Tuesday, August 20, 1974
Tuesday, August 20, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
U.S. ambassador slain
President supports
limilted amnesty plan
(Oontinued from Page 1) from the embassy, and set them
In Nicosia, a U.S. Embassy ablaze. Oily smoke and raging
official said Davies "was stand- flames enveloped the building.
ing with the other men and it Officials said the embassy
was an accident that he was asked for police protection at
the one hit, but the shooting was 8 a.m. local time, four hours
directed at his office and his before the demonstration began,
residence." but only 30 or 40 unarmed po-
lice were sent and the Cypriot
E A R L I E R demonstrators national guard did not respond
poured gasoline on 12 empty to an appeal for help.
cars, some only a few feet Several p o 1 i c e were idly
Kei th pleads Ufor equality
at graduatin exerrU9cise
(Continued from Page 3)
tory," Keith said of the Water-
gate scandals. "Our constitution
has been tested and the basic
principle that ours is a govern-
ment of laws - not men - has
been re-affirmed."
N E V E R T H E L E S S,
Keith said that in recent years
"the nation has drifted away
from the commitment" to in-
sure all citizens, regardless of
race, equal consideration under
the law.
"The conclusion is inescap-
able: so long as some Ameri-
cans are excluded from the
mainstream . .. it will be the
duty of all law-abiding people
to knock down the barriers," he
Americans must be commited
to whatever remedy is neces-
sary to end discrimination and
equally committed to accenting
the consequences of that reme-
dy, Keith said.
University President Robben
Fleming also spoke to the grad-
uates, but dwelled on the "mel-
ancholy mood" of commence-
"One period of your lives has
come to an end, while another
is just beginning," Fleming
said. "Wherever you go we
wish you luck, happiness and
HONORARY degrees were
awarded to Keith, physicist
John Bardeen and Federal
Maritime Commission head
Mary Bentley.
Bardeen, who won Nobel
prizes in 1956 and 1972 and cur-
rently is a professor at the Uni-
versity of Illinois, received his
degree for his contributions to
physical theory and science-
based technology.
The first woman to chair a
federal regulatory agency, Bent-
ley was honored as "a driving
force in reinstating America as
a nositive force in world trade."
In conferring an honorary law
degree on Keith, Fleming noted
the judge's "dedication to the
protection of the legal fabric
upon which this nation was
founded" and his ardent de-
fense of the Constitution.
Following the two-hour cere-
mony, a reception was held for
the graduates in the League
watching the demonstrations as
the cars blazed and Greek
Cypriot neighbors cheered.
BUT OTHER p o l i c e were
shoving back the crowd and
yelling: "For God's sake, there
are Cypriots in there."
U.N. troops rushed to the em-
bassy in armored cars. Weapons
at the ready, but they did not
try to break up the riot.
A U.N. spokesman said that
the peacekeeping troops later
responded to an appeal to evac-
uate "the wounded ambassa-
dor" but would not intervene
against the demonstration.
National guard troops arrived
about 20 minutes after the riot-
ers began throwing stones at
the embassy and trying to rip
the U.S. eagle plaque from
above the front door, one Ameri-
can said.
"THEY began shooting in the
air . . . There 'was not any
shooting from the embassy," an
embassy spokesman said.
Greek C y p r i o t witnesses
claimed that U.S. Marine guards
opened fire, but the embassy
said the Marines only used tear
American officials said that
gunmen fired on Davies' office
and at the ambassador's empty
penthouse residence atop the
opposite end of the building.
CYPRUS President Glafcos
Clerides broke off a news con-
ference when he learned of the
riot. Wearing a gas mask, he
rushed through the clouds of
smoke and gas into the em-
As he watched the ambassa-
dor's body carried out on a
stretcher, more bullets hit the
doorway near Clerides' head.
Later Clerides said: "I con-
demn w i t h abhorrence t h i s
abominable crime which acts
against the interests of Cyprus.
I express my most profound
sorrow and sympathy."
In Athens, Greek Premier
Constantine Caramanlis said the
killing was "an abominable
crime," as thousands of demon-
strators chanted anti-American
slogans in Athens main square.
(Continued from Page 3)
But he said he preferred to
discuss amnesty with such an
"The more I thought of it, the
more I thought the right audi-
ence would be an audience that
might be difficult, rather than
some handpicked audience," he
IN HIS SPEECH, Ford also
disclosed he was naming former
Indiana congressman Richard
Roudebush as Veterans' admin-
istrator and pledged improve-
ments in the agency's opera-
He gave a veiled warning that
he may veto a $1.4 billion vet-
erans' education bill on grounds
it is inflationary.
"We are soldiers in a war
against inflation," he said.
" America is fighting for its
economic life. I will not hesi-
tate to use the veto to control
inflationary excesses," he said.
STANDING in an open-top
limousine, Ford was applauded
and cheered by tens of thou-
sands as his motorcade carried
him through downtown Chicago.
But outside convention hotel,
thousands of Greek-Americans
waved signs and chanted slo-
gans criticizing his administra-
tion's Cyprus policy.
The demonstration was plan-
nedhbefore the U.S. ambassador
to Cyprus, Rodger Davies, was
slain when a mob of Greek
Cypriots stormed the U.S. Em-
bassy in Nicosia.
The Greek-Americans who
thronged to Grant Park across
from the Conrad Hilton Hotel
were demonstrating against
what they called a tilt toward
Turkey in the U.S. policy on
Few of their chants named
Ford. But several were aimed
at Secretary of State Henry
"Kissinger the Turk . . .
Give the Nobelhback .rk . Kis-
singer resign."
The President paid no ap-
parent attention to the demon-
strators. Ford told the conven-
tion delegates that the word of
Davies' death was "tragic
"He, too, gave his life in
foreign wars," Ford said. "Let
us offer our prayers and our
condolences to his loved ones for
his supreme sacrifice on behalf
of all America."
says s
won't accept
cabinret post
special To The Daiy
W^'sISNGTnT_-Rep. Martha
Griffiths (t-Mich.) said yester-
day she has no intention of
taking a cabinet Post, desnite
indicntions from sources close
to the President that she is
hbiaer " sNteeed for Secretary
of Health, Edwation and Wel-
The f'oneresssoman stated
she was readv to retire after
20 vers in the to',se and look-
toe fnriard to nri-ate life.
Griffiths evnleined that as a
nolitictan. "V'ir seen every
snenkin", hall in America. but
I've nOter really seen America.
I've never had a private life,
never gnne to the symnhony
witho't first checking it out
with my appointment secre-
Desnite her rel'ictance to con-
tinsie nublic life in the Ford
administration, the Congress-
woman has warm words for the
new president, saying "it's the
greatest relief" for the country.
Recalling a remark by former
President Johnson that Ford
had played football once too
often without his helmet, Grif-
fiths commented: "If Johnson
were here today he would apol-
ogize for having said that-or
maybe just deny he had said
Council passes law
for bicycle sales
(Continued from Page 3)
missing bicycles by checking
ownership through the clerk's
THE ORDINANCE passed last
night also includes rules gov-
erning the use of bicycles in
traffic. These tend to empha-
size standard riles of the road
such as keeping to the right
and sienaling turns.
Bicyclists must use designated
"bike paths" when available in
the city rather than sidewalks
or roads under the new law.
During the lengthy session
last night, Council fought an-
other round over the controver-
sial Packard-Platt Plaza shop-
ping center but reached no con-
on whether council had actually
approved a legal site plan-a
necessary step before any con-
struction can begin-last Janu-
The plaza has outraged resi-
dents in the area-the junction
of Packard and Platt Roads-
and they have filed a lawsuit to
prevent construction.
Council Democrats, in par-
ticular Carol Jones (D-Second
Ward) argued that the original
site plan was not legally drafted
when submitted for approval
last January.
IN ADDITION they contended
that since the adoption of the
plan by the Republicans certain
unauthorized alterations have
been made in the specifications
of the proposed shopping center.
The Republicans countered
these allegations saying that
such issues must be decided in
"I'm not saying the site plan
is improper-I don't think it
was-but that is something to
be settled in court," Council-
man Robert Henry (R-Third
Ward) said.
Thomas (D-First Ward) said
"it has not been shown that a
leeally annroved nlan is in ex-
itence." He and Jones allege
that infqrenation such as the
height of nronosed buildines was
not marked on the site nlan as
is reornirc.1 by law. ths mak-
in the doec'ment illegal.
'o',eil last nieht also ap-
nroved a zoning change that
will allow fraternities and so-
rorities in the city to be con-
verted to boarding houses.
In the works since last No-
vember, the alteration would
authorize the change in use of
the stately "greek" buildings
located in the Hill St.-Wash-
tenaw Ave. area.
THE CITY feared that several
of these buildings might be
abandoned in the near future
because of the poor financial
state of many fraternities and
sororities. Rather than allow
this to happen council expanded
the building use allowed under
the zoning laws.
Boarding houses as defined
under the new zoning regula-
tions are those buildings other
than hotels or dormitories in
which people, at least 75 per
cent who reside there, also re-
ceive meals prepared on the
premises at a predetermined
cost and for a definite time
To insure the architectural
flavor of the area is not dam-
aged by the optential conver-
sion of "greek" houses to board-
ing facilities, all e x t e r i o r
changes in the buildings must
be authorized by the city.
In addition the structural al-
terations "must harmonize with
the character of the evirons" to
receive approval from the pro'
per city agencies,
A newcomer to this list
of"found" movies is "The
'" Harder They Come" the
first Jamaican f e a t u r e
ever made and the only
film on the list that qual-
ities as a true original, a
MOVIE OF THE YEAR! eres v somewhatat tor
-Rol i ng.tone.than the limited cult at-
n S tention it is now recely-
Mogazine ing when it is shown
Featuring Reggae aatt he Frst ag Aht
a th Fis Avenue's
music star, screening soom.
Jimmy Ciff t ~o 5 laSeWhen it tirs t opened
,, here at the Embassy The-
"More wit,,outs, humor and sheer exuberance than most ater in February of last
movies you'll see in any one year of movie goinq. year, "The Harder They
-Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times Caome" received mostly
good notices and only oee
or two unqualified raves. The business was okay but not great. In oston, however, it played for
26 weeks last year at the Orson welles Cinema, and reopened there again on April 10, this year,
and is sti playing. I think I can understand why, now that I've seen it at the Screening Room.
Although it's a sometimes technically ragged movie, "The Harder They Come" has more guts,
wit, humor and sheer exuberance than most movies you'll see in any one year o movie-going.
A lot of this-though not all-has to do with the superb music, Jamaican reggae (rhymes with
leggay), strictly lanal, highly syncopated rhythm and blues with associations to rock and calypso.
The fim was produced, co-written and directed by Perry Henzei, a white Jamaican with
experience at the B.B.C. and in industrial and documentary tims, and it stars Jimmy Clit, the
black Jamaican reggae star whose lite story provides the raw material for a tilm that simultan-
eously explores a tantasy and satirizes it. This is not a movie to lift the hearts o the members
ot the Jamaican Tourist Board. Its sympathy is with "the radies," the jobless young men who
hang around Kingston street corners making rude remarks to people who could be tourists.
Although "The Harder They Qome" takes place almost entirely in the Jamaican's Jamaica
(there is only one short scene involving a resort hotel). and although it is very caretui not to
portray whites as the oppressors (we see only blacks ripping ott blacks), it is a more revolu-
tionary biackf im than any number o American etorts, including "sweet Sweetback's Haadasss
Song." Its anger is less facile, more profoundly moving. Never for a minute is it confused with
seit-pity, which, more than any other factor perhaps, gives the teim its power as weli as the
continuing appeal that won't let it get "lost."
--vincent Canby, New York Times, July 14, 1074
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