Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 26, 1972 GENIS SAVES PAPER: Athletic Department named The Daily, continuing in the fine muck-racking journalistic tradition, has discovered a de- finite plot on the part of the Michigan Athletic Department to ruthlessly manage the news. In details painstakingly un- earthed over a two-year period, the Department was found to have penetrated the inner most sanctum of this campus, t h e Sports Staff. Realizing the full import of the Daily disclosures to com- mence today, Athletic Depart- ment Director Donald Canham threatened suit so that no words of the plan will reach the public. Daily sources were quoted as saying that any attempt to coerce the Daily towards any position would be met with stern action. "News management:" the statement read, "is repug- nant to the operation of a re- sponsible journal in a free so- ciety, The Athletic Department plot- ted to carry out this repugnant deed through the silly persua- sive abilities of tricky Bill Cu- sumano, the Department's top agent who uses the cover of Assistant Sports Information Director to cary out his mis- sions. That title, of course. nev- er fooled anyone here at 'he Daily as Cusumano obviously never put in 40 hours of real work for the Athletic Dept. But the Daily never suspected thI t his efforts to become friendly with people here at the Daily was anything more than an at' tempt to find .new drinking part- ners. The Daily began to suspect something when Cusumano start- ed coming in regularly to play APBA baseball with members of the staff. Now and then he would discretely mention his press releases. No one could be doing this voluntarily. Sport Noveck, Sports Editor, smelled a rat and decided to assign HIS top agent, 'Sweet Saudi" Gens, to the case. Gnis, anmattractivebruriet. knowing a male chavinist when she saw one, decided to use her superb physical attributes to entrap Cusumano. She know that during a. moment of tender ex- changes she could catch "Sicily Bill' of guard and discover his true mision. During a romantic moment at a Michigan hockey game, as Pierre LaPierre tried to decapitate the opposing team's goalie, Bill unwittingly reveal- ed his real reason for being at the Daily. 'Sandi. my yum-yum," he said, "back at my apartmeit I have the only cope of the Ath- letic Department Papers", the top secret original of which rests in Don Canham's hands. If you will only accompany me back there, (Bill was wiling to put up with any hardship to accom_-' lish his task), I will allow you to see them if you promise ot to print them in that radical rag, The Daily," hoping all te while she would. Once back at Cusumano's den, Genis craftily photographed the "Papers' while Cusumano w a opening his 57th, 58th, and 59h cans of beer. As he chugged them all down, Genis quickly put them into the back of her purse and quietly snuck out th door, The next day, she reportedly immediately to Sport Noveck. "Yes, indeed", he said. "These certainly are the infamous "Ath- letic Dept. Papers", but wi' can't print this now. The pubhlic has been saturated with t he "Pentagon Papers", the -"ITT in plot papers," the "Robben Fleming Papers". Besides, Spring Break is coming up, and nobody is in- terested in controversy during Spring Break. We'll just have to save this story for the ap- propriate time. But I want you to keep on this case. If Cu- sumano proposes, accept. Make the wedding in Connecticut. If we can get Cusumano to carry the "Papers" across state lints we can bring the FBI into this. If nothing else, it'll create a little excitement when 'e get tired of watching the edit staff make fools of themselves." It soon became appaent, meanwhile, that The Daily wormd not be duped into printing the driveling press releases coming from the Sports Information De- partment without a strong power play by the Athletic Dept. Cu- sumano was instructed to es- calate to Phase III. 'Sandi," he said. "Will you (choke) marry me?" 'Why, yes," she answered. "Anything to get away f1,-oi my roommates. Let's make it May 27th, at 2 p.m., in New Britain, Conn." (To be continued) COLD BEER & WINE DELIVERED To Your Door (Dorms Included) THOMPSON'S PIZZA _ 761-0001- PIZZAS SHRIMP CHICKEN FISH NO DELIVERY CHARGE! K Mr. Pizza LIBERTY AT DIVISION 50c OFF Medium Pizza ONE ITEM OR MORE 75c OFF Large Pizza ONE ITEM OR MORE OFFER GOOD FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY-MAY 26-28 769-8030 Free Delivery { THIS LUXURIOUS pad was purchased with Athletic Department money. It was to serve as the abode of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cu- sumano. The former was implicated in the Athletic Department Papers as a scurrilous accomplice in news management. g') IMIL I I tt 11 1 L AH- -;= - - -- - i OFFICE HOURS, CIRCULATION - 764-0558 COMPLAINTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Noon to 4 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS - 764-0557 10 a.m.-4 p.m. DEADLINE FOR NEXT DAY-12:00 p.m. DISPLAY ADS - 764-0554 MONDAY-1 1 a.m.-4 p.m. TUESDAY thru FRIDAY-12 p.m.-4 p.m. DEADLINE 2 days in advance by 3 p.m. Friday at 3 p.m. for Tuesday's paper Thursday at 5 P.M. for the Sunday Daily 17#ru i r i 4 t "SHOULD ATTRACT A LARGE AUDIENCE WHICH IT WILL SATISFY." -N.Y. Post "'THE DECAMERON' . . . is as close to being uninhibited and toyful as anything he (Pier Paolo Pasolini) has ever done. Taking 10 tales out of the 100 in Boccaccio's 'Decameron,' Pasolini has created one of the most beautiful, turbulent and uproarious pano- ramas of early Renaissance life ever put on film. It is also one of the most obscene, if obscene defines something that is offen- sive to ordinary concepts of chastity, delicacy and decency, al- though I'd hardly call the film offensive to morals." Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times Awarded the Silver Bear, Special Jury Award 1971 Berlin Film Festival SELECTED FOR THE NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL PIER PAOLO PASOLINI'S X-Persons ander 18 not admitted Fri., Sat.-7-9-1 1 SAT-s.-MON. Holiday Matinees Sun.-7 :00 and 9:00 ALL SEATS 75c Lee Marvin Jean Seeberog Clntfatmood "PAINT YOUR WAGON" Aplus '3 Stooges' 9and Disney cartoons r s