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May 24, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-05-24

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ROTC: 'U' still foots the military bills

University efforts to have the Depart-
ment of Defense (DOD) shoulder more.
of the cost for the campus Reserve Of-
ficers Training Corps (ROTC) have "hit
a plateau," according to Administrative
Dean Robert Williams.
In December, 1969, following extensive
student protests against ROTC on camp-
us, the Regents approved a faculty re-
port calling for restrictions on the ROTC
program and requested that DOD as-
sume the full cost of the program.
But the University still pays the $89,000
for secretarial, janitorial and mainten-
ance services that it was paying when
the protests were held two years ago.
The University also continues to grant
ROTC an estimated $100,000 to $200,000

worth of rent-free space in North Hall.
The Nixon administration introduced a
DOD bill in Congress last year which
included a ROTC subsidy provision. That
section, killed by Congress, called for
DOD to pay colleges and universities with
ROTC programs $500 for each cadet who
receives a commission. This would have
amounted to an annual payment of $55.-
000 to the University.
Williams adds that new bills are being
designed in which the government would
audit colleges financial reports on indirect
costs incurred by ROTC and then would
negotiate with universities on funding
these expenses. DOD might then pay
rent for the campus ROTC's use of Nor'th
Referring to President Robben Flem-

ing's 1969 report to the Regents on
ROTC as an accurate portrayal of the
current situation, Williams declares that
"you can't try to do everything at once,
you wait until (the Department of) De-
fense does what it has to do."
Although the University has negotiat-
ed directly with DOD about ROTC, Wil-
liams says it is relying now on congres-
sional action.
He points, however, to recent liberali-
zation of ROTC education here. Over half
of the courses are now taught by regular
University faculty, strictly ROTC in-
structors no longer have faculty status
and eight women have been admitted
to the program in the last year.
Total enrollment in the Army, Navy,
and Air Force ROTC on campus has fat-

len 65 per cent since 1969 - from a total
of 669 students to a low of 268 this fall.
Officials attribute the enrollment drop
to a variety of causes, including t h e
"winding down" of the Indochina war and
the lottery system. ROTC students can
still get college deferments from t h e
draft, "but the shooting war isn't h o t
enough to drive enrollment up now," Wil-
liams says.
Another factor in declining ROTC en-
rollment across the country has been the
abolition of ROTC courses as require-
ments for freshman and sophomore men.
When the University dropped required
physical education three years ago, stu-
dent interest in ROTC as an alternative
to gym classes correspondingly declined.

page three 4 Sit~iin i

Sunny, warm and clear



Wednesday, May 24, 1972


News Phone: 764-0552

Health, environment
pacts signed in USSR

The intriguing hypothesis that sexism at the University
flourishes party because President Robben Fleming does not
met officially with enough women recently underwent an
.exhaustive test.
A group of women, the Ad Hoc Committee Concerned that
President Fleming Does Not Meet With Women (in short, the
AHCCTPFDNMW) stationed themselves outside Fleming's office
for a week, recording and observing all his visitors.
The AHCCTPFDMW discovered that during the study week:
-Fleming met with 145 persons, including only 21 women,
(13.1 per cent).
-The overwhelming majority of the women he met with
arrived in groups with a majority of men. These groups were
typically not concerned with women's issues.
-None of the women saw Fleming without an appointment
See VISITORS, Page 7
Busing, other local issues
surface in school elections

l y' The Associated Press
President Nixon and Soviet
leaders yesterday made agree-
ments in the fields of health
care and environment, and then
continued the summit talks,
focusing on the trickier issue of
arms control.
Although Nixon hopes to
sign a strat eigi 'arms limita-
tions agree'ment before leaving
Moscow, sources said there
wire some problems remaining.
Soriet and American negotia-
tors are formulating the agree-
ment in Helsinki, Finland.
The President had private
sessions with Communist Party
leader Leonid Brezhnev before
and after ceremonies for the
signing of the bilateral health
and environment agreements.
both of which had been worked
out beforehand.
Sources indicated another
agreement is ready for signing,
this one concerned with a co-
operative space exploration pro-
gram, aiming at a joint space
flight in 1975.
The health and environment
agreements are each for a five-
year period, but will automatic-
ally renew themselves for fur-
ther five-year terms unless one
of the two countries wants out.
The agreements call for an
exchange of specialists, infor-
mation and equipment in both
fields; and for direct contact
between Russian and American
scientists and professional
In Washington, Elliot Rich-
ardson, secretary of health, ed-
ucation and welfare, said the
health agreement "builds on
and elevates the status of pre-
vious agreements in this field."
He added that the Soviet
Union has "developed a greater
capacity than we have," in the
ability to deliver health care to
the public.
Especially noted in the health
agreement were stipulations for
joint efforts in dealing with
cancer and heart disease.
The environmental agreement
is an entirely new venture in
United States - Soviet relations,
said Russell Train, chairman of
the Council on Environmental
Quality in Washington. The bi-
lateral committee to be set up
for the environment agreement
will work out joint programs in
11 specific environmental areas,
from air pollution to earth-
quake prediction,
The overall atmosphere of
yesterday's talks was describ-
ed as cordial but businesslike.
The subject of Indochina had
not been openly discussed as of
last night, but is expected to be
debated in later talks this week.

A multitude of issues will face
voters in the Board of Educa-
tion election June 12.
Three seats are at stake in the
race. Because several crucial
policy issues were decided by a
one-vote margin, the election
might substantially c h a n g e
school policy.
Interviews with members of
the board whose terms do not
expire this year indicate that in
the coming year the following
will be among the important
contested issues:
-busing and quality educa-
-decentralization, or commu-
nity control;
-humaneness and fairness;
-alternative programs;
-student rights, sexism; and
-administrative responsibility.
The most hotly debated issue
is the means to achieve quality
education. The board decided by
a one-vote margin against the

use of busing to institute a pair-
ing plan for Clinton grade school.
The Clinton area presently uses
two faculties-divided by a high-
way-for its children. Because
of the housing pattern, the school
on one side of the highway has
almost no black students, but
the other school has about 30
per cent black enrollment.
Pairing, by the use of busing,
would have placed kindergarden
through third grade students in
one school and fourth through
sixth in the other. The issue is
likely to be debated again by the
new board.
The extent to which the com-
munity can control its local
school is another topic of dis-
cussion. Most of the present
members agree that the local
parents should have some role
in making decisions but differ
on the degree. Trustee Charles
Good said, "The ultimate control
rests with the school board, but
See SCHOOL, Page 7

PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON is shown blotting his signature
on the Soviet-American environmental agreement yesterday.
Ne w chilId care bill1
introduced -inSenate
A bill providing for massive day-care programs has been intro-
duced into the Senate this week for the second time in a year.
The earlier bill, passed by both the House and the Senate, was
vetoed by President Nixon. However, supporters expect that Nixon
will sign this bill, a compromise version of the vetoed law.
The new bill calls for a broad range of nutritional, develop-
mental, educational and health aides to children, at a graduated
fee scale.
The program is intended to provide working mothers with
adequate care for their children while saving them high baby-
sitting fees. It is also intended to encourage women who have felt
chained to their homes to look for jobs or go to school.
The services planned include day-care centers, in-home con-
sultation to assist families with preschool children, programs to
prepare children for elementary school, emergency care for chil-
dren whose parents are ill or disabled, and prenatal and other
medical services for needy expectant mothers. The bill also pro-
vides job training for workers involved in the program.
The bill's structure gives a great deal of control of the pro-
gram to the individual states. The Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare (HEW) is empowered to designate a prime sponsor
to organize the program locally.
This "prime sponsor" can be any state, any combination of
local government units with a total population of 25,000 or more.
or any unit of local government-without regard to population-
See DAY-CARE, Page 7

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