Thursdoy, May 16, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page '\Bne i Daily Classil ieds Uncontracted Classified Rates and Policy WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd. 0-10 1.15 2,30 305 3.80 4S55 5.30 75 1 1-15 140 2.80 370 4.60 5 50 6 40 .90 16-20 1.65 330 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 21-25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7,40 8,60 120 26-30 2.15 4.30 5.65 7,00 8.35 9.70 135 31-35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7 80 9.30 1080 1.50 36-40 2,65 5.30 6.95 8 60 10.25 1 1.90 1.65 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9 40 1 1.20 13.00 1.80 46-50 3.15 6,30 8.25 10.20 12.15 1410 1.95 IN CHES 1 3.15 6:30 8.25 10.20 1215 14.10 1.95 2 565 1 130 14.75 18.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 3 8.15 16 30 21.25 26.20 31.15 36.10 4.95 4 10.65 21.30 27 90 34 20 40.65 47.10 6.45 5 13 15 26.30 34 40 42.20 50,15 58.10 8.95 N1 B.:Each cgroup of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as twoo rds this includes telephone numbers)I 10 ines equals 1 inch 5 words per line PERSONAL PERSONAL ANNUAL DIAMOND SAILE.--Nosw in d Deo.oegaJrrscor.:1111y 1 00 i P IN DALL ro i1 d Dcr -ler :r3At Aouii170- I'I\L1217 GOING(TOIUROt'2(PE 10 or 110to tlrot great" 10 01111 ored pit.o 5 UNIVERSITY Thres h rt cor cto trileM-< go o t730S o r f1101 .O1O Moori or~illi ,,(,m-I ice. Ark 1f1iron. rtllII WIIIY W\AJ K PAP I1011 ",OW OPEN; [HE GRKENIOOLiIE, WLMD'S VARITY SHOP' 4110 Acbor's rroes ropi110111101 re300 S._ Diviorot itrr rI i~ts' t WOM EN Iroll 11071 Mus-.Jrue, AT- l:eoty of1fleer corkiing P57 URDAY NIGH;1N11' NI .663- THE COPY MILL sory bOrrymc),; producred WEDDING 211 IB.S. Stole 003-3i909 INcGS? Boe orrrowtn personal PitR QUAILITY COPIES &-,OPPO'EP riesignrrrrade by Jihon 200-7550. ePtc TYPING 769-2045, anytime. i-Plo YOU TWO caechoose your wedding invitationrs and acceesories la pel- TN I ESN vate and at y0111 convenience. Sam- pies delisered. iFnrst quality at beat Pormrre U-M player. Iorlisrdirrri or pricer. Cali 769-6815 drinlg morning01gro1p. Pauitrh year it Ana Arboi- hours. F4 603-6720. oP626 PIPE SMOKERS:; Handcrafted mare- a Fre ! scampps xetoa ausand the moat personalized af sees- lee. Free Catalog. PU.P Ca., P..nsaxI Tue., Wed., Thur. 444., Gaithsersburg, Md. 20760. 66Flr The only place5O07Opm U-M stylists Michigan Union At the Union r B ii l Billa rd Room ARBOR INSTANT c F516 PRINTING MICHIGAN Lottery 'Tickets on Sale at the Village Apotheeary, 1112 So. Offset Printing, Xerox Typingl, Uninersity. cFtc Wedding and Soeial Announcements _w-_ 21 4 s. 4th Ave.--994-4664 BOARD EXAM TUTORING cFtc Enrollments now being aecepted for ____._ . N. KAPLAN tutoring courses to INSOMNIA? You may hr helped by prepare Car the uppcoming MOCA.T.. this gradulate psychology experiment DA.T., and L.S.A.T. BoaedExams. in mnuscle relaxation. Robert Freed- Call 13131 354-0085 cFtc man, 764-0434, 761-2295. 06F516 .- _______ - PIANO LESSONS. Pop, rack. clmss- U P T I GONT? Relax in whirlpool. cal. Master's degree. Toil choose Mulsles massaged. Exclulsive, inea- program, 802-5alt alter 11 p.m. pensine. 921-6162. rP823 33F52 PERSONAL XF-RC3 AND OFFSET l ct, r nsot dtili~iesating. COcPY QUICK 17 lllr 'Ie:rIts i709-45;80 lilV5 A l I 510 3w)ierre '1 lnI [ 111InLo frrlrrroi 1110 lllti t [I 1A N Ax ! 1. '.110 11 011111 111 r~ eI Ilr[ .ltlrrr 1r113 M,0I- :3:,6r-5i132,P0-26 WOULD LIKKti lie l - m11 o l ibh 1)lild air drlredl i ter'rme~at !nI rtl of1 Pllllliilry lfter Trtros- rlio HS. 11 a' 1hi1l. Please rall Polk 9 56l 3 l };eIn ,1) t ii lsit :. ril;ill 15F'517 Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENT Pilot Ground Sehool, Mah. -& Wed. evenings, 7-9:30 he- ginsning May 10. Six weeks, 040. 30466E. Engin. Sponsored by U-M Flyers. 2M522 PRIVATE PILOT Ground School. Man. & Wed. eenings, 7-9:30 be- ginning May 15. Six weeks, $30 In- clurding test. 2075 E. Engin. Spon- sored by U-N Flyers. 09M521 WANT TO LEARN how to ly? Do it cheaply with the U of N Flyers. Membership now open for instrue- tion. 0f11ce ia "Mich. Union. Call 769-6367. dM518 TTPING term papers, theses, etc. Will profread and edit grammar, e. Also keypunch *format, priees saey with difieulty. Call 760-3348 or 662-5310 evenings. -Cmtc USED CARS 115 RAMBLER, 63,000 miles, 22 mpg. $230 rest offer. 685-2559. 32N517 111066 FORD Cuistom 5in, enginar re- 11able. $227 or hess offer. 769-0419 nsights. 39N522 '69 RENAULT. 00,000 onles. 32 mpg. New tirers, brttery, 1snufflier.0500. o162-5133Ite5re 6. 20N517 TOYOTA CASH BRING TOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YnUR CAR! TOP V$S 1973 PINTO RUNABOUT, 4-spened lt1ansmission, radial tires, cadiro, only 10.000= miles.Sle priced. 1973 PlAY 124 Spider. 5-speed teans- misooeowner, low miles. Ex- eellent eondition, immlediate dells. ery, 1971 SPITFIRE. Hell ma0s, rdas 972 SPITFIRE.,Reron. 4-rr;peed, rdiarlclean.05595. '972 DATSUN 510 4-dorrr opdair 4- :;peedl, Perlii radiars, sharp. 1972 VOL KSWAGEN 01111p er biu g. 101-irstoranger liaish, 4-spreed,. AM- 011, like sew. Priced to sell. 1973 SUBARU GL caoupe. Taeih 4- spreed, cadials, radio,.aocreat stripes. 7700rrmiles, 6ontih warranty,extra -1101-9FWD oautomobile. 1072 RX-2 MAZDA. Two doorPcouape, oneirowner, 4-speed transmission, ra- dio, while vinyl top, white interior, silver blur finish, radial tires. Just like new. Priced to sell st 92805 '70 JAGUAR 6-cylinder, XKE coupe, -crhrome wire wheeis, 4-speed. British rcingigoren finish. A classic as $4005. Spring sole now is progress oii all rused Tooas Toyota--Peugeot 907 N. Main 769-7935 cNtc LOST AND FOUND POUND-Woman's Times waich he- trween Diag ad Fishbowl. CallI Srison, 665-0611 or 764-5406. dA51lO 8100 HASSLE FREE reward given foe the retrnraof: Oitane Orand Sport 10-speed, set Koss head- pihonsaand 0-track rapes stolen from sun on E. University May 12. 701-6510. 01 A526 SUBLET SMALL EFFICIENCT. $75 100. Avoll- able about Jane 1. 602-7482. dU5lO SUBLET large, firenished, conven- SUBLET SUBLET - 3-4 placeo is dynamite, ideally-located Kosher apartment for June, Jolly, and Aulgust. Prie negotiable. Call 663-3624. dU5l8 MeKINLET ASSOCIATES Spring- OSummer Stublets. Rooms. efficIen- cies, 1 said 2 bedroom apts., plua whole houses. Furlnished, compus locations asailable. Please pi(!E op our listing at 6il Chureh St. cute SUBLET JUNE 8 thea J tiy or Ausrt. Larle room w/ Ns~size bed; share kitchen, bath with one other person. Near eampus. A lux- uious deal at $75 per 100., and thst's negotiable. Call 764-0552 and leave a message foc Dan Biddle. d U518 SUMNER SUBLET - Woman, own room in 4-bdrm. house, fsurnished, rent negotisble. 662-4928. 03U518 MODERN 1-bdrm. apartment, A/C, parking, campu~s location. Call col- lect 1-545-3065. 87U518 WOMAN TO SHABE Ifuraished 2 bedroaom apt, with 2 women, Quiet street, si-level, axo., dishwvasher, balconies, closor10am1pust, hospital, Arb. Junoe-Aurgust. 565 ma. 525 Wal- oat, 994-0394. 86U517 JUNE. JULY 0110/or Augo. Frished, p10110. 1100, A/C, parking. Neor hoscpital: Reilt nrgotiable. 665-0514. 68U517 ONE BEDROOM asvrilable Car surblet alonie, load rconditiona 2-bdirm. apt. (ma le). A!Cpool, te1101,parking. $70 negotiable. 063-9001. 020511 2 BEDROOM APT. CHEAP >/,SUMMER CAMPUS ROOMS fIrgirls Crom- I lt tofurnoshed carete01, ina 7rmodernbldg. Sunnoy, pleasantnigh- bor hood. 8100 foe doubhle, 075 single. Poll option. 761-1932. - cute EF'FICIENCY rfo rrulctO w/ toll optiron., Colt 663-4735. 11U521. *~ Summer Campus Roossfor girls. Prnshed is serremornchrick buildisgo Avoll- able tow or Jruly 1. Foll otion. 175 rirrn incluides utilities. 761-1932. SUBLET SERVICE We maintainisa litotf01rrpresent tenants wisintg to suihlrt their ap- artments for the summer.. Theae rangeoro-m cooms in houses, to effi- ciencies, to oar and two bdcm, ap- artments both modern and is houors. Contact at Car further lalse, motion . CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 E. HURON 663-4101 I cute SINGLE ROOM 1n horteor Moy-ArrO. 663-3267, 425 Chrch. 47U5181 Summer Sublet Best Location Spacios 2 & 3 bdem. apts. A/C, dishashers & balconies VISCOUNT & CHALET APTS. CAMPUS RENTALS 1 335 5. University 665-8825 I i . _w . . w . _-_ . °_.. Ge oknow the two noffr youbeor yU become the three of you. Get to know what you both really like. What you both really want out of life. Get to enjoy your freedom together un ti l you both decide you want to let go of a little bit of it. But make it your choice. Research statistics show that more than half of all the pregnancies each year are accidental. Too many of them, to couples who thought they knew all about family planning methods. Get to know how the two of you don't have to become the three of you. Or the four of you. Or,.. Planned Parenthood Children by choice. Not chance. Far further injformation, write Planned Parenthood, Boxt 431, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y, 10019. Plsned Parenthood isa satiaosal, non-profitoarasnation dedicated to provridisg informatian and effectise meas of family plasning lto all who wastand nerd it. advertisin6gcontribsted for Oh. publicgood41'sQ 42U7521- SUBLET-Now-Aug. 1 wo001n. A/C, PERSONAL 2-hdrm. neor camipus, parking. VERY CHEAP! 761-9122. 22U21 WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT trod kerp _- - ofl? People nereded toe wr i.;lil 2 BEDROOM - UNFURNISHED - oss program. Coil 764-0434 M -F 9-3 Modern, heat 0001 water included or 994-0207 other hoursc. dF51lO in rent,rimmed. orcupacy withlfall Cotion. West Pork is yourehock- Last C l yard, 660-0909 offer 6:00; 065-7015 alter 7:15. 250521 M ixed League ONE MAN NEEDED in 3 man, two Sign Up o bedroom apartment. Nice view, close Sg to medical center and di1ng. Nay- Union L n s' Aug. 102 Fuller. Call '161-1475 be- Ln bween 5-6,30 p.m. 96UI7 CF5lO