Plo'ge Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 27, 1972 9age Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 27, 1972 r IRA bombs hit two cities in N. Ireland BELFAST, Northern Ireland (P) - Irish Republican Army' (IRA) bombers hit Belfast and fondonderry five times yester- day, killing one woman and in- juring scores of people. It seemed to be an explosive rejection of mounting Roman Catholic pressure to end vio- lence in the province. Belfast and Londonderry police said all five bombs were planted by the IRA. As the * bombs exploded, the Social Democratic and Labor Party, Ulster's biggest political opposition group, threw its sup- port to Catholic women in Bel- fast and Londonderry demand- pg a truce in' the fighting that has convulsed Northern Ireland for 33 months and claimed 337 lives. Meanwhile, the government of the Irish Republic announc- ed that it was setting up spe- cial criminal courts to deal with subversive groups, includ- ing the IRA. In the past, ordi- nary courts have been general- ly powerless to deal with the group. Another small bomb demol- ished a tennis clubyesterday in Belfast's exclusive Malone Road district. There were no casual- ties. A[TERNATIVEI IEDUCATION I Nixon delegates for nomination assured IT CAN'T BE DESCRIBED- IT MUST BE EXPERIENCED WASHINGTON (A") - Presi- dent Nixon has accumulated enough Republican National Convention delegates to assure his nomination for a second term in the White House. The Associated Press poll of convention delegates showed yesterday that at least 686 Nix- on delegates have been elected in primaries or state caucusea and convention. It takes 674 delegates to win the GOP presidential nomina- tions at the Republican Nation- al Convention which opens in Miami Beach Aug. 21. Polling of recently elected 0 Dlegates pushed Nixon over the top. He is expected to pick up more from those currently counted as uncommitted as the polling continues.' Nixon is the only Republi- can to win an convention dele- gates although he has been op- posed by Rep. Paul McCloskey (R-Calif.), and Rep. John Ash- brook (R-Ohio). McCloskey withdrew after taking 20 per cent of the Re- publican vote in the March 7 New Hampshire primary. Ash- brook has continued to cam- paign but has not dented Nix- on's large majorities. The Republican delegate se- lection began with the New Hampshire primary, in which Nixon took all 14 GOP dele- gates. Selection continues through the New Mexico GOP state convention July 15, but his clear majority would pre- clude anyone catching him, barring drastic delegate switch- ing. In the Democratic delegate poll Sen. George McGovern (D- S.D.) leads with 497/2 delegates votes. Alabama Gov. George George Wallace has 323. 4RrA _ N0 16 GRAD COFFEE HOUR Wed., May 31 8 p~m. E. CONFERENCE ROOM, RACKHAM Lemonade and Cake for all SPORTS CAR SERIVCE of Ann Arbor, Inc. SPRI NG SPECIAL with Factory Maintenance or Tune-Up E COOLING SYSTEM CHECK AND FLUSH E THERMOSTAT CHANGE e @"1 CAN OF RUST INHIBITOR 0 WATER PUMP LUBRICANT 4705 Washtenaw (next to Ypsi-Ann drive in) 434-01 10 t V'I, Tues.-Wed.-Fri.- 8-6 Mon. and Thurs.- 8-9 NOW THRU MAY 31 Teacher Training in Pre-School Open Education WRITE: Early Education Course Chicago Ancona Montessori School 4770 S. Dorcester Chicago, Illinois 60615 (312) 924-2356 $1.50 Fri.-Sat. Sun. JIM KWESKI N ... legendary ... --Village Voice 1411 Hill STREET a t5 6 I Ann Arbor's Most Complete Record Shops Thousands of LP's and Tapes in Stock iscount records 300 S- State (at Liberty) and 1235 S. University (near Forest) HOURS-=Mon. thru Fri. State 9:30 to 9 Sat. 9:30 to 6 - Sun. Noon to 5 New from POLYDOR E L ANEN- "Honky Tonk Angel"{ " on sale for 3 as lowr ask DURING OUR STO EWIDE* O M mR AL DAY TUSALE 3 DAYS ONLY -SUNDAYr MNDAY & TUSDAY STEREO DISCS for $9 99 4.98 LIST & 5.98 LIST 6.98 list LP's on sale at 419 8 Track and Cassettf Tapes On Sale Ti 6.98 6 list ONLY 7.98 2 list 001 ONLY 5 Budget Labels, Imports & "BanglaDesh" excluded 4.98 & 5.98 list LP's bought individually are on sale at40 I