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August 23, 1974 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-08-23

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Friday, August 23, 1974
Ziegler, three others
shoot 67's for early
Westchester golf lead
HARRISON, N.Y. (M-Hard-hitting Larry Ziegler scored an
eagle three on the final hole for a five-under-par 67 and tied with
three others for the first-round lead yesterday in the $250,000
Westchester Golf Classic.
Miller Barber, Dale Douglass and former Masters champion
Tommy Aaron also .had 67s on the tight and tidy 6,614-yard,
par-72 Westchester Country Club course in suburban New York.
Arnold Palmer, who once three-putted from two feet then
played his last 10 holes six under par, and Jack Nicklaus headed
a- huge group at 68, four under par and just one stroke off the
Also at 68 were Australian Bruce Crampton, John Lister of
New Zealand, Jim Wiechers, Rod Funseth, Larry Hinson, Tom
Watson, Jerry McGee, Mason Rudolph and Dan Sikes.
That's a total of 15 players locked within one stroke of each
other at the top.
Leading money winner Johnny
Miller and defending champion
Bobby Nichols were comfortably S
placed at 69. Tom Weiskopf had
a 70 and South African Gary
Player a 71. of th
U. S. Open champion Hale
Irwin, making his first start in
seven weeks, birdied his last
twotwo holes for a 70.
h s r .lected, would be listed numer-
Playoff inflation ically acording to won-lost rec-
DETROIT-The National Bas- ords. Team No. 4 would play
ketball Association adopted a team No. 5 in the new setup,
10-team playoff plan yesterday, with the winners becoming team
adding a pair of three-game No. 4 in each conference of the
matches to the post-season play- former NBA playoff system.
By a vote of 18-0, club owners Ashbee rehired
also approved sale of the De- PHILADELPHIA - Defense-
troit Pistons from Fred Zollner Barry Ashbee, his career cut
to a Detroit group headed by short by an eye injury, was
industrialist William Davidson. named as an assistant coach
The new playoff plan first yesterday of the Philadelphia
must be approved by the NBA Flyers of the National Hockey
Players' Association because of League.
a clause in their current pact The announcement by general
with the owners calling for a manager Keith Allen means the
maximum of 21 playoff games. Stanley Cup champions become
Under the new plan, the top the first NHIL team to employ
two teams in each of four divi- two assistant coaches.
sions would be guaranteed Allen said Ashbe, 35, will do
spots in the playoffs. After limited scouting and work
that, the best remaining team with the Flyers and their top
in each of the NBA's two con- farm team, the Richmond
ferences would become the Robins of the American Hock-
ninth and 10th teams. ey League.
The two new teams will be Ashbee's career was ended
selected on a basis of best win- April 28 when a puck hit his
ning percentage, under the eye in an overtime period of
owners' plan. the NHL semifinal playoffs with
The five teams in the East the New York Rangers in Madi-
and West conferences, once se- son Square Garden.
c Maior League Standings
East East
w L Pct. n w L Pet. GB
Btoston 05 54 .6101- S.Lotis 6 0 520s-
Cleveland 05959 s6 t/ Philalphia 3 1 .508 1%
New Yk 2 05 .504 7 Pittsburgh 3 t1 .508 1/,
attmore 2 t :6.504 7 Motres l 5 3 .79 5
Milwaukee to064 .484 9i New York 53 7 .44 9
Detroit 58 66 .468 11% Chicago 50 71 .413 13
West West
Oakland 71 54 .568 - Ios Angeles 78 46 .629 -
Kansas City 65 57 .533 4% Cincinnati 75 50 .600 31/
Texas 64 62 .509 7% Atlanta 67 56 .545 10
Chicago 60 64 .484 10'/ Houston 63 60 .512 14%
Minnesota 60 65 .480 11 San Francisco 56 69 .448 22%
California 50 75 .400 21 San Diego 49 7 G.392 29%
Yesterdays Games Ysedy ae
Kansas City 3, Cleveland IN tames scheduled
Texas , altimonee2N Imssheue
Today's Games Today's Games
Texas (Ilargan 9-8) at Detroit New York (Parker 4-11 and Mat-
(Coleman 10-11), 8 p.m. lack 11-10) at Atlanta (Reed 8-7 and
Kansas City (Busby 18-10 and Leon 2-4), 2, 7:35.
Briles 3-5) at Milwaukee (Champ- Cincinnati (tllingham 15-8) at
ion 8-2 and Slaton 9-14), 2, 7 p.m. Montreal (walker 2-3), 8:05.
Minnesota (Goltz 6-6) at Balti- Philadelphia (Ruthven 6-8) at
more (McNally 11-9), 7:30. Houston (Dierker 7-8), 9:35.
Oakland (Blue 14-11) at Boston Pittsburgh (Reuss 13-9) at San
(Tiant 19-8), 7:30. Diego (Greif 6-14), 10:30.
California (Lockwood 2-4) at New St. Louis (McGlothen 13-8) at Los
York (May 5-2), 8 p.m. Angeles (Rau 12-6).
Cleveland (Peterson 8-8) at Chi- Chicago (Stone 5-4) at San Fran-
'ago (Kaat 13-9), 9 p.m. cisco (Caldwell 11-3), 10:30.

- "FiddlER'".. ANd Add
Mon.-Sat. 7 and 9 P.M. Sun. 7, 9, and 11 P.M.

ROSEMARY KOTHER of East Germany hyperventilates at the European Swimming Champion-
ships in Vienna shortly after setting a new world's record for women in the 100-meter butter-
fly, 1:02.09.
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