'Is this Wallace country?--You bet!' By DAVID MARGOLICK 'HOUGH THE television cameras seemed to outnumber the cele- brants at the Wallace victory party, those present represented the enthus- iasm and breadth of George Wallace's support. As the early returns trickled in, the Wallace backers sat in chairs along the Ramada Inn walls, positioned like jun- ior high students at their first dance. They were bedecked with Wallace hats, Wallace earrings, and Wallace neck- ties of 1960 width. Many wore Wal- lace wristwatches and carried George Wallace souvenir albums s" bargain at $5.95"). Hubert Humphrey flashed onto one of the televisions in the hall, and brushed aside the importance of his primary debacles by pointing to the pervading tension and trauma of the election after the attempt on Wallace's life. "Oh, ho," said a man wearing the ever-present Wallace button on his la- pel. "I knew he'd come up with that one. You know, I think he'd sell his mother's soul." "Pretty soon all them liberals will be out of work. Plenty of good jobs at GM parts lifting crates though," he added. EVEN THOUGH THE crowd was sparse, there was a surprising amount of variety-old and young, long-haired and balding, people clad in work clothes, suits, or white racing jackets with "Ford Cobra" on the sleeves and "George Wallace for President" stitched on the back in bowling-alley script. There was an air of quiet confidence that Wallace would recover and contin- ue to lead them; it was punctuated by frequent whoops as their candidate's plurality mounted. Few, if any, seemed ready to support McGovern should Wallace drop out, as the press had in- timated; more than one person labeled McGovern a Communist. Just as unpalatable to Wallace fol- when two of his friends we'e killed on the assembly line had since started his own business and is making $50,000 a year. And a nine-year-old boy, found more than politics in the governor, "I like him 'cause he's nice" he declared as his mother prodded him. "He's going to put love in the country. Some insisted that they, like Gover- nor Wallace, were not really against blacks. One man stressed that while at Chrysler he worked for the promotion of black employes, only to be rebuffed by supposedly liberal union leaders, "The difference" he noted, "is that in the North they claim to love the black race but they hate the individual, In the South we may say we hate the race, but we love the individual." MOST REMARKABLE was the re- ligious frenzy of the occasion, rivaling a William Jennings Bryan rally minus the cross of gold. A series of speakers evoked memories of Sunday school, exhorting the crowd to pray for the fallen leader. Then, as the evening drew to a close, a Wallace organization man in a bright red jacket muscled tlrough the crowd, flailing his arms yelling "Moment of prayer, moment of prayer !" The invocation was offered by the same minister who had prayed at a Dearborn Wallace rally. In a voice re- sembling a hushed golf announcer, trailing off into a fervent whisper, he spokes of "the leadership, life, witness and testimony of Thy son George, a man who cannot be bought." "Thou has given us a man, whom even the would-be assassin couldn't stop." WITH SUCH an endorsement from on- high, why' had the Almighty allowed Wallace to be shot? "God made a mis- take." lowers was the idea of regulating the the "press" and the stereotypes it has sale of handguns in light of the shoot- allegedly created. "We're not bigots," ing. A retired Chrysler scoffed at the said one woman. "We voted for Gold- notion. "It's the courts," he stated. "We water in 1964, and he was Jewish." should have mandatory hangings. For- She went on to say that she "loved get about all those constitutional rights, everyone," but she hedged when asked It stopped horse thieves, didn't it?" if her affection extended even to Com- However, asked to explain his cam- munists. paign button, which featured a 1960 One lady said she got the Free Press vintage photograph of Wallace above every day, but "didn't believe anything the words "Stand up for America," he the newspapers say any more." She declared, "It's the Constitution. Amer- continues her subscription, she added, ica and the Constitution are synony- because she liked the comics. moos." MANY WALLACE workers laughing- ly expressed their dissatisfaction with MANY AT THE.celebration didn't fit the Archie Bunker cast. One wealthy man, who had quit working for Ford ROSE SUE BERSTEIN, John and Yoko: Deporting rotten apples IT CERTAINLY makes sense in the American scheme. Len- non has been a sinister influ- ence on the youth of America. He has taught them again that joy is not vanished from t h e earth, that fantasy can flourish together with down to earth simple honest living. He has brought, and followed too, a new political awakening, and the tight knit American culture can't bear him any long- No one else can mlake You charte And to see you're meilly only very small And life flours on within you and without you y'tlset't. ;sk5'ise's We need John Lennon here in the U.S.A. Cruel and unfair punishment like the separation of families is applied so selec- tively today that the decisions appear blatantly political. A massive petition drive has been launched to heighten awareness of John's plight and Yoko's problem. If enough peo- ple sign this petition, perhaps the next hearing, set for July 1, will be more felicitous for the Lennons. In contemporary America, rid- den by plastic militaristic life- styles, justice seeks to ban a Lennon. We were supposed to have learned a lesson from Mc- Carthy, but rather than aband- on his witchhunting, we have let it become more sophisticated. Even United Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock has joined the National Com- mittee for John and Yoko. "It would be an outrage and a tragedy," Woodcock said, "if this country deports John Len- non and his wife Yoko Ono. Their strong anti-drug stand and their clear and eloquent commitments to non-violence and to participation in action for constructive social change are mesages badly needed in America today, particularly for our young people." JOIN WITH the thousands of others who appreciate J o h n and Yoko's presence, and sign the petition to keep theta here. Don't let them become victims of the death culture they have sought to replace. Are you listening, Immigration and Naturalization? You'd bet- ter, because . Instant karma's gonna get you if you don't watch out. I read the news today, oh boy Abot adlucky man who made the Well I just had to laugh And though the news was rather sad I saw the photograph N RECENT WEEKS there has been little in the news to laugh about. President Nixon has de- cided to mine the northern har- bors, George Wallace has won major primary victories and has been the victim of an assassina- tion attempt, police have har- assed campus protesters in num- erous skirmishes, including a riot in Albuquerque where two students were shot. And, with all these violent acts,, little attention has b e e n focused upon the peculiar prob- lems of John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Lennon has been denied an immigration permit because he was once convicted in Eng- land for possession of mari- juana. Meanwhile, Ono has beer. granted custody of her eight- year old daughter by a previous marriage - but only if she stays within the United States. The child is nowhere to be found, either, since her father appar- ently keeps her in hiding. HOW SAD it is to think that John Lennon has been classified undesirable to live in our coun- try, especially for the reason given. After all, the current trend is towards decriminaliza- tion of marijuana. In addition, Lennon says he was convicted on a frame-up. Many American pop culture stars openly admit to us- ing drugs, yet none of them are deported. -Photo courtesy of the Ann Arbr Sun If John Lennon is termed un- desirable, who do we want in this country? Imagine al the people .t. . Riciard Nixon and Spiro Agsnew asd John Mitchell and Robert Griffins. Missiles Manufacturers and war mongers and soulless profiteers of poverty. Billy Graham and John Sten- nis and Martha Mitchell a n d Barry Goldwater. All the faceless bureaucrats are tolerated, but not a cultur-' al genius Lennon heralded a new era in music and life, in haircuts and consciousness. And now he is made to pay. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY JACOBS EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR: ARTHUR LERNER PHOTO TECHNICIAN: DAVID MARGOLICK