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May 26, 1972 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-26

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Friday, May 26, 19724

Page Six,


Daily WOMAN'S Cornmunity School will otar
2nd week in June. Need, feacher
Cla sifeds (anyone coo feach anyfhing). Col
Classiieds 73-4186 (Woman's Advocafe Office)
if interesfed. Tell uo who you a re,
what you'llitech, conl phone number.
(Cotined romPag 5 ENERGETIC YOUNG LADY fo woke
busineos appoinfmenis. Coil Charley
USED CARS Conlon offer S pnm. 761-092. 22H14
1964 CMET. -stic. $12STUDENTom, TO DO genealhousework-
10054O. 0oir.$25 4ol9oi 3 he,. doily. Own feansportftoec-
7000.4N5 quired. N.W. Ann Arbor. 662-8431
- -- eves. 12H15
1000 TRIUMPH TR-50.Yellow, 0-cyl.,-
new fop, $1150 or hoof offecc. 000-0252 GRAD/UNDERGRAD sfcdent-Archifec-
offer 4. 55N15 foral engineering w/ soeeconstre-
--- - finn background fo become involved
'00 CHEVY Suburban Corey-All. 4- In Inner cify rehob. developmenf.
wheel drive. $1300 or best offer. Coil FT. summiees, 'P.T. during sreefers.
offer 4, 701-0292. 56N15SaSlory open. Car necessary. Send
- ---------- resumes: Pcfer Mornis, 1450 Firof No-
MUST SELL! '00 Chevelle niolibu. Ex- fienal Building, Defroit, 40220. 171123
cellent cond. V-8. $8000 Col 241-3074---
or 662-3300. 40NS17 PEOPLE TO work wifh a landscaper
_______________ ______ Fri., 0a1., Son., & Men. Any or all
OLDS F85, 1900. Deluxe V-8 manual, 0fIhesen 4ays. Will pay $2/hone. Please
mechonicolly excellent, body needs cnll 704-0210. 100013
some work. $500/offer. 709-38000.00017 -

HEB AVD UTA SUDO engogemenf cod wedding rings - ERP
HERBDAVI GUIAR SUDIO hand hammnered, hood engraved, ony JET PARTY. FLIGHTS
Insfrumoenfs, new, used, wade, and paffern-wholesale. Ausfin Diamsond, Pro. Adm.
repaired. Lessons, accessores. 200 5. 0200 5. University, 6637151. cFftc Dep/ReL. Route Rot& Chg. Tot.,
S1tofe, 665-0001, 10-6. eXtc 5/9 6/22 G/AMS/L/D 181 9 190
PINBALL ARCADE, 1217 5. Universify, 0/22 8/21 D/LON/AMS/D 199 20 219
CABLE UPRIGHT PIANO,. very good Across from fhe Cawpus Theafre. 6/25 0/13 WIND/L/AMS/
condifion, suitable foe clasoical wuoic. cFfc WIND 210 20 239
$150. Call 662-3013 frow 5-12 p.w. 62./ IDASL
97X13 VOLUNTEERS woofed for PROJECT 0 605WIND/AMS/L/ 23
_________- COMMUNITY suwmme rowam progrow. 7/2 0/10 D/LON/D 219 20 220
DOLBY noise reducftion unif. Advent Call 763-3540. 76F16 4/2 9/3 D/LON/D 199 29 219
101. $85. 005-4704 evenings. 24X14 -_ _ _ _
THE ANN ARHOR FOLKLORE CENTER Individual or group. 662-0593. 31F16 OWEN PEARLMAN 963-2044
aod Music, Strings, and Things 01
ohe Defroif area are pleosed fo en- DANCE CONCERT ADMINISTRATIVE AND TRAVEL
nouincerthaf they ore now working; SERVICE BY STUDENTOURS 403-4050
together, the Folklore Cenfer devot- Ann Arbor Donor Theaferoconcertfa oft
ing full fiwe 10 repoir 004 waking the Conspiracy, 330 Masynard, 8:30, ___________
of insfrumenfo, 0s1110ngoly older Moy 20 & 27. Sundoy. Moy 20, af 2:30 WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod or Tra-
qualify insfrumenfs, 000 Music. & 8:30. Tickefs $1 af the door. 04F13 ditional sfyle. Call 701-0042 anyfiwe.
Strings, and Thin gs carrying oa full (,( -cFfc
line of new inofruwenfs 000 urges-_____
sorles-confinulog T he Folklore Urn- T E S N S PROSSO UPS
iere's policy of of ieosf 10% off lioe ARE HERE BUY WATERBEDS DIRECTLY
price on everyting. Gurin, 00110- NEW DOUBLE LP ONLY frow he wanufocfurer ond sve!
Obe, Mertin, Dobro, Gibson, Ovafion, -rFow$10frafpqulygar-
Harwony, and Yawaha guifaro, Sfe- 5.48 feed produeforowala any. Call

I REAL ESTATE e and Musica1 Tradition dulcimer. A NOW AT nIoatin qoeaciic-inc 0
1971 TOYOTA Corola1000. ,000 wilea, -- -cowpleto line of 0ak publicafinns, Salva ioTE M A RS
AM-FM, rusfproofing. 700-0173. 84N14 3-BEDROOM townhouse. 21,2bafhs. and Rounde and Folk Legocyryecords. 1,
____ Stove, refrigerator, bcewenf. 915/. We ore locoted of 510 E. Williamo, 30Mynd 103SuhU fblwefpienfhU.AI
FOR SALE-966 JEEP, snow plow cod No. Gas cod wafer included. 15 win, above Cawpus Bike. Music, Sfringo, 30My aLSO0 othU h oes rc n h ...
brush atfachments. 9100$. 2 wini frow Eastern. Coil offer 5:00, 720- and Things, 600-9036; Folklore Cenfer, AEHO O L9JSO JPI .9 UE FLASH!
hikes. Call 665-4750. dNl5 327. 47R25 JEH62-0301. JNISJOLIc4.9fSE TERMPAPERS of $1.50 a page,
662-0382.___________ __________________ Ft0 CREATIVE RESEARCHoffers the finesf
JAGUAR '60, baby blue' converfible. 3 BEDROOM-3 Firerplace-Whife Brick GUITAR - Goya clossical, new. $160, OE MMMRA A ORIGINAL RESEARCH frow $4.00a
Mcaireffd.Eeletod- 000-2'05WaeLAECET used, $120. Call 665-7529 between BOLN4 BLIRS pogr. Specia discount of 25c a poge
tion. 709-0049. 22N14 ESTATES - $5,000. For appointment and 6. 71X14 BOLN BIIAD with 21 day advance notice. We hove
ca_______ rll 099-2403 offer 0:00 p.mo. 69R23____________________ MICHIGAN UNION professional writers in all fields and
VW, 170-Very good condition. 13,000 cI~IA Fl0 clliacadewic levels. We also have a
wiles. 91350. 761-0030. 25N14 FRPALERSONAL___________ fine library of safe, first quality
_______ ______________________ UL ARBESHAIRAZORLCUTS We hove fhe lowest prices in the
1060 BMW-1600. $1300 or bot offerPN OG-OLN - ABES&HI TLSS uiearfrPOOOYN,3 ~
7-77.7N4WATERBEDS-Kingoice 14" x 80 x 0. N FOOSBALL, GWLN BILLIARDS OPEN TO 5:15 P.M. MON-SAT. ae4
__________________ $15. Coll 1-320-2420 before 4 p~m MICHIGAN UNION cFl2 pg-cfebok!W lohv
10058 PLMUHSot uy 20 alSO Oe il1c.Fi n o.cowplete computer programwing serv-
1965PLYOUT Sprts ury $20. all pentil 1 ~m. riandSat SET UP YOUR suwoor rowance now- ice. For TOTAL research and writing
701-6077 after 6. 27N14 SELLING OUT-Furniture, maple dou- __________________ Make it happen-Call Saturday Night services,
1954 CHEVY van, sleeps 0, runs good, ble bed, rug, clothes, household FOR ALL BIG WHEELS-Bicycle-cawp- Insurance, 663-1302. rFtc CREATIVE RESEARCH
make on offer. 475-7073. 15N13 wares, cerawics, plants. 2110 5S11icr. ing trip to Pinckney, Sat. 5 p.w.-Mon, 313 0. State St.-761-580
6_______________ 65-8762. 58B14 5 p.w. Sign up of Rive Gauiche by XEROX AND OFFSET AnAbr ~h 00
WEL U ORCR OIG UTSL!Cuh ice Fri. or ccli Jim Evans, 769-0230. cFi3 Fast, low-cost duplicating. eFte
TOP $$ alcois okceo op te INTRO-ACT - Weekly & Weekend 1217 5. University 760-0500 BORDERS' BOOK SHOP New Summer
BRING YOUR TITLE furniture, kitchen items. 663-7203. groups. Eoplore feelings sod inter- cFtc Hours: 10-10 Mon-Sat. 511 E. Wil-
63B12 personal relations towards under.- 110w. 600-7053. oFlO
Toot A n rbrtanding self. 663-7616. 49F17 THE BEST in termpaper reseach-
ToytadnntrbonFO SALE-NYC traffic light, working______________ WRITE-ON INC. Get the best from GOLD JEWELRY: Uniquely designed
97N. M'a in noilotf io. Ad,74-50o B(vs)GRD FEEHU-ntrsig vn the biggest and fastesf. 524 E. Wil- original castings. Specializing in WED-
907c ~i versafion, punch, cake. Wed. night, 11cm. 605-4321. cFtr DING RINGS. JHAN, 760-7550. cFl4
1970 USED ADLER J-5 portoble type- 8f1eeoch Roo.Rckam 4Fat 1on
writer. Elite, InternationaI keys. $75,_______Rom._4__
Ccli 663-6132. 35014 SELECTING WINE from the Village
RELIABLE s______tored wineraofacreaonable prce.BA T ES I
LOST neor IN Bldg- Cat, femaIn, ____
CLEANcalo s... white w/ block ad brown NEW ROLLING STONES DOUBLE AL-
pathes backnoe. f fun, cllBUM, "EoilesonccMain St." Only
CLE N703-6601. .Igo 08A13 $5.50 at Univesity Celice, Union fA ~
$25 REWARD f or information leading Baseent:67F1______I
hoed Cars. 'Top 0o110r." to rturn of 25" brown Roleigh Soper LEARN THE PACTS 0efore you buy-
Coors bicycle stolen from $09 Chorch there is or toa diawood fhan ' ONE OF THE GREATEST SOVIET FILMS OF ALL TIME"
Nowad a1ways for your car, on May 1. 701-0720. No questions, seeto the eye. Austin Diamod, 120$
Domstis OAld S. University, 663-7151. c & 9 A m.$
'72 Pontiac Grand Prix, air, 9.000 UAC offers two valuable bridge coursesTO I H
iniles, (Bowl, $4205. GIRL'S 10-speed in good cond. wonted, foe sowiner.TO I H
'69 Rambler 4-dose, si, cylinder, 067-0424. Ursula. 53K17 BEGINNERS: A mot interesting way
autoinatic, radio, 91205. - to 1ear0cod enjoy 0ridge. Meeto of A PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S
'61 Dodge Sportswan Van, V-8, PETS AND SUPPLIES 7 p.m. every Toesay.
automaticvery clea. Reduced - -------INTERMEDIATES: For those who de- SVE IMFSIA
to $1750. FLUFFY CALICO Kifteno. Applesouce sire playing uxperieorcod iinprove-SVIETFL FETVA
and Mooshie.Adoable, fre. 662- ment ofthirgame. Mees to 9p.m. 3 1T O PO
'68 Ohevrolet Implo 4-door h0rd- 578.O6T15 every Toeoday. Casoeon 'foe 11
fop, V-8, automafic, powe stee- wee_____ks.
ing & brekes, $1095. MUSICAL MDSE.r Each gouorse coots $15. Befween Williom & Liberty
'7t mon 2-oer rdfp, cyl'-REGISTRATION: Small Bollroin. 2nd
30 spee 2d hdiop, 1 c $75 RADIOS, REPAIRS fl. Mich, Union. 7 p.m . Toes., May -
f -- - 30th. 62F14 ___- ________________________________________
'09 COevy Kingswood, 0 passeng0 ' OR SALE-Altec-Lanslog 421-A 15" __
wagon; automa tic steering, bratoo, boos spookers, $601eag, 4/$220. S/$400. DON'T FORGET. Blord gomes only from
lom ieae.Sharp. $1995. VoWhpedals, $40each. All new- pcaple.hocvealife. Give blood.Pro-I
incrtosadwarnted.UCllonow. fessional donors compensated. Mi-
Foreign & Sports John, 703-0079. 89X13 caComCrmuonity Blood Cntr.
'71 Datoun 510 4-door wgon, 4 FOR SALE-2 Mcdel1015 Dolby; 1-J.B. ----
speed, new tires, $1995. Loosing SG-520 0raphic pge-amg; 1- LAST LAY for RECORD SALE at the
'6SVW Sqaeb0cc, radio, 100an, Sony TC-125 cassette-deck; 1 p1ir UiversityCllar(UnionBasimoil).
$1395. Infinity SS-1 opeakers; 1-Sony PS- Stock uo resummer loteninog. Lots
18050 torofable with V-i5 II cart- of newrelase. Saerends today a
'67 Fard Cortina2-dior, auto- ridge. Also severa1 Crown amps. and 5:00. We will be rcoed Satf-Sun.-Mon. J_
w'tir,,radio, 20,000 mie,,$695. pre-ampsoatgeaotsvig.Clper- foinvntory.ReopenTus.at9:00.
'59 VW, green, 'cod fire, 36 h.p. siftetly ofter 10 pin., 971-0515. 45X25 34F23
$29 5. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Toyotas 1I
* 1
'71 Toyota Corolla 4 speed, radio,11
$1795. 1
'70 Toyota Mork II wagon, 4- I a
speed, factory air, exceptionaI carI
'70 Toyota Landcruiser h0rdtop, 4 j10I
wheel drive, AM-FM redio, warno1
Oubs, $2905
Ann Arbor '® a.0
OpeniMonday and TOursay 'til 9 p m * Ofl
007 N. Main St.- 663567, II .?AhuII±


Fine 0hpe. $70. Ccli 769-4104 alte;
7:00 p.m. 59114
MEN'S 3-SPEED HIKE, excellent con-
dition, brs offer. 761-0353. 71114
MEN'S Raleigh Super-Cor, 10-speed.
Frfect condition, used 1 summer
only. Dynao light, cable, lock in-
cluded. $125.10. 769-1303. 37114
YAMAHA 250 Street. Very good condi-
tion. cxtras, wany new parto. Make
offe over $300. 665-5769. 90114
'69 HONDA 450, $601. Drools, 764-2194.
7:30-4 pin. 40114
Sport, trail, cod street.
Student Diacount.
Land-O-Lakes Sport Center
8580 Jackson Rd. 760-5002

I Islands
I with this coupon
Pappas Coney Island

BOB STEWARD-Henderson Ford Sales
For students and faculty
21 andaover.


t I


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