Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 19, 1972 Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 19, 1972 U WALTE SHAP RO The August 8th Congressional primary, rather than the November election, will probably deter- mine the identity of the next Congressman from this district. While everyone was understandably involved with the Presidential primary, the 2nd Congres- sional District-of which Ann Arbor is a key part-was significantly altered. By removing Re- publican farm land and replacing ,it with Livonia, a Democratic suburb in Wayne County, re- districting has left Republican Marvin Esch in sserious trouble. The new district is a Democratic district and the winner of the August 8th primary will prob- ably defeat Esch in November. The district is the political handiwork of Marvin Stempian (D- Livonia), floor leader of the state House, who eagerly wants to run for Congress. Aligned with all the established political forces in the state, Stempian, for instance, led the fight AGAINST abortion reform in Lansing. Luckily Stempian is not the only contender in the primary. Walter Shapiro has been running a serious campaign for Congress since he declared his candidacy in mid-March. Unlike Stempian, Shapiro is neither a politician, nor a friend of the established order. Instead he is a 25-year-old graduate student and former DAILY editor who has been on this campus since 1965. But he knows Congress, knows what's wrong with it and is willing to raise hell to change it. He spent a year covering Congress for CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY, a Washington news agency, and spent last summer helping the Nader organization set up their own investigation of Capitol Hill. Walter Shapiro is trying to run a campaign which proves that experience and issues-not who you know and how much you are prepared to spend-actually win elections. While not running an exclusively student campaign, Walter Shapiro is trying to give the 60,000 college students in this Congressional district some representation in Washington. Like George McGovern, Walter Shapiro is running on issues like immediate withdrawal from Southeast Asia, drastic cuts in the military budget, and a massive overhaul of our entire tax structure. But he is also willing to speak out on issues which the pollsters say no politician should touch. Issues like abortion, drugs and busing. Walter Shapiro favors abolitionof drug laws--and all other victimless crime statutes. Walter Shapiro supports national legislation to legalize abortion. Walter Shapiro will defend busing - even in Livonia where George Wallace got 62 percent of the vote. All the political textbooks say that a campaign like this is hopeless. All the pros say you can't win without money and organizational support. Your apathy will prove them right. But with your support in the months ahead we can pull off one hell of an upset. Call us at 665-3788 or mail us this coupon. --------------- --------------------------------------------------------- WALTER SHAPIRO FOR CONGRESS * 201 East Liberty " Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 (313) 665-3788 * I realize that volunteers and hundreds of small contributions are the only way to beat established politicians. Name Phone Paid for by Students for Shapiro Address_-_-- -- - Enclosed is my contribution for: ElI$1 ElI$3 L0$5 E- Q Please send me more information. Q I would like to help with the campaign effort. Please contact me. iI