeNab iaWild's stored wine ta easoabhleprice. Vasty chap. ccHi7ctFte 1963 POND Dalaes 3112ass. ia.;P.S., ISE!essNcyl-Ll 4,THE TIME las lasing ayenot ccm cu_~ttecradio e;wti read baa- c69-aic0.38B18a PERSONAL 1again. Happinss patiently asalie ry d.coai. s~SRUMMADG- SALEccc27Miller,3une3, -tau. Saturday Night Insur ac. 663- . - - - -_____-----I ' UNION BILLIARDS AND BOWL MUST SELL! 'cc Ches II Malibu. Ex-( t '1 la.0lil Ope till 1 a as Sat. celint cnd. V-c. "Cal11-37oel- - - Iis ia i yenecFlS 'TRUCKING PERMITTED: as Middle e-38.el3Model b's and Model C's;NRemingtont l -cw.E e.PssrS LOST AND FOUND___- Electronic Caclatea; savera1 new T ERAPA P ERS ! ; iunsdredcclf peaesa 40% all. 215 LOST AD FOUD piec at alis lccita 1 Decdip.CREATIVE RESEARCHallfesthe finest: _________ miai-memo" a"ppecarders, $20/ca. ORIGINAL RESEARCH rolea$4.00 aNEED someocc Ia 5eashme Deersan. FOUND : Pair cf prscr iptioe giasacs. Ca11 971-c5ll marnings persistently.pacEpi1dientlIapceCl0bica-ec SEE Can bepiced up atDilyclsseified ..32B21 pwiebSpeda disconto 2cai agieCllDbbeW71-70by9 desk. dAlywt 1dyavnc oie ehv -- -, WATERBEDS-Kingsiis" a45x8' 6. proesseional1wrisers in all fields end BRIDGE LOST: Chocoate5 pales Siames female $15. Cell 1-326-2420 beforec4 allacdemid ieels. Wealsa have a ,Libe tc Iearnbridge, as impeeve yu a ntePcadHl ra e a 01 B8fn irr fsffrtqaiysay gmU ofr w nert byneedsahbr. Pleas eell 769-1e07 eve- ______ ________ USED TERMPAPERS as $1.50eapage, inga crses fcr summer. Beginners: slin. 33A21 FOR SALE-NYC traffic ligbt, wering the loesct price intiN U.S.A.! 7-S p.m.every Tacs4ay. Intermediates: cendiion. Andy, ce4-056eoras (ee.) FLASH! 9-11 p.m. every Tuesday. $12. Classes LOST: Persancatee. Lang-halred, blabk 665-6e31. dB15 We haree Flaweat prics inettb becia Taes., Junc a. Sma11 ballroom,; ad brawn salice. Female. E. Dciv. calverselas PHOTOCOPYING. 3c per 2ed flisa, Michigan Union. Far in- aea66-8185. 43A18 WANTED TO RENT coepy-4e icr books! We alea Faye aIaommtion sa11 CRuckbat6e3-72ee. complet eamputeEogrmmicna se- - 22F18 L.OST-Maslebachocolte pint Siarseice. Far TOTAL rsc an d writinag-.-- t-w/ aed eolla-vicieity Liberty & COUPLE WITH CAT, sall dog, ned5serices. M-PINRBOWLING. 40/gam 3rd. Neward. Call 662-15c6 oa cal-ac04. p1acc Icr fall, in as osts cf Aen Ar- Wie I seeame. Mi. Unice dAlt bee. Kris or Mite; 309-7488. 48L19 CREATIVE RESEARCH Opee 12 nooe Mae.-Sat.. 1 p.m. San. USED CARS _ 850 REWARD Ieading toarecvcry cif 'as VW. Rebuilt cagineradie, sans greenl1-speed Sebine Na. 11366. 361- well. $375. 761-3206 sites 5. 28N18 09i5, as questions. 105A18 1969 SAAB-U-4. .Excellent tires, new LOST CAT: female. lena-haired. white brabes, transmissionc-luch, exhast. body aed lass, calico tail aed bead, c64-0423 days. al6-el0a cvenings, week- Call Michelle, 665-S359 as c61-5020. ends. dNi -_,.______ _____ 8~3A17 j NEED TWO sinle ccoms July 151313 5. State St.,.'Ane Asbar, Mich. 48108 Aceut 10. Marie, 403-4311 befoe 10:30 761-5SS0 p.m. 11L17 ect U-M BARBERS & HAIRSTYLISTS "Onectabovectheret" OLDS F85, 1ices. Delaxe V-a manual, meebanically excellent, body needs ssmesweek. $500/oe. ce9-lesS. 69N17 CLEAN RELIABLE USED CARS "Tap Dellar Raw & Always las year car. Domestics '721PontiaceOrand Prix. Air, V. Tap. 9,000 miles. Libe new. $4105.00. '30 Mavericb 6 syl. Auta trans.. radial tires, law mileae, sharp. $1505.00. '30 Camera 2 dr. H. Tap. 6 cyl., 3 speed. Radio. Cleanecace. New tires. Redaced to $1695.00. '69 Rambler 4 dr. 0 cyl. Automatic, sadie. Cleae see. Heduced is $1195.00. '60 Dodge Sportsman Van V-8. Autoatic. Cire. Redaced to $1595.00. '06 Matang eonvereible. Red witb new white tap. V-8. Autoatis, sawer steerina, radia. Likecsew. 9995.00. '69 Cbev. Kiegswood Spars. waon, V-S. Automatie, power stering, brabes, radio. Oaeawaere. Very clea. $2095.00. Foreign & Sports '31 Dasts 5104 4 d. wgee 45R. New tires. Nadie. Exta clea waon. $1995.00. 16e VW Sqaareback 4 sp. Radio. Vesy sharp. $1395.00. '63 Ford Cortina. Asutmatic, radio. 19wmileage. Nicecar. Neduced so $495.00. '63 VW 113, 4 sp. Nadie: Ne4; Law mileae neowaer. $09.00. '69 Fard Ccrtina. Red; 4 sp.; Nadie. NRea1 buy at $395.00. Toyota1001/, Worronty 7T'3 tat Corola4 sp. Nadie, rd, 100/ s ewrraty. $a1695.0 '30 Toyyta Croa 4 dr. Vinyl sap: atomatic 6 cyl. O.H.C. i2,000 mile. Likenew. $1393.00. 170 Toyota Hi-Late 12tea Picbsup wish semper sap. 4asp. Radio, acne awaere. $1095.00. '69 Tayota Caroea 4-dr. Asutoatic; law mileage. 91391.00. ? ECOLOGY M IN DED ? We ace ocaroatshe law dealeswbo bave the Ilea-red analyzing equip- meatltok'epyaur ca'semisiaon pollstats at a mnmm TOYOTA-ANN ARBOR 903 N. Maia-663-8567 OpenMo. & Thutrs. 'til 9:00 p.m. cNl I MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Iastrumets, new,ucadseedeead, rpsired. Lessees,accessories. 209 S.I 3State, 665-8001, 10-6. aXle COMPONENT SYSTEM, Dual121-12, Lafaette receiver, Criterian speabecc. $150, best5oafes. 701-0426, Steve.-20X18 IFOR SALE-I Dyn FM-s taners; 1-J.. L asiny 0-510 0raphic pre-amp; 1- Sony TC-125 acasette-deabs 1 pcir Infinity SS-1 apeakbrs: 1-Sony PS- 1000 5uratable with V-15 II cart-1 ridge. Alsesvsra1 Craweamp. and- pre-amsep.atgret sing.Call1971- 851S persisteotly mornings. 31X21 WILL TRADE gaitar ad/or ap las sax 663-6050. 12X17 THE ANN ARBOR FOLKLORE CENTER; ad Music, Str1ngs,adThingscof PHOTO SUPPLIES EUROPE upnainaL uliu u Fle - __ - JET PARTY FLIGHTS -____ Fre. Adm. XEROX AND OFFSET ATCNUY Dep/et. Route Beta Chg. Tat. Fast, law-rest dapliceting. 5/9 6/11 D/AMS/L/D 181 9 19C0: COPY QUICK The Best in 6/Il 8/Il D/LON/AMS/D 199 10211 - 1117 S. University 769-0560 6/15 8/11 WIND/L/AMS/ cFtc Good Used Cameros WIND 119 10 139 _______- 6/16 9/5 WIND/AMS/L/ I Live in BURSLEY HALL aex5fl.Goar- WE BUY, SELL, TRADE WIND 119 10 119 Igeoasavew , rcasefIaleft. Will pay Eerysbieg Photographic 7/2 8/16 D/LON/D 119 10 119, yeu islabe my place. 1-001-6381. '0/2 9/3 D/LON/D 199 10 119 75F17 DARKROOM SUPPLIES- LUMINOUS PAPER FOR FURTHER INFO: PHOTOGRAPHY BY SARA OWEN PEARLMAN 661-1044 PASSPORTS, weddings,ad cmmercial Repairs onacll maeso , photos by experienced pbotograpber. -ADMINISTRATIVE AND TRAVEL I dee's bane a big studio, so my Century Comero SERVICE BY STUDENTOURS 483-4850 prices arc law. Cell 605-3195 andabk. (At cue new location) cFtc sFtc 4114 N. Woodward, Nepal Dab WHERE MARGINAL prices buy quality OUT OP PRINT boob searcb serviae. Betwern 11 end 14 Mile Rd. diaseoeds. Austin Diamoand, 1109 5. Barders' Book Shap, 518 E. Willam, LI 9-6355 University, 603-7151. c tc 60-7653. sF11 Tabr I-94 Ia Soathfield Eape. North to PORPOISES ON PURPOSE - 13 Mle-then East to BUY WATERBEDS DIRECTLY Read and Use Waodwardad North Ireo I he cmanuatcrer end sae! Michigac Ba,bSe0crity ad Dicer Fram $11.95 Icr a top-qualily guaran- D iyClsiid Charesaccepted) teed prdut,aolnprbletany. Cal alyCas id cDtc Ellen at Aquaest, 769-4491. sFtc tejecac s5rshyare i cacu waing nouce hatthe ae nw wrkig;DURST M-300 elarge with ISCO 50mm together, thec Folblore Ceter 4 val- 1 ccensvlopiagSabk, Squeegee, blat- ' meg Cll timetorppir ad m bing ter booea sl, 1,t5ay. $85, 661-9056 of lastrusects, s11lig only lder asser,persistently. 35019 quality insrumass, 4ndMusic.?-- Striags, end Thingsacasryingag fall - line oflnea suentsan4aces- sa ic. -ceti lag 5he FolbloaeCen Ier's polcyofat slest10%aofl~istl 'prc oan everytiig. Ourian, Galla- gher cariDboGisnOvto, e lWIHmny,ad YamaFaguitrs, Ste- wart-MacDald banjoss, MSpaddes -eseppletelice cf 0ab pablicaliens,1 ad Roander end Folb Le'acy recosds. jWe ar loat5d4a5516 E. William above CampusBibe. Music, Strings, ad Thiags, 668-983a; FolbloreCentee, FIAYF- ATRA 661-0381. eXts FIA &STRA a *e-' --' M r. H ulot's f -wc~ * .Holiday TONIGHT 7and 9 Dir, by Jacques Tati 1090 Washtenaw Dil 434-1782 11954) NOW at the CAMPUS THEATRE Jury Prize Award Winner 191'2 Cannes Festival "SLAUGHTERHOUSE- FIVE"' NVRA ITR TCNCLR A morvelously funny comic hybrid of Choplin (Chorlie) ond Lewis (.Jerry) . 'Mild - monnered Mr. Hulot tokes-o brief mild- monnered vcation spree ot o m iId - monnered country resort - hot everything cons omok. 75c 7 &9:05 p.m. A & D AUDITORIUM (on Monroe between Hoven ond Toppon)