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August 21, 1974 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-08-21

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Poge Two


In the news this morning

WASHINGTON - A massvie compromise
pension reform bill, hailed as one of the most
important measures of this Congress, sailed
through the House yesterday amid Republican
predictions that President Ford will sign it.
The House vote, sending it to the Senate for
final action, was 407-2, with only Reps. James
Collins, (R-Tex.), and Earl Landgrebe, (R-
Ind.), in dissent. Supporters said the bill's
major goal is assuring that workers who are
promised retirement benefits will actually get
them. While the bill would not force compan-
ies to provide pension plans, it would set
rules for existing ones and any started from
now on.
WASHINGTON - The House yesterday
slashed by nearly half the proposed $20 billion
for mass transit expenditures for the remaind-
er of this decade, trimming it to the $11 bil-
lion level requested by President Ford. The
257-155 vote came after Rep. William Harsha,

(R-Ohio), warned that Ford would veto the
bill even it if was pared to the compromise
$15.8-billion level. Ford called for severe
reductions in the authorization to fight infla-
AMARILLO, Tex. - A group of rebellious
inmates, armed with knives from the prison
kitchen, yesterday released one of -two host-
ages they took Monday night. The prisoners
demanded bread, a car and money for an es-
cape attempt. Jailer Don Sidwell carried out of
the Potter County jail on a stretcher by sher-
iff's officers who said Sidwell's hip was in-
jured shortly after the takeover late Monday
night. The inmates still held another j a i 1
guard, Stan Snitker.
It's going to be sunny, hot and humid again
today, with a high temperature of about 90.
Lows tonight will be near 60. Winds today will
be southerly at about 10 to 18 mph.

Use Daily Classifieds
to look into
"The Tower's Better Way of Life"
The UniversIty Towers is designed with
the comforts of the student in mind. At
the Towers you don't have the hassel
that many people have experienced with
landlords. You hve more time to devote
to studies, and members and activities
of society that interest you. Life is cm-
plicated enough, why complicate it more
by not living here?
Location-The Towers are ideally lo-
cated being two blocks from West
Individual Leases - Which means you
are responsible for only your por-
tion of the rent. Many times three
or more people will rent a house
together and something always
happens, it might be getting mar-
ried, dropping out of school, or
not having enough money, in any
case the remaining roommates have to find a new roommate or pay a higher rent.
8 Month Lease-You rent the apartment for the time most people are in school, and
you're not stuck trying to find someone to rent it to in the summer.
Maid Service-Once a week a maid comes in to clean the place up. Which consists of
vacuuming, mopping, and dusting.
Maintenance Crews-We have a full staff to correct, and make any necessary repairs.
You can't appreciate this to its fullest extent until you have experienced the hassle
of trying to get a landlord to make needed repairs.
Tight Security-There is o security guard on duty at night, and the front door is always
locked. Visitors can buzz you from the lobby, and you can talk to them and unlock
the door from your room.
Recreation Room-Pool tables, ping pong tables, and snacks.
Pool-Go for a dip in between classes in our heated swimming pool.
Special Rooms-Study room, piano room, laundry room, lounge with a color TV. We
also show popular movies.
Only $50.00 deposit.
Kitchen-Eat what and when you want to. Students who have lived in the dorm know
what it's like not having breakfast on the day of a big exam, and having thirteen
regulated meals a week. At the Towers you eat what and when you want to.
With all these conveniences it would seem that the Towers would be very expensive to live in.
However this is not the case. Check our prices and what we have to offer with the other
available Ann Arbor housing. Come in and look at the various different apartments we have.
We'll be glad to see You, and you'll be glad you did.
536 South Forest Avenue Phone 313/761-2680

600 2 4 7 11 13 News
9 Andy Griffith
741 Leave 5t To SBeaver
24 ABC News-Smith/
30 Eye to eye
5o Avengers
56 Journey to Japan
57 Sesame Street
_6:3041 13 NBC News-John
7 AaC News-Smith/
9 5IDream of Jeannie
11 CBS News-Walter
2a Nanny and the Professor
24 Dick Van Dyke
30 Book Beat
561 Bayou city
7:004 2 CBs News-Walter
4 News
7 Ta Tell the Truth
9Beverly Hillhbilies
11 To Tell The Truth
13 What's My Lie?
20 Rifleman
24 Dealer's Choice-Game
341 Speaking Freely
50 Untouchables
56 Detroit Black Journal
57 Electric Campany
7:30 2 13 Troth or Consequences
4 24 Sale of the Century
7 Ozzie's Girls
9 Bewitched
11 Treasure Hunt
241 Rogues
56 U.S. Industrial Film
57 Lilias, Yota and You
g:0 2 11 Hudson Brothers
4 13 Chase
7 74 Movie
--Wonder Woman"
9 Documenst
30 Potposr
50 McHae's Navy
5t It's Your Money
57 Day at Nigtt
8:3iO a News
: 0 Judd for the Defense
30 Ohio This Week
50 Merv Griffin
56 57 Great American Dream
THE DAILY regrets
an error in yesterday's
ad for UM-AFSCME.
5:15 P.M.
611 Church
Room 2029

Wednesday, August 21, 1974
Around A
An African Dinner, featuring
food from Kenya, will be held
at Bethlehem United Church of
Christ, 423 S. Fouth Ave. at
6:30 p.m. Aug. 24. The price of
the meal is $2.00 and all pro-
ceeds will benefit people suffer-
ing from the drought in Africa.
For reservations call 662-5529.
9:06 2 11 Cannon
4 13 Mac'in
"Some Kind atfa Nut
9 CFL Football
30 Toledo City Counel
9:30 7 24 Movie
"Men of the Dragon"
741 74141Club
56 57 Boarding House
10:00 2 11 Rojak
501 Perry Mason
56 Fanfare
57 Festival Films
101:341 57 Video Yisionartes
11:002 4 7 11 13 24 News
241 Charisma
50 Sith Sense
11:30 211Movie
"Hammerhead" (1968)
4 13. Johnny Carson
7 24 Wide World Special
241Jimmy Swaggert
50 Movie-Comedy
"My Love Came Back."
12:15:9 Movie
"The Secret of Blood Island"
(Englih; 1964)
1:410 4 Tomorrow
7 13 News
1:341 7 Movie
"Speak Easily." (1932)
11 News
2:00 4 Shadows on the Wall
2:30 4 News
3:00 2 what's My Line?
3:30 2 News
Daily Official Bulletin
Wednesday, August 21
Day Calendar
WUOM: Rodger Knowell, prof. of
econ., Cal. Inst. of Tech. & Frank
Ryan, Dir., Info. Prog. for U. S.
House of Reps. & former pro foot-
ball quarterback discuss the busi-
ness of sports wtih NPR host Ste-
phen Hanker, 10:00 am.
Music sen.: DMA Piano Series,
Proto*le* "satas, Gyorgy Sandor,
dir., Recital Hall, 1 pm.
Volume LXXXIV, No. 67-5
Wednesday, August 21, 1974
is edited and managed by stuelents
st the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-t562. Second clas poiage
paid at Ann Arbor, Mihtgan 48106.
Published d a11 y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard agreet. Ann
Arbor. Michigan 41104. Subscription
rates:4$10,by carrier {campus area);
$11 local mail (ichigan and Ohio>:
112 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: 15.50 by carrier
campus area); $00.0 ocal mail
Michigan and Oho; >$.50 non-
local mal other states and foreign).

any way you Can
Be it advertising, editorial
or sports-

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