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June 02, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-06-02

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p~age three t x~j Ra

Partly sunny.

Fridoy, June 2, 1972


News Phone: 764-0552

Nixon asks OK
from Con gress
on arms treaty

SOUTH VIE UNAMESE airborne troops move out on a new operation into the foothills north of Hue
yesterday, trying to capture a regiment of anti-Saigon troops. The move involves about 1.000 South
Vietnamese troops, backed by armored tanks and massive U.S. air support.
S. Viets seek communist
regi ment nor 1th of Hue

President Nixon addressed
a spar sel attended joint
session of Congress last
night to urge approval of
a r m s limitations agree-
ments lie has signed with
Soviet leaders.
Speoaking before a nation-
wide television and radio audi-
ence in iithe House chamber,
Nixon said. "I have not come
here this evening to make new
announcements in a dramatic
s=tting. This summit has al-
ready made its news."
The President outlined the
various agreements reached
during his summit meeting in
Mo-cow earlier in the week, but
said the most important of the
accords "is the treaty and relat-
ed ixecutiv eagreementwhich
wiii limit, foi the firt time,
both offensive and defensive
strategic nuclear weapons in
the arsenals of the United
Stales aiid the USSR."
By actual count, only 40 of
the 100 senators and fewer
than 200 of the 433 House
members were present when the
Presideit. entered the House
The diplomatic corps had the
largest representation, about
The galleries, however, were
packed, and many of those with
admission tickets sat on the
Security seemed tighter than
usual, with hundreds of uni-
formed police and plainclothes
officers swarming outside and
inside the Capitol.
Nixon said these agreements
provide a foundation for a new
relationship between two pow-
erful nations with a recent his-
tory of antagonism.
"As a preliminary, therefore."
the President went on, "to re-
questing your concurrance in
some of the agreements we
reached and your approval of
funds to carry out others, and
also as a keynote for the unity
in which this government and
this nation must go forward
from here, t am reiidering this
inimediate report to the Con-
gress on the results of the Mos-
cow summit."
Nixon spoke less than half an
See NIXON, Page 7

Pres~idtent Nixon

SAIGON (/P)-South Vietnamese
paratroopers m o v i n g behind
tanks and American air power
assaulted the green foothills
north of Hue yesterday, trying
to capture or destroy a threat-
ening communist regiment.
Two airborne task forces re-
peatedly sought cover from anti-
Saigon artillery but did not stop
tbeir advance. Each was fighting
company-sized units by late af-
ternoon, Associated Press corres-
pondent Holger Jensen reported.
The operation included an
armored cavalry regiment and a
blocking force of Marines, per-

haps 2,W10 men in all. It swept.
west of Highway 1 and south of
the My Chanh River, 25 miles
above Hue.
More than 30 U.S. B52 bombers
had pummeled the area with
heavy explosives beforehand.
U.S. Air Force fighter-bombers
shct down two MIG21 intercep-
tors Wednesday over North Viet-
nam t0 to 40 miles south of
China, the U.S. Command an-
nounced. It was the closest dog-
fight to the Chinese border in at
least four years.
Other aircraft blasted the
Hanoi-Haiphong area. Spokesmen

said one Air Force F4 Phantom
crashed in Thailand on its way
back to base yesterday, but both
crewmen ejected and were res-
The crash raised to 67 the
number of U.S. planes lost to all
causes in Indochina since the
drive into the South began March
30. Forty-five helicopters also
have been lost.
In Saigon. the U.S. Command
announced the i a r g e s t single
troop cutback from South Viet-
nam since the offensive but none
of the reductions were from com-
bat units.
The command said 37 U.S.
Army units would be withdrawn,
ci uing strength by 2,460 men
and bringing it toward the level
of 49,000 that President Nixon
ordered reached by July 1.
Officiai U.S. figures as of last
v-gri listed 64.800 Americans in
South Vietnam, not counting
more than 80,000 others support-
ing the war effort from air and
naval operations o u t s i d e the
See S. VIETS, Page 7

'U' aske
for Indian
A petition drive has been
launched by the American In-
dians Unlimited, a local organ-
ization, requesting an Indian
recruiter, counselor and Indian
studies at the University.
According to Victoria Barner,
an organizer of the drive. the
signed petitions will be pre-
sented to the Regents at their
June meeting.
The drive will continue dur-
ing thesummer. According to
Barner, "we will go to every Re-
gents' meeting," until the re-
quests are answered.
Barner estimates that over
2,000 signatures from both stu-
dents and persons in the com-
munity have been collected
siiice spring registration.
"We don't have the number
of people needed for a big or-
ganized push. But we can show,
by the number of signatures.
that students want Indian stu-
dies and a recruiter," says Bar-
There were 20 Indian stu-
dents at the University last

District judge strikes
down wire-tap law

1968 federal law allowing wire-
tapping was ruled unconstitu-
tional yesterday by a U.S. Dis-
trict Court judge,
Judge Joseph Lord Jr. said the
law was "unconstitutional on
its face" because it violated the
Fourth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, which guarantees
citizens privacy against illegal
searches and intrusions.
"The privacy 'of every citizen
is in jeopardy if we become a
nation which sanctions the in-
discriminate use of secret elec-
tronic searches by the govern-
ment," the judge said in his
In Washington, a Justice De-
partment spokesman said there
would be no comment on the
ruling until the Criminal Divi-
sion obtained a copy and studied
T Michig' Daily, edOe 0 a-
age0 by studOtts a the titrsity of
Miigan. News phone: 764-562. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor
Mich igan 48104. Pubr iiied daily Ts
sit year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier. $11 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Sturday morning. Sosceip-
tion rates: $5.58 by carrier (campos
area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich.. or
Ohto); $7.50 non-tocal mail (other states
and foreign).

He added, however, that more
than a dozen U.S. district courts
and the U.S. Court of Appeals in
Denver have taken the view that
the law is constitutional.
The judge approved a motion
by seven gambling case de-
fendants who asked him to sup-
press evidence that had been
gathered by electronic surveil-
A wiretap had been placed on
the phone of Matthew Whitaker,
who has been described by police
as the gambling czar of Schuyl-
kill County in eastern Pennsyl-
The tap was authorized by the
late District Court Judge John
Lord Sr., then chief judge, under
Title 3 of the Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act of
The 1968 law requires that
the U.S. attorney general first
determine that a wiretap is
needed in a case and personally
authorize agents to request a
warrant from a judge.
Several Appeals Court deci-
sions here have noted that this
provision was inserted into the
law to put the responsibility for
wiretaps into the hands of an
official whose appointment is
subject to approval by the Sen-


Duig tunes lift

If you happened to wander
through the diag last Saturday
evening you may have been
mildly astonished to hear the
melodic strings from Stravin-
sky's "Rite of Spring" resound-
ing in the moonlight.
Surprised passers-by dallied in
the diag last weekend taking in
the sounds of some of the world's
greatest classical composers in-
cluding Bach, Beethoven and
Lastweek's presentation was
the first of a series of classical
music recordings which are be-
ing broadcast on the diag by two
local music enthusiasts, Doug
Sutherland and Ron Urbach.
The major thrust of the pre-
sentations is classical music with
some jazz as well.
Selections will represent mu-
sic from several time periods

and will include various types of
Baroque lute music, romantic
concertos, renaissance, modern
and contemporary pieces will be
aired as well as Japanese, Bai-
nese, and Indian compositions.
"Music should be a dialogue--
something that everyone can re-
late to," says Urbach.
Urbach said that he's open to
and welcoming all suggestions
for the presentations.
"People can bring their own
records and we'll play them,"
he says.
Urbach says lie is urging
local musicians and dancers who
are interested iii giving live per-
formances to contact him.
"We have a 20 input mixer
with mikes that can handle any-
thing up to a midi-orchestra,"X
he says.
"We'd like to get some waltzes
and polkas going in the evening

SP iri ts
and some itight-timme ballet and
interpretive dancimg to accom-
pany the musical presentations,"
Urbach adds.
The music will tentatively be
broadcast every Saturday froim
noon to midnight.
Urbach says the musical pre-
sentations received a positive re-
sponse from most of the people
in the area.
"We only had two complaimts
and they were from people who
said they couldn't do their work
because the music was too beau-
"We're concerned because we
don't want to violate the space
of others," he says.
Urbach says that he is hoping
to organize an all-day presenta-
tion in the Arb.
"We've got to be careful,
though, the Arb has its owe
special kind of music 24 hours a

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