' THlE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, August 20, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 I Letters to the Death and circumstance E AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS official "hands off" policy toward Cyprus killed Ambassador Roger Davies. Angry Greece, arrogant Turkey, and anguished Cy- prus are all monuments to our "malign neglect". Yet, be- neath this front, the U. S. was pursuing other objectives. And Davies was caught in the middle. The outbreak of the Cypriot coup was a delicate situation: the friendship of two NATO powers, the status of U. S. bases on Cyprus, and a confrontation with the Soviets were at stake. The government could not afford to play off one side against the other, nor remain silent. Rather, America chose a simple, but familiar path: pro- tect our interests while offering token gestures toward world peace. Initially. thines looked pretty bad for the American- backed Greek junta who engineered the coup. By shut- tling second-rate dinlomats between Ankara and Athens, we could maintain an air of aloofness, and even those Cyprus bases denied to us earlier by deposed President Makarios. Maybe the new regime would prove more co- operative. Phase Two, the unexpected, caught the United States off guard, yet hardly upset our plans. Turkey invaded Cyprus; and the U. S. and Greece regained constitutional governments. Greek Premier Caramanlis' future inten-, tions were hazy, but didn't appear threatening for the moment. fTURKEY WAS THE safest bet. Perhaps Premier Ecevit would halt popov growth if America allowed them to occupy Cyprus: then again, he might give us those island bases, too. However, for the world peace record, President Ford had to warn Greece and Turkey of an arms trade embargo if all-out hostilities resulted. Was such "non-intevention" really worth it? Power- less to prevent total war at its most likely moment, we lost an ambassador, Greek friendship and military bases, and severely damaged NATO's prestige in the process. In retrospect, the government should have forgotten its selfish, short-sighted goals in the interest of world peace. Number one, the government could have cut off arms supplied to all participants (an American-made bul- let probably killed Davies); Number two, the U. S. might have used stronger diplomatic pressures to prevent the Turkish invasion by threatening economic sanctions. Finally, we should have immediately recognized the new Greek government. Perhaps that would have soft- ened the blow of supporting an oppressive junta. In the long run, it may have prevented angry Greek Cypriot mobs from killing an American. -BILL HEENAN blues & jazz To The Daily: IN TUESDAY'S Daily, a form- er customer of the bank for which I work indicated that he had removed his account from this bank because of my vote to cancel the Blues and Jazz Fes- tival. I was not a member of the City Council at the time this vote was taken, my term hav- ing expired at the end of March. Had I been a member of the Council, I would have voted for it. I would like to suggest a way for the return of the Blues and Jazz Festival: Clean the area in which the concert is held. Coincidentally, your editorial in this very same issue wvas en- titled "Bottle Up Your Trash." We would certainly welcome the ret'rn of Mr. Nelson's ac- count. surprised and shocked to hear from someone that you -don't even know. But it's also a shock to me knowing that you might not be interested in hearing from someone that you don't know. I'm wondering if any of you students attending t h e University of Michigan would like to exchange thoughts and ideas on any subject. I am a man who needs to express him- self in this forbidden jungle. I need someone to correspond with, and I hope that one of you students can be that some- one. Be cool, friends. -Elwood Jones 139-410 P.O. Box 5500 Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 clerical concern -oyd Fair Vice-Presid Huron Vall Bank August 14 To The Daily: I AM presently here at the State Jackson. As I ent year of imnrisonm important to begir meaninefil contact side world . . . b manv years of my hbt imnoossible. Th time has served bond between mys in civilian life. I am 33, of Grp cent, single, intelli snoken, and would snondence. Your mean a greal dea -Ron R. Do No. 95277 P.O. Box E Jackson. M To The Daily: i AM IN priso to 40 years for s cotic drum: howev guilty. I am guilty msriiuana, and no I have been inc 30 months, and a need of financial acquiring legal ai like to ask that tions anyone would he spnt dir ctly to F. H. Kentine. 135 Cnrinfield. Ohio Thnnk vwn for y -nsideration. -Kenneth V No. 135-283 P.O. Boxt London, O1 To The Daily: I KNOW that3 banks To The Daily: lent ey National I WOULD LIKE to address the issue of apathy, first as a citizen with "unalienable rights" and second as a clerical helping to organize in conjunction with pen pals Concerned Clericals for Action. It has hit me directly, as a re- incarcerated sult of attempting to make pea- Prisonrat pleaware of what's happening, per msin al thatmany of our U-M secre- er my final taries and clericals do not care e t, eIfl it about the union movement here with the out- on campus. ut due to the An analogy can be very term it is all quickly drawfhere, on a larger e passage of scale with the entire populus to erase the of the United States in relation elf and those to political movements. A great nercentage of our population, eek-Irish des- for whatever reasons, neither gent out out- avail themselves of current in- enioy corre- formation nor take their right help would as a citizen to vote. Many do : to me. not know what the issues are, c to . and assume that "the next guy" nis will be conmetent and judicious enough to make the best decis- tlhgn424 ions on those current issues. *g 4They do not, therefore, k e e p abreast of the information, and do not utilize their right to vote. n serving 2r What does happen, however, in sle of a oar- nine cases of ten, is that these er, I am not same people end up continually of possessing bitching for the next four years thing more. because some ass is sitting in arcerated for the "throne of power" - some- m in great one whom they neither exores- assistance in sed their approval nor disap- d. I w ou 1 d nroval of as a candidate when my contribu- elections were held. 3 like to make my attornev, IT IS HERE that an analogy Wilton Ave., can be drawn - the same sitna- 45rimeand tion is developing on our cam- our time and Pms. We (the CCFA) try very earnestly to pass out literature fallen during our lunch hours and pre- 3 and oost-work times. We do not, 69 as does our opponent, interrupt hio 43140 work areas and make a general * nuisance of ourselves. We have also tried to play the game as you are very fairly as possible; from t h e DailyI grass roots level, the organiz- ing committee (composed sole- ly of U-M clericals) has done its best to play the rules and to stay out of areas where soli- citing is illegal. But there are those (a great number, and you know who you are) from whom the response has been "I'm not interested" or "I don't care". I guess we have not impressed upon you strongly enough that interest and care should be there - NOW. The election is in one month, and many remain in the dark. Is it fear of being at- tacked by your bosses for tak- ine literature? Or is it general lack of interest for the whole issue? Whatever yourrreasons are, think them over again very quickly; we haven't much more time to belabor the is- sue. One last thought - examine the evidence. There must be a damned good reason why cleri- cals are out there every day breaking their necks to inform you. It's not because they like it, and it'shnot because they don't like their jobs, or think the union will give them a better one. The real reason is because they want to stay - let's face it, the experience we all have could benefit the University be- calse trn-over would be 1 e s s and competencv and efficiency would increase. But a great per- centa e of us are single, sep- arated. or divorced. Is it fair to nenire this group with sub- standard livine wages and a noor svtem of unward mobil- ltv? One individual may be re- l-ti-el, hanny in his or her nosi- tion: blt as rational beings we should look beyond ourselves and not be selfish in our judge- ments. AS WORKERS we have a right to organize ourselves: as women we should make spec- ial efforts to examine this right and actively seek organization to be recognized as a working class. I cannot urge you too stronglv to examine our cause on a broad scone and eet out thee and vote Sent. 16-23. -Joyce E. Holden Concerned Clerical for Action Letters to The n-aily ehMo"1. be mailed to the Editorial Director or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Publications business office in the Michigan Daily build- ing. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors re- serve the right to edit all letters submitted. mmommommommommom RAMT ROWA RAr ei A ict S.~t 1L N C ev 'IhtUP i Z WATER 11T, GIPT TO, sa-14- Rl. 00) 0X81-( TIOWJ. ,5,h,e uydcat it OUJ$ IT L4?WS ME. r I CUT' IT IHAVE AEI SIT' WTks~7I NOV6 6 ASS-6I1.