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August 21, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-21

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Wednesday, August 21, 1974


Page Nine

Wednesday, August 21, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

Ford picks Rockefeller
as new vice president

Life and times of

new VP

(Continued from Page 1)
dures. A final vote could come
in September.
FORD, WHO last year went
through the same 25th Amend-
ment process to become vice
president, offered Rockefeller
the services of his own person-
al staff to help him prepare
for it.
Ford's press secretary, Jerald
terHorst, said both the Presi-
dent and Rockefeller had talked
with Nixon by phone shortly
before the nomination was an-
nounced. Nixon was quoted as
telling Ford that he "picked a
big man for a big job."
Ford told the nation that
Rockefeller will "make a great
HOUSE Speaker Carl Albert,
D-Okla., called Rockefeller "one
of the most experienced and
capable men in the country"
"I think it was an excellent
choice," said Democratic Whip
Robert Byrd of West Virginia.
And Senate GOP Leader Hugh
Scott of Pennsylvania said he
was "enormously pleased."
SCOTT and Byrd pledged to
expedite confirmation, with
Scott expressing hopes it could
be completed within 35 to 40
days. This compares with the
55 days required to confirm
Ford last fall, when Nixon nom-
inated him to succeed Spiro
The Senate Rules and Admin-
istration Committee, which
along with the House Judiciary
Committee will conduct con-
firmation hearings, began an
immediate investigation into
Rockefeller's background.
The nominee, a millionaire
member of one of America's
wealthiest families, told a news
conference that he would make
whatever financial disclosures
are required and probably will
put his vast holdings in trust.
HE bluntly turned aside re-
porters' questions about his
personal finances."You'resnot
the committee of Congress," he
told them at the White House
press room session after Ford
announced his nomination.
Ford said he was certain
Rockefeller will receive major-
ity approval in both the House
and Senate, as required by the
Constitution's 25th amendment.
'I wouldn't have picked some-
one who wouldn't be," he said.
Rockefeller had twice run for
the White House. His resigna-

tion last December as governor
of New York, a post he held
for an unmatched 15 years, was
viewed as a move to position
himself for a third campaign in
BUT Nixon's resignation and
Ford's elevation to the presi-
dency changed that, and he ac-
cepted a post he previously re-
jected on grounds that "The
vice president is standby equip-
ment . . . I don't think I'm cut
out to be a No. 2 type of a
He told the White House news
conference he had changed his
mind because of "the situation
that exists in our country and
the world, a situation resulting
from an accelerated change,
tremendously difficult and ser-
ions problems . . . that have to
be faced and faced realistical-
And in clear reference to the
change in his personal political
prospects brought about by
Nixon's resignation, he said "I
am in a position of relaxed de-
sire to be helpful to this nation
in any way I can."
You're pretty darn good at
your job, But today, we all have
to consider how we can do
our workab le better. hat's
how each of uscan help
keep our jobs here in America.
For now and for the future.
America. It only works
as well as we do.
sets up

ALBANY, N.Y. XP)-Here is a on Government Organization, 1969--Appointed by President
chonology of Nelson Rockefel- appointed by PresidentEisen Nixon to National Foreign In-
ter's life and public career: hower. His actiivties in that telligence Advisory Board. Also,
July 8, 1908-Born at Bar Har- post led to establishment of the at Nixon's renest, undertook a
bor, Maine, the third of six chil- Department of Ifealth, Educa- special fact-finding mission to
lren of John D. Rockefeller Jr. tion and Welfare in which he ILatin America.
and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller. briefly served as undersecre- 1973-Resigned as governor of
1926-Graduated from Lincoln tary. New York, saying he would de-
School, New York City. 1954-Became special assist- vote his time to the National
1930 - Graduated Phi Beta ant to the president for foreign Commission on Critical Choices
Kappa from Dartmouth College affairs. for Americans.
with a degree in economics. 1956-1959-Headed two studies Aug. 20, 1974 - Nominated as
Married Mary Todhunter Clark, of New York State's constitu- vice president by President
from whom he was divorced in tion, authorized by the legisla- Ford.
March 1962. There were five tore.
children from that marriage- 1959-Dec. 18, 1973 - Governor
Rodman, Ms. Lionel Coste, Ste- of New York. Rockefeller won
ven, Ms. William Strawbridge, his first term in 1958 by defeat-
and the late Michael Rocke- ing incumbent Democratic Gov.
feller. Averell Harriman. In 1962, he
1940-First appointment with defeated U.S. Attorney Robert
the federal government. Presi- Morgenthau; in 1966, F r a n k
dent Franklin IDelano Roosevelt t)'Connor, and in 1970, Arthur
named him co-ordinator of In- Goldberg.
ter-American Affairs. 1963-Married for the second
1944-45-Assistant Secretary of time, to the former Margaret
State for American Republic (Happy) Filter Murphy. They
Affairs. have two sons, Nelson Jr. and
. 1950-Appointed chairman of Mark Filter.
the International Development 1965-1969-By appoinntment of
Advisory Board by President President Johnson, served as a
Truman. member of the Advisory Coin-
1952-1959 - Chairman of the mission on Intergovernmental
President's Advisory Committee Relations.
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(Continued from Page 3) Grand Rapids, Mich., William
The House passed the Senate Seidman, to be executive direc-
bill under a procedure requir- tor of the steering committee.
log two-thirds vote. Seidman is a certified public
Earlier, Ford also began set- accountant.
ting up a steering committee to
prepare for an economic summit Ford also named to the steer-
conference scheduled to begin in ing committee Economic Ad-
about a month, over which he viser Kenneth Rush; Roy Ash,
has said he will personally pre- director of the Office of Manage-
side. ment and Budget; Treasury
THE FULL meeting is to in- Secretary William Simon, and
clude representatives from Con- the new chairman of the Coun-
gress, management, labor and cil of Economic Advisers, Alan
consumer groups. Greenspan. He invited congres-
He chose a long-time personal sional leaders to designate four
friend from his home town of members from both houses.
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during the day? Need
something to occupy your mind?
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Crossword Puzzle
under your arm.

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