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Vol. LXXXII, No. 2-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 11, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL and junior high school students listen to speeches by their peers on the Diag
yesterday before 150 marched through the city to protest the Indochina war.
State appeals to, High
Court to block busing,
WASHINGTON (A') - The ed to order one of them into ef- tition, particularly since Kelley
state of Michigan has appealed fect soon. did not ask formally for ex-
to the Supreme Court to stops a The Supreme Court, mean- pedited consideration.
federal judge from integrating while, has been in recess since Last February, the U.S. Cir-
Detroit's largely black public April 24. It returns to public cuit Court in Cincinnati de-
schools with white schools in session next Monday, but has clined to review Judge Roth's
the suburbs. no more time set aside this term findings because the decision is
The judge, Stephen Roth, has for oral argument. Therefore, it not considered final until he
found both the state and the is unlikely that the Court will orders a particular plan im-
Detroit board of education at rule quickly on Michigan's pe- plemented.
least partly responsible for "the -- -
segregated condition" of the
city's schools and said he will
order some kind of areawide in-
tegration plan.
Frank Kelley, the state attor-
ney general, told the court in a
petition yesterday that unless it
reviews Roth's ruling soon, up
to a million children in 86 school
districts could be loaded onto
buses next September to attend
schools far away from their
The state said Roth's findings
that officials fostered segrega-
tion are "clearly and patently
erroneous." Kelley said racial
segregation in Michigan public
schools has been illegal since
1867 and that there is no evi-
dence that any of the suburban
districts are guilty.
The Detroit case is the first to
reach the Court in which the.
Justice Department has sought
to intervene to slow down busing
On Tuesday, Judge Roth de- -n ud mri5.
nied the request until Congress Back to the books
acts on President Nixon's pro- A student lugs his books around campus yesterday during the
posal for a moratorim on
court-ordered busing. Roth has first day of Spring Half-term, Cries of "I've got to do my calculus"
completed hearings on possible were heard around campus as students thought of settling back
integration plans and is expect- sinto the grind.
From Wire Service Reports
SAIGON - President Nguyen Van Thieu yesterday
declared a state of martial law throughout South Vietnam,
while intensive bombing of the Hanoi and Haiphong areas
Meanwhile, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird said the
United States might use military force to stop foreign ships
from entering North Vietnamese ports, and opened the pos-
sibility of blocking a Soviet supply airlift.
Laird implied that ships now in North Vietnamese
harbors might be attacked from the air if they attempt to
unload their cargoes.
Thieu did not explain the meaning of his declaration of
martial law. Some political analysts believe it will give him
"one-man rule"; while almost all others agree that the
edict calls for suspension of- __
some civil liberties.
The declaration was the lat- Protesters
est in a series of desperation
moves by the South Vietnamese
president, who has already ask- a l ,t (
ed the government for permis-
sion to act during the North
Vietnamese offensive without
legislative approval.
The real showdown in Viet-
nam began at 6 a.m. this morn-
ing as mines seeded in Haiphong By ROBERT BARKIN
harbor were scheduled to become
active. As of late last night Student protests flared again
there were no reports on yesterday in response to Presi-
whether any of the ships in the dent Nixon's decision to mine
harbor had taken advantage of the harbors of North Vietnam,
the three-day deadline to sail While the demonstration at the
before the mines became ex- University was small and peace-
plosive. ful, protests at other schools
In another move, U.S. de- provoked both violence and
staerdere reported tohave University students will drive
bombarded Haiphong harbor, to Metro Airport to block traffic
Hanoi radio reported that two today, demonstrating the effect
of the American ships were of a blockade. They will meet at
damaged by shore batteries. the Student Activities Bldg. at
In addition to the bombing 3:00. A meeting has also been
attacks on Hano. and Haiphong, called to formulate plans for
other U.S. planes struck Com- further action tonight at the
munist rail lines and highways SAB at 7:30.
linking the North Vietnamese The 150 demonstrators at a
capital to China. local rally yesterday were mostly
South Vietnamese officials ap- students from area high schools
parently believe attack on Sai- and junior high schools.
gon is imminent. They have After several speeches, the
warned residents to sandbag marchers moved from the Diag
their homes, and have issued de- to the Air Force and Navy re-
tailed instructions for personal cruiting offices. The protest
safety during shelling and rocket there was vastly different from
attacks. the trashing that occurred here
In other Vietnam action, the several weeks ago. This time the
U.S. Command claimed yester- demonstrators chanted "kill,
day that American warplanes kill" as they threw dandelions
shot down seven Russian-built at the office. After some picket-
MIG's. Hanoi claimed its forces ing the demonstration dispersed.
s. H non c6laimedritanpoaes Demonstrations at o t h e r
anshot down captured American es c h o o 1 s took more militant
Nixon's most recent escalation forms. At Trinity College in
of the war has still received no Hartford, Conn., students threw
official reaction from Moscow. empty metal drums labeled
The action has, however been "mines" i n t o the Connecticut
mildly criticized in the official River. Police sent bomb squads
Soviet press. to the area after receiving calls
about the "mines." River traffic
Meanwhile, Democrats on the was halted while the barrels
House Foreign Affairs Commit- were retrieved.
tee approved an order for with- A crowd of between 1,000 and
drawal of all U.S. forces from 2,000 students at Michigan State
Indochina by Oct. 1. The Senate U n i v e r s i ty in East Lansing
is curently preparing to debate marched to an intersection and
on another end-the-war amend- blocked traffic yesterday. Tear
ment similar to others it has al- gas was used to disperse the
ready approved See PROTESTERS, Page 7