SLm Ar Migan a Vol. LXXXI1, No. 16-S. Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 1, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages t NO. 4 4 i is Y>:. " ;:,X'$;v. :?; "".4' k:::v. 3' v:: ix n e n sPoland, talks to Cong9ress today WARSAW (N-Tens of thousands of shouting and sing- ing Poles welcomed President Nixon to this Communist capital yesterday in a warm, boisterous greeting. Nixon flew here from Tehran, Iran, where a series of terrorist bombings caused tight security to be imposed on his departurey Poland, the world's third largest Communist country, >>> is the fourth and final stop in a journey that has carried Nixon to summit talks in Moscow and a series of agree- ments with Soviet leaders. Nixon and Polish leaders will confer mainly on trade and economic matters The President travels back to Washington today and -Associated Press PRESIDENT NIXON stretches his arm out to clasp hands with a Warsaw girl. Nixon, who arrived in Poland yesterday, was greeted by thousands of Poles. FLIGHT SECURITY TIGHTENS: Meir accuses Arabs of airport massacre By The Associated Press Israeli Premier Golda Meir told Arab states. yesterday they will be held responsible for Is- rael's airport massacre in which 25 persons died and 70 were wounded. Transport Minister Shimon Peres turned over the job of airport security to tough bor- der police, who will patrol the Lod international terminal with submachine guns. At an emergency meeting with representatives of 17 interna- tional airlines that fly to Is- rael, Peres called for tough new measures at their home air- ports. Simultaneously, security mea- sures were tightened at airports around the world following Meir's charge that the massacre could "easily have been pre- vented if only the airline on which the attackers flew had checked their passengers." Hinting broadly at retaliation for the Tuesday night killings by three Japanese terrorists hired by Palestinian guerrillas. Meir told the Israeli parlia- ment: "I am sure Israel will find a remedy for what hap- pened, so that it won't happen again." A leader of the Marxist Pop- ular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. which claimed re- sponsibility for the attack, boasted in Beirut, Lebanon "We have many more surprises in store for Israel." Tokyo authorities said the three gunmen carried stolen Japanese passports. More than 24 hours after the attack. there was still confusion over the identity of some vic- tims. A list released by the gov- ernment did not match a list is- sued by hospitals. Of the 25 dead, five remained unidenti- fied. In Beirut, government offic- ials, guerrillas and ordinary citizens expressed fear of an Is- raeli reprisal strike. In a letter to the U.N. Secur- ity Council, Lebanon disavowed responsibility for the massacre and alerted the 15-nation body to "any eventuality" that might follow Israeli threats. Israel, also in a letter to the council, laid blame for the at- tack on Lebanon. Israeli Ambassador Yo s e f Tokoah said in the letter: "Ter- ror actions carried out abroad are planned and organized in the Beirut headquarters of the terror groups." The Cairo press this morning hailed the guerrilla operation at Israel's Lod airport as a "com- plete success and a crack blow of utmost significance." Editorials expressed hope that the Tuesday massacre would be a prelude to similar operations and to a "Palestinian revolu- tion inside Israel and occupied See MEIR, Page 2 plans to report to a joint session of Congress tonight on his week of talks with Kremlin leaders. At Warsaw airport, Nixon said his visits here and to Moscow were intended to help "build a new structure of peace in the world." The bomb that exploded in the Iranian capital during the Nix- ons' overnight visit killed one Iranian woman and broke both legs of a U.S. Air Force general. One bomb exploded near a royal tomb before Nixon arrived there to place a wreath, b u t White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler said that was "no indication whatsoever that the acts were aimed at the life of the President or members of his party." Afterward a crowd of teen- age boys stoned the presidential motorcade as it drove to the airport, an American television crew traveling several cars be- hind the President's reported. Several cars in the convoy were hit, but apparently not the Pre- sident's, a spokesperson said. Nixon's discussions with Gier- ek at the Polish parliament were in the presence of translators only. Their meeting occurred at al- most the same time as U.S. Secretary of State William Rog- ers signed a consular agreement with his Polish counterpart, Foreign Minister Stefan Olszow- ski. The pact, which took 10 years to negotiate because of fluctuat- ing relations between both coun- tries, provides additional Ameri- can Embassy protection for U.S. citizens arrested in Poland. Pol- See NIXON, Page 2 EPA OKs new clean air plans From wire Service Reports The head of the Environment- al Protection Agency (EPA) yes- terday approved clean air plans submitted by nine states and three territories. The agency ap- proved some parts and rejected segments of plans proposed by 41 other states and jurisdic- tions. The EPA rejected a plan sub- mitted by Michigan, claiming that air pollution levels in down- town Detroit, Grand Rapids and Flint are much higher than state tests show. The legal effectiveness of the approved plans is unclear how- ever in the light of a court de- cision issued Tuesday which re- quires that approval be grant- ed only if plans give complete protection to air already clean- er than required by federal stan- dards. EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus is required by law to impose federal regulations by July 31, 1972 where state plans are deemed inadequate. So m e states, however, may correct de- ficiencies in their plans and win complete approval before the July deadline, according to EPA officials. Ruckelshaus said yesterday that the court order does aot af- See EPA, Page 2 Quaaludes: The new 'hip' downer By PAUL TRAVIS Intellectual heroin. The new hip downer. Azzies. Sopors. Optimals. Qua- aludes. All are names for the latest drug fad to hit Ann Arbor. Methaqualone, the drug's medical name, is a non-barbituate sedative pre- scribed by doctor's primarily for in- somnia. Users describe the drug's effect as giving a "loose, relaxed mellow feeling, with unpredictable bursts of energy." "If you drink with it, it's a real heavy downer," comments another user. Medical officials report that the use of the drug-for both medical and non- medical reasons-is growing. Locally Drug Help counselors say they have received over 200 calls about methaqualone since January, ranging from informational questions to over- dose situations. "We first started getting calls around last November," said Gail Johnson of Drug Help. "The calls really picked up after January." Because of the large supply of metha- qualone on the streets a 300tmg Quaalude costs between 50 cents and one dollar. Quaaludes, the most popular brand of methaqualone, are manufactured by the William H. Rorer Co. The drug was put on the U.S. market in 1965 and has since become one of the most p o p u 1 a r prescription seda tives among doctors and young people. Since that time, according to Charles McCallister, vice-president of Rorer, the company has had a "nice sales gain." Very little research has been per- formed in the United States to explore the effects of the drug. According to the Rorer Co., "the site and mode of action of Quaalude is not known." Research reports from European med- ical journals, however, indicate side ef- fects from continuous use of the drug including convulsions, repiratory depres- sions, early, profuse, or prolonged men- strual bleeding, spontaneous vomiting, and discoloration and fissuring of the tongue. According to medical reports, the drug may be harmful to pregnant women, or women who become pregnant within a short time after using it. Research also indicates that if used continuously, the drug may become phy- sically addicting. Doctors in Germany have reported at least eight deaths resulting from an overdose of methaqualone. No deaths resulting from overdoses have been reported locally. Most crisis situations in the Ann Arbor area result from people who drink while taking methaqualone, according to Drug Help workers. Mixing alcohol and Quaaludes is dan- gerous because the two potentiate-mul- tiply the effect of-each other, and re- duce the amount of methaqualone needed to cause an overdose. The dose usually prescribed for the insomniac is 150 or 300mg, but some users ingest up to 10 times that amount. According to Drug Help, suspected overdose victims should be kept awake. "Use yelling, slapping, walking or pinch- ing the Achilles tendon, anything to keep the person awake," says Gary Rogow of Drug Help. See QUAALUDES, Page 2