4 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552 VielnamizatiOn: A flop LITTLE HAS been said about Vietnamization recently. Even before President Nixon went abroad, his an- nounced solution to the Vietnam mess had been shown -this time so just about everybody acknowledges it-to be a flop. Field reports leave it unsaid, but outside a few cities and off the main highways, government by 'the Saigon regime is all but nonexistent. U.S. and South Vietnamese troops used to pull off major "sweens" netting thousands of "enemy" soldiers and agents. Now the ARVN forces rarely venture off the main roads and are immobile, moving for the most part by airlift. Government communiques on the "besieged" city of An Loc only hint at the vast area of land where the only vestige of Saigon's authority is the rubble that once was a city. The relief column that started up Highway 13 for An Loc weeks ago is stalled, relying on constant air strikes to maintain its static position. In Khontum, air power drives the insurgents out by day, but by morning they are invariably back, despite the ARVN garrison. Tanks and artillery regularly knock down the "North Vietnamese protective cover" - the city's buildings - while South Vietnamese commanders dutifully c9unt the bodies after the bomber runs outside the town. SLOWLY, THE United States has unwittingly and awk- wardly adopted the tactic proposed years ago by re- tired Gen. James Gavin that the United States retreat into armed enclaves and withdraw-hoping that the ARVN forces could stand up to the Viet Cong. Saigon's army has not successfully engaged its bat- tlefield opponent without massive air support and Nguyen Thieu's government has established no wide base of sup- port. This, expected or not, has led President Nixon to depend on the gigantic torrent of bombs to prop up a pair of presid'ents - one over there and one over here. ARTHUR LERNER Co-Editor NIGHT EDITOR: LINDA DREEBEN Summer Staff BOB ANDREWS... . . . ..Associate Sports Editor ROBERT BARKIN .. .. . ................... ........... Night Editor JAN BENEDETTI . .. . ........ . ................ Night Editor ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ... ............................. .. Co-Editor DANIEL BaRUS........ ........ ............ ... sports Night Editor ROBERT CONROW. . ...........s..Boos Edits LINDA DREEBEN . ........... ....... .. .... Night Editor DENNY GAINER. . . ............ .............. Photography Editor ANDY GOLDING ................. Booines Manager MERYL ORDON.. ....... Assistant Night Editor HARRY HIRSCH ... ........ .. Display Manager SHERRY KASTLE ............ .........Circulation Manager KAREN LAAKKO. . ...... . ............... Classified Manager ELLIOT LEGOW ...........................Sprto Editor ARTHUR LERNER.. .... ... ..Co-Editor DIANE LEVICK . . ......................... Assistant Night Editor DAVID MARGOLICK ..... . . ... .. . ... . . Photographer SHEILA MARTIN. . ....... .... . General Business Asistant JIM O'BRIEN ..........:...................Science Editor CHRIS PARKS ...................... ........ ........ Night Editor NANCY ROSENBAUM.. .... Assistant Night Editor PAUL RUSKIN ..... .................... Assistant Night Editor ROLFE TESSEM ..............................Photographer PAUL TRAVIS .... . ............... . . . Night Editor GARY VILLANI ...... ....... ........... ..........Photographer JIM WALLACE. . .... .....Photographer DEBORAH WHITING ....... Cirulation Assistant CAROL WIECK ..............General Buiness Aoistant (iii{i WASHINGTON - Trying to predict who, where and when a man will attempt to kill a presi- dent is an impossible job. The Secret Service has tackled it by setting up a computerized file of potential assassins. The trouble is, they have gotten a little carried away. The agency's files contain t h e names of scores of potential pres- idential killers, whom most people always thought were harmless. Take, for example, former base- ball great Jackie Robinson. Five days after President Nixon took office, Robinson joined a small group of blacks who stopped by a White House gate and asked to see the President. The Alabama fireball was his own chief fund raiser. He would work his audience into an evangelical fervor then send Wallace g i r 1s with buckets to collect donations. He has already raised an estimat- ed million dollars at his rallies. this year. In 1968, he raised sev- eral million dollars. No account- ing vas ever made and insiders have told us that aides dipped freely into the campaign chest and stuffed five- and ten-dollar bills into their own pockets. - MENTAL REHEARSAL - President Nixon carefully me- morized what he intended to say to Soviet leader Leonid B r e z- hnev. White House aides tell us that the President mentally rehearsed over and over again the points he expected to make. Nixon also keyed himself psychologically for the confrontation in Moscow. He disciplined himself mentally and psysically much as a fighter might train for a. championship bout. He carefully arranged to spend two days in Austria to adjust him- self to European time before go- ing on to Moscow. He chose Aus- tria because there would be no big problems to detract him from his main mission. A preliminary stop in England, France or West Germany would have been too de- manding. While Nixon was preparing for the summit meeting, Brezhnev was beating down bitter opposition in- side the Kremlin against a Rus- sian-American detente. The opposition was led by De- fense Minister Andrei Grechko, who had the powerful backing of the military-industrial faction. Brezhnev put his personal pres- tige on the line in order to over- come the opposition. As an object lesson to his op- ponents, he also quietly demoted one of his most outspoken oppon- ents, Pyotry Shelest. Intelligence reports suggest that Grechko was too powerful to be deposed, but has been restrained after seling Shelest get the axe. - GEORGE WANTS TED - Senators Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern, the two lead- ing contenders for the Demccratic' presidential nomination, have been talking privately about their vice presidential choices. Humphrey has told intimates that, if he wins the nomination, he would like McGovern as his running mate. But McGovern pri- vately has ruled out all the piresi- dential candidates as running mates. His first choice would be Senator Ted Kennedy. McGovern is ready, if nominated, to make an impassioned appeal to Kennedy to join him on the ticket. If Kennedy refuses, McGovern has mentioned Florida's Governor Reuben Askew, Illinois Senator Adlai Stevenson and Idano's Sena- tor Frank Church. The only pres- idential contender that McGovern has shown any interest in as a running mate is Indiana's Senator Birch Bayh. Meanwhile, McGovern is quiet- ly preparing to divorce his presi- dential campaign, if he should win the Democratic nomination, from the old guard Democratic National Committee. McGovern has already quietly in- corporated his McGovern F o r President organization. His stain purpose is to avoid the kind of law suits that were filed individ- ually against Eugene McCarthy and the late Robert Kenaedy's es- tate to collect 1968 campaign debts. McGovern can avoid personal re- sponsibility for campaign obliga- tions by forming a corporatien. - INTELLIGENCE NOTES - O A secret intelligence analysis has encouraged President Nixon to believe he might, just possibly, get Soviet cooperation to arrange a Vietnamese settlement. Brezh- nev warned Henry Kissinger in April that the Soviet Uunion would not interfere with its North Viet- namese ally. However, the new intelligence analysis points o u t that North Vietnam cannot con- tinue the war without a n e w round of Soviet equipment. This would amount to such a huge in- vestment for the Kremlin that the analysis hopefully suggests that the Soviets might be willing to intervene in Hanoi for a mean- ingful peace. * Fighting has now broken out inside Chilean President Salvadore Allende's Marxist government. The radicals are impatient over Al- lende's failure to communize Chile. This has already , caused violent eruptions between the radicals and moderates. Jackie Robinson: Threat to Pres.? It's doubtful that Jackie Rob- inson knew it, but the Secret Serv- ice was taking notes. Wrote Spec- ial Agent Thomas Sebriver: "The reason they wanted to see t h e President was that they wanted more jobs for the black people and also wanted the President to define black capitalism." It sounds like a fairly mild form of protest. But the Secret Service went ahead and established a com- puterized file on Robinson. He is now officially recognized as a threat to the President of the Unit- ed States* FEAR FOR WALLACE - George Wallace's aides have complained privately that they fear for the Governor's safety at Holy Cross hospital. They believe someone may try to finish off Wallace by poisoning his food or sabotaging his medi- cal services. Nor are they re- jieved by President Nixon's offer to let Wallace 'use the presiden- tial suite at Walter Reed Hospi- tal. The aides have complained .that the Walter Reed Hospital .Staff is infiltrated with "liber- als" who might try to do Wallace in , Meanwhile, other Wallace aides seem chiefly concerned about how to keep the money rolling in with- out Wallace. Ted: McGov's VP? 9 President Nixon has taken a moderate position in Moscow on the Soviet presence in Egypt. The President indicated to aides that he regarded the Soviet presence as a moderating influence upon the Egyptians who might otherwise try to inflame the Arab-Israeli war. (Copyright, 1972, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Letters to The Daily c T l . 's krx S FM TRI u e Xn2 aU " e , "- LpS 'tip Mirror, mirror . Holding hands To The Daily: AN EXCELLENT piece of air pollution legislation, House Bill 4260, passed State House after a long fight and passed on to the Senate Committee on Health, Soc- ial Services and Retirement, chair- ed by Sen. Alvin DeGrow (R- Pigeon). The bill provides for many prac- tical and vitally important me- chanisms of surveillance, monitor- ing, fee collecting, standard set- ting and others - dramatic, per- haps, but crucial if the inhabi- tants of our state, particularly heavily industrialized southern Michigan, are to finally enjoy clean air. After closed, secret hearings where the committee listened to testimony from industrial groups, chambers of commerce, manufac- turing associations and other such bodies representing the "public health and welfare" of this state, the bill faded from sight, only to be replaced by Senate Bill 1278 - a laughing ghost of what 4260 had been. Since there have been no cries of outrage from the Senate floor regarding the fate of the provis- ions of 4260, it appears that t he members of the upper house would rather hold the hand of the in- dustrial-utilities lobby in their "crisis" than look out for t h e health and safety of the people of Michigan. If any hands are to be held, it should be those of their slowly strangling constituents back home. Perhaps those of us left breath- ing will remember their touching concerns around election time. -David Paxton, Grad. May 19 Loners To The Daily: GOV. WALLACE has been shot and we have the media telling us that the suspect is a loner. And we are told later that all the American assassins were loners. Let us accept that something makes them loners. Being a loner is not a crime, but this society makes life difficult for a man who does not belong to the herd. This society cannot handle any- body who is too much of an in- dividual. Even comparatively elite subcultures have their own ways of domesticating people. The West has not out much faith in odd numbers. And the East, especially India, has in- dulged too much in one odd num- ber, one. And history has shown us the problems resulting from both systems of thought. -Vishwanath PR