Page Tee, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 31, 1972 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 31, 1972 AT HEART! Ridea New, Bi*cycle Now ENGLISH MENS-10-Speeds ENGLISH MENS-3-Speeds Whatever You Need in Bicycle Equipment See Us F IRST ! TIRES- TUBES--BASKE TS Safety Lites-Locks-Pumps TOYS--Frisbees-Yo-Yo's Games-Rholler Skates-Maney More S "THE FRIENDLY STUDENTS STORE" camps a 18 E WILIAM662-0035 Ann Arbor' Thousands SO DO GOLFERS: Tracksters end up fourth, Michigan_w athletic squads in tirack and gulf put together some solid prforiuances and nsanag- ; ....ed irespectable and exciting fouuith place finishes in their re- ' ' spective Big Ten championships held last week end. Tetr ackmn were helped by Godfirey Murray's championship iu the 120 yard high hurdles as a elI an lie 1-2 Wolverine finish ha Kim Rowse and Greg Sypho. in the 441) yard dash. Theimile relay learn also per- liiiormecladmiirahly, inning tIhS chaumpionship in a Memoriial >< Stadiuiiiretaid of1309.9. k Miii-rais tiiae in hrsspieciaiii s Y thorhigh hurdles was a hit stun "was a hit scared"hr vs- latinid. Ttirtimie dirt ifiet that sloiw but I dirt hisve Running imiaterMlt e,ee fiii, . Te hamiuoniship swas wous li Michi-ua ae,vusing tie fastesti rotter ssirinteirs inthecoiiitiry. 9> M:t i sit Gilt, fashed to a Big' > . Ten ii curd in ihe 221 while Hieib Wastiang vn knotired JessireGOsens N ~ ~ i mark of 94 in the 0lit ar _ dast- < 2r :,Thei:18 pints ,ainaii'is' byih Spaitansin tir ins osueesd' - A 4~cite F'" , vs wuuieaevughutiforia on'!"gnu'i 01110STATEi ol tekroerIlntfer rcheeks oatIfnhs -las:ifl~ all befhreiiteein~g- an Mirhigani Staitesauiiprtvv to li 0 gIl 'Tea( l aniptioushi1ps. held in StPaulMuae'-iiiia. vathreieviviictoirirsin 'Ii; ________________________________________________________ pouris in one scsi. _______ _________----- Tir Illini 0weivstirong iM ltho m idrdledristnvees as vxpectrleviln p theiirimiaigins in tiis area p'so isMost Complete Record Shops 3 vidrd iiaicti otftietipeliun rnf LPs. nnd Tnnes in Stock gasowards the ir evvntiial secoinu 305.iscount records 30 .State (at Liberty) and 1235 S. University (near Forest) HOURS-Mon. thru Fri. State 9:30 to 9 Sat. 9:30 to 6 Sun. Noon to 5 . NEW FROM ROLLING STONES TWO-RECORD SET ONLY 49 t.~CoachPFon Braunl Last year's champion Indiana was left at the gate, tienty poitsl~ behind the hard-ca ruing Spartaus. The Wolverines endJed with 68 point for their 41,41placv finish. In the golf ma~tches in St. Paul, Minnesota,. the host toans, fired a record-setting 1,440. The Minnesota learn, lead hy Jinm Bergesons 281 total, hosted the old mark set hy the 1950 Purdue squad. Michigan's Neil Spitlany plac- ed second, firing a one-over-par 66-71-75-73-285. The Gophers won the t e a in title hy 16 strokes over Indiana. Ohio State placed third wih 1L- 462 and the Wolverines four'th with a 1,466 total for 72 1-ales. M(AT-DAT-ORE LSAT-ATGSB NATLUBDS. *0 Preparat ion for tests required for odision to graduate and pro- fessonal schools . Six and twelve session aroups . Small groups . Voluminous material for home study prepared hr experts in each field " Lesion schedule can he tailored eo meet individual needs Summer Sessions Special Compact Courses Weekend s--Intersessions STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER DETROIT BRANCH 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd., Suite 113 Southfield, Michigan 4807~ 13131 354-0085 Success Through Education Since 1938 Branches in principal cities in U. The Tutoring School with the Nationwide Reputation __MORE HUT LP's NOW ON SALE. JANMS JOAN ROBERTA DROCOL JETHRO ROBERTA ERIC EDGAR BAZ FLACK DAVID HAREM TULL FLACK CLPN WINTER'S JOP N BAZ and "Lve. . LPTN WHITE ONR "N C fro ote [DONNY BRDNBERG ive. "Thick k "First "History". TRS lS-LP sell Shadows" HATHAWAY Concert' Brick" Take" 12 LP soft) "Roadwork" (2 LP set) 4 49 32 29 289 329 329 329 425 389 -3 12-13 - 3 inu