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May 20, 1972 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-20

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Clear and ho)
Saturday, May 20, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
7 . w . .omb hits Pentagon;
business as usual

hrowing (Own the gea1i1iet
Sen. Hubert Humphrey {D-Minn) announces he is challenging
Sen. George McGovern (D-SD) to a series of television' debates
in California.
1xon departs for
summit conference
WASHINGTON OP--President Nixon said last night on
the eve of today's departure for Moscow that he has hope
for real progress in three areas.
There is he said, a "real possibility" for agreement at
the Moscow summit talks on arms limitations, trade rela-
tions and cooperation in space.
Meanwhile, it was announced in Moscow that Nixon
will make a 15-minute television speech to the Russian
people during his visit.
The date for the speech has been set at Sunday, May

experts sifted rubble of a
bomb - shattered Pentagon
restroom yesterday for clues
to determine who caused a
post-midnight explosion in
apparent protest against
U.S. air and sea attacks on
North Vietnam.
Antiwar activits told news
organizatiors "we attacked the
Pentagon. the tcenter of the
Ameriean military command."
Pentagon officials reported
"no appriciable slowdown" in
operations of the huge defense
department headquarters, al-
tho h ti-her security measures
w-1- i- Efect.
Alv 't 18 pOrsons who nor-
i'liy wooed near te fourth-
floor exloson scene were ta-
a- to use their offices, but
olif"wise it taoo crd that most
of th building's 27 500 military
and civilian workrs were on a
business-as-usual basis.
Pentagon authorities said they
had no estimate of damage and
expected none at least until
Monday, after they make a de-
tailed examination of the dam-
aged area.
It is center td i the outer
corridor, the equivalent of two
city blocks from the office suites
of the Secretary of the Air
Force Robert Seamans, and Gen.
John Ryan, Air Force chief of
It was apparent that the dam-
age was extensive.
The women's restroom was
ruined, a 2 -foot hole was
blown through its floor, its ceil-
ing caved in, and huge sections
of two restroom wall gone.
Thousands of gallons of water
gushed frons shattered pipes
and poured into a shopping con-
course three flights down.
Water also caused what was
described as minimal damage to
an Air Force data processing
center containing some $15 mil-
lion worth of equipment. After
a 74-hour interruption, the
center was back in operation
and officials said no data was
There was evidence that the
bombing may have been con-
nected with the m it i t a n t
"Weatherman" sect of Students
for a Democratic Society (SDS).
One of the first alerts report-
ed came at 1:05 a.m. yesterday
when a caller identifying him-
self as "The Weatherman" no-
tified the New York Post that
"we have just bombed the office
of the secretary of the Air Force
in the Pentagon." Similar tele-
phone calls were made to several
other ews media.
A reporter from the New York
Post found a letter in a phone
booth near the newspaper's
printing plant, signed, "Weath-
erman Underground No. 12."
The letter said:
"We are acting at a time when
growing U.S. air and naval shell-
ing are being carried out against
the Vietnamese: while U.S.
mines and warships are used to
block the harbors of the Demo-
cratic Republic of Vietnam:
while plans for even more esca-
lation are being made in Wash-
in ton."
Building officials had already
ordered that tighter security be
invoked at 7 a.m. yesterday in
preparation for antiwar demon-
strations Monday, when peace
groups have announced they will
attempt to seal off access to the
defense department headquar-
Although the Pentagon has
been the object of dozens of
antiwar demonstrations over the
past eight years, this was the
first time that any bombs had
ever been used against it.

Voting law
ruled illegal
DETROIT IP)--Three federal
judges in Detroit declared un-
constitutional Thursday the
state law requiring six month's
residency for state voting rights.
State election officials said
they do not know how many,
more people will now be eligible
to vote in the August state
primary and the November pres-
idential election.
The only residency require-
ment for voting that remains
under the new ruling is the cur-
rent registration law. Persons
must be registered to vote no
later than the fifth Friday be-
fore an election.
Thursday's court decision, the
outcome of an 18-month-old
Warren case, comes after a re-
cent Supreme Court ruling that
nullified Tennessee's one-year
residency requirement.
The American Civil Liberties
Union, which filed the suit,
heralded the decisiq~s as "a-
revolution in the whole concept
of electoral ights."
The decision was delivered by
Federal District Judges Damon
Keith and Lawrence GuboWr and
Appeals Judge George Edwards.

The President, speaking in-
formally to newsmen at a White
House reception, said previous
East-West summits "added up
to cosmetics-all froth and very
little substance."
The chief executive cautioned.
"I would not raise hopes too,
high because there are some
knotty problems to be solved."
But he reported receiving within
the pastr48mhours a personal
mese from Communist party
chairman Leonid Brezhnev that
"indicated a positive attitude."
The President said the mes-
sage was brought to him Thurs-
day at his camp David retreat
by the Soviet ambassador here,
Anatoly Dobrynin.
Nixon said that as President
he has engaged in "a very great
volume" of direct and written
exchanges of views with Brezh-
nev-exchanges not made public
at the time.
Although Nixon said he met
Brezhnev only once, and briefly
in 1959, he believes he and the
Russian well understand where
their differences lie and at the
summit will "come quickly to
the problem."
The President said that apart
from arms limitations, trade and
space cooperation, both the
United States and the Soviet
Union have submitted other
items for the agenda.
He said these would include
"Vietnam and other areas of
the world where the United
States and the Soviet Union do
sometimes have conflicting in-
Nixon met earlier in addition
with Democratic and Republican
leaders of Congress to discuss
his 16,585-mile journey.

-Associated Press
INVESTIGATORS CONFER at the site of yesterday's bombing in
a Pentagon restroom.
U' women scientists
form new organizaton
Two months ago, a few women from the University's bio-
chemistry department organized a fledgling group of women in-
volved in scientific careers.
Since then, the group, called Michigan Women in Science, has
gained student and staff members representing twenty of the
University's natural science departments-a total of some 5$
The group's primary goal is to provide information for women
seeking scientific careers-particularly information useful in fight-
ing discrimination. To that end, the group is sponsoring three
workshops, to be held in the coming months.
The group is also currently compiling a central file which wilt
contain pertinent information on affirmative action plan reports,
University policy statements, and survey reports on the number
and positions of University women as well as the percentage of
female PhD's in each field.
Women in Science is also concerned with making sure that the
University's new job posting procedure is effectively implemented.
The new procedure, as outlined by Allan Smith, vice president
for academic affairs, requires that all academic positions from
"instructor" through "professor" be advertised at least two months
before a final selection is made.
A spokesperson for the group commented that a major aim is to
"circumvent the inequities which exist in the system" and to assert
that women's careers should be taken seriously.
"Only five per cent of the University's PhD's in the physical
and biologscal sciences are women and we're trying to discover
why," she said.
Another major objective of the organization is to encourage
social interaction among female scientists, and reinforce career
women to face mutual problems.
A counseling program for undergraduate women interested in
science is currently being constructed and a program for high
school students may be set up in addition.
The three workshops planned for this summer and fall
include one on the "Identity of Scientists"-scheduled for Sat.,
June 24-which will discuss the philosophical implications of the
woman's role as scientist.
Planned for late July is a session on "The problems of two-
career families," which will concentrate on such problems as
See 'U', Page 12

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