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June 01, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-01

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Thursday, June 1, 1972


Page Seven

i{ Tigers outlast Indians;
Twins splinter. Royals

By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND - Eddie Brink-
man hit a bases-loaded sacrifice
fly in the 10th inning, giving the
Detroit Tigers a 5-4 victory over
skidding Cleveland last night
after reliever Fred Scherman
worked out of a bases-loaded,
none-out jam in the Indians'
Magic Number: 119
Now that the Tigers are in
... first by hemiseves that magic
number is dropping faster. On-
.y 1 wins by Detroit and
.wols xS.'-,'-:j'- losses for Baltimore and it's in
r" :' the bag!.
Bill Freehan started the win-
ning rally with a pinch single
off Steve Mingori and Paul Jata
sacrificed. Tony Taylor was hit
by a pitch and Mickey Stanley
walked before Brinkman hit his
fly ball.
The triumph enabled the Ti-
-Associated Press gers to take over undisputed
NEW YORK YANKEE catcher Thurman Munson crashes into poresstotko er un te
crse no possession of first place in the
Milwaukee Brewer catcher Ellie Rodriguez when the former tried American League East from
to score on a single last night. The throw was in time and Munson rain-idled Baltimore by one-half
was put out. game. It was Cleveland's sev-
Aaron belts 648th home run

enth consecutive setback and
dropped the third-place Indians
two games back.
The Tigers trailed 2-1 until
the eighth -when Norm Cash
homered off Milt Wilcox, Tom
Haller s i n g 1 e d and Stanley
homered for a 4-2 Detroit lead.
The Indians rallied for two in
the bottom of the ninth on sin-
gles by Buddy Bell, Lou Camilli
and John Lowenstein, a passed
ball, walk and Eddie Leon's
sacrifice fly, which- was drop-
ped by right fielder Jim North-
With the score tied, the bases
filled and still nobody out, Sch-
erman then retired Del Unser
on a popped-up bunt, struck out
pinch hitter Gerry Moses and
got Chris Chambliss on a liner
to second.
Twins torrid
holm socked a three-run sixth-
inning homer, his third of the
season and second game-winner,
boosting Bert Blyleven and the
Minnesota Twins to a 3-2 victory
over the Kansas City. Royals
last night.
Soderholm, who was hitting
just .183 before the game, con-
nected with two out off Jim
Rooker, 2-2, after Rod Carew
and Barmon Killebrew opened
the inning with singles.
Rooker, who pitched out of a
bases-loaded jam in the first and
entered the sixth with a two-
hitter, seemed to have worked
out of trouble by getting Bobby
Darwin on a fly ball and firing
a third strike by Rick Renick.
But Soderholm drove Rooker's
1-2 pitch 366 feet into the left
field seats
Blyleven struggled to his sev-
enth victory against three losses,
benefitting in the seventh when

By The Associated Press
ATLANTA-Hank Aaron belted
his 648th career home run, mov-
ing him into a second place tie
on the all-time list, as the At-
lanta Braves whipped the San
Diego Padres 54 last night.
Aaron's blast, his ninth this
season, moved him into a tie
with Willie Mays, the former San
Francisco Giant great who this
year was traded to the New
York Mets. The two modern day
superstars are the only players
with more than 600 homers
other than Babe Ruth, whose
714 mark stands as one of the
game's most revered records.
Aaron smacked a 3-2 pitch off
southpaw Fred Norman, 4-3,
that curled around the left field
foul pole and landed in the seats,
a solo blow in the first inning.
It also lifted his lifetime total
bases to 6,001.
The Braves added another run
in the first when Rico Carty sin-
gled and later scored on Earl
Williams' single to center.
Gibby w
CHICAGO - Lou Brock sin-
gled across Dal Maxvill from
second in the fifth inning to back
Bob Gibson's three-hit pitching
and give the St. Louis Cardinals
a 1-0 victory over the Chicago
Cubs yesterday.
Gibson, 2-5, won his second
successive decision by shading
Chicago's Ferguson Jenkins, who
yielded eight. scattered hits,
three by Matty Alou. Jenkins,

registering his ninth straight
complete game, is now 5-5.
After Don Kessinger's leadoff
single in the fourth, Gibson held
the Cubs hitless until Gene
Hiser's one-out single in the
eighth. Jim Hickman singled in
the ninth.
The Cards scored intthe fifth
when Maxvill opened with a sin-
gle, was sacrificed by Gibson.
and scored on Brock's single to
Alou, hitting in his 13th
straight game, doubled, singled
and tripled in his first three
trips. His sixth-inning leadoff
triple was wasted when he was
nailed off third on Ted Sim-
mons' one-out bouncer to the
Dodgers surge
Mota lashed a tie-breaking
triple in the 10th inning, lifting
the Los Angeles Dodgers to a
5-4 victory over the San Fran-
cisco Giants yesterday.
Mota's hit off losing reliever
Don McMahon, 0-2, scored Wil-
lie Davis, who had led off the
10th with a walk. Mota then
was trapped off third, with Wes
Parker at bat. Parker followed
with an infield single.
Reliever Jim Brewer, 4-2, was
the winner; blanking the Giants
over the last two innings.
Astros axed
HOUSTON-George Foster, hit-

ting .167 at game time, clubbed
a grand slam home run and
Johnny Bench hit a three run
shot as the Cincinnati Reds
bombed Houston 12-4 and handed
the skidding Astros their fifth
straight loss last night.
Foster's bases - loaded homer
came with the Reds trailing 3-2
and highlighted a six-run third
inning for Cincinnati.

Lou Piniella tried to score from
first on Ed Kirkpatrick's loop-
ing single to right and was cut
down at home on Danny Thon.p-
son's relay to Phil Roof.
A's erupt
ARLINGTON - The Oakland
A's erupted for three runs in the
sixth inning last night to defeat
Texas 5-1 and give Jim Hunter
his fifth victory.
Texas' Dick Bosman was lock-
ed in a 1-1 pitching duel with
Hunter when the A's teed off on
the righthander in the sixth.
Bert Campaneris opened the
inning with a double down the
third base line. Joe Rudi bunted
for a single, moving Campaneris
to third. Bosman walked Reg-
gie Jackson and Sal Bando fol-
lowed with a sacrifice fly, scor-
ing Campaneris.
Mike Epstein singled to right,
scoring Rudi. Then Ollie Brown
followed with a single to drive
Jackson across. Jim Panther
came on to get out the side
without further damage.
Lyle saves Yanks
MILWAUKEE - John Ellis
and Gene Michael each singled
in two first-inning runs and re-
liever Sparky Lyle put out a
pair of late rallies last night as
the New York Yankees defeat-
ed the Milwaukee Brewers 5-4.
now coaching
Atlafnta, not
Phoenix Suns
ATLANTA (MP-Coach Lowell
"Cotton" Fitzsimmons, who took
the Phoenix Suns to consecutive
third-place finishes in two pro-
fessional coaching seasons was
named coach of the Atlanta
Hawks yesterday.
Fitzsimmons, the shortest
coach in the National Basket-
ball Association at 5 feet 8, re-
places Richie Guerin, who re-.
signed about a month ago tJ
become general manager of the
Fitzsimmons went to the Suns
from Kansas State, where he
coached two seasons. His club
won the Big Eight title in 1970.
Before that, he coached nine
years at Moberly (Mo.) Junior
College. His college coaching
career record stands at 258-78.
Jerry Colangelo, general man-
ager of the Suns, announcedain
Phoenix that he released Fitz-
simmons from the remaining
two years of his contract so he
could be named coach of the
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Professional League Standings
American League National League
East East
W L Pet. GI W 1 Pt. Gn
iDetroit 21 16 .568 - Nrew Yarks 29 11 .725 -
Baltimore 0 16 .5 6 ,Vi'ittsburgh 24 15 .615 41'
Cleveland 18 17.514 2 Chicago 20 18 .526 8
Nw York 1 .459 4 Moetreal 1 2 2ois
Besten i5 19 .441 4V/ Philade'iphia 16 24 .400 13
Milwaukee 12 22 .353 7 St. Louis 16 25 .390 131,/
Oakland s 25 12 .676 Los Angeles 26 16 .619 -
Minnesota 23 12 .657 1 Houston 24 17 .585 11,
Chicago 22 15 .595 3 Cincinnati 23 18 .561 2'r
California 17 23 .425 9% Atlanta 18 22 .450 7
'Crass 11 14 .415 10 San Dirge 10 16 .381 18
Kansas City 13 24 .351 12 San Francisco 15 31 .326 13
Yesterday's Results
Boston at Baltieor, postpoed St. Louis 1, Chicago 0
il~rtsnt~atiiaeepapsad Los Angels 5, SanFraaciscos4,l10
Detroit 5, Cleveland 4, 10 innings i snings
New York 5, Milwaukee 4 Montreal 3, Pittsburgh 2
Mnnesota 3, Kan ss City C Philadelphia at New York, Postponed
Oak1usd 5, Texas Atlata5, San 01egoa4
Chicago at California, inc. Cincinnati 12, Hus on 4
Today's Games Today's Games
Detroit (Coleman, 7-3) at Cleveland Philadelphia (Selma, 1-6) at New York
(Perry, 8w3) night (McAndrew, 3-1) night
Boston (Krausse, 1-2) at Baltimore Cincinnati (McGlothlin, 2-4) at Hous-
(Palmer, 5-3) night ton (ReesĀ§, 3-3) night
New York (Hinton, 1-0) at Milwaukee Los Angeles (Singer, 3-4) at San Fran-
(slaton, 1-6) cisco (Stone, 2-4) night
Kansas City (Drago, 2-4) at Minne- St. Louis (Wise, 4-4) at Chicago (Hands,
sota (Kaat, 6-1) 3-1)
Only games scheduled. Only games scheduled.

nas anyone seen tats man
The above is a recent picture of Daily Sports writer Bobo An-
drews, missing since Sunday. If anyone sees him in the Ann
Arbor area, please call 764-0552.
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