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August 20, 1974 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-20

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Page Two


Tuesday, August 20, 1974

PaeToTEMCIA-ALYTedy uut2,17



In the news this morning
off Saturday's massive explosion in a down-
4ational town industrial area. The "alphabet bomber,"
WASHINGTON - Both the Senate and House so-called because he says he is choosing bomb-
ssed yesterday a bill giving President Ford ing targets to spell the name of his organiza-
thority to set up a White House agency to tion - the Aliens of America - toldr the Los
onitor price and wage increases. The House Angeles Herald-Examiner that the group was
issed the bill, Ford's first big legislative re- responsible for the blast. But Police Cmdr.
est, 379 to 23. The Senate vote was 88 to Peter Hagan said, "We don't put any cred-
The legislation now will go to a Senate. ence into what he says. There is no evidence
Ouse conference to work out a compromise to indicate it was a bomb." Fire department
aron. officials said they were virtually certain the
blast was caused by a truckload of sensitive
WASHINGTON - U.S. District Judge John organic peroxides that was parked by a ware-
rica rejected a near-unanimous plea from house. The chemicals are so unstable they
fense and prosecution lawyers Monday and could have been accidentally detonated by any
fused to postpone the Watergate cover-up number of circumstances, fire officials said.
,;. l e^1%&A9tH $i w ,e,% i lim rs [-

tonight to hold open

trial scheduied ror Sept. 9. I=runngwas p-
pealed immediate to a higher court by lawyers
for John D. Ehrlichman, one of the six de-
LOS ANGELES - Police said yesterday that
they don't believe the claim of the "alphabet
bomber" that his terrorist organization set

More nice days are in store for this week.
Today will be mainly sunny with a high in
the upper 80's. Tonight will be fair and warm
with a low in the mid-60's. The winds will be
from the south at 7 to 10 mph.

Join The Daily Staff

Home Cooking
Breakfast All Day
3 eggs, Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-$1.05
Han or Bacon or
Sausage with 3 eggs,
Hash Browns, Toast and
3 eggs, Rib Eye Steak,
Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-$1.90

Is Our Specialty
Specials This Week
Beef Stroonoff
Chinese Pepper Steak
Home-mode Beef Stew
Eas Rolls
Home-mode Soups (Beef,
Barlev, Clam Chowder. etc.)
Chili, Veqetoble Tempuro
(served after 2 p.m.)
Fried Rice with Sausoqes
and Veaetables
Spoqhetti in Wine Sauce
Beef Curry Rice

Daily Official Bulletin
Tuesday, August 20
Day Calendar
WUOM: Live coverage, Sen. For.
Reiat. Committee hearings on De-
tente & U. S. Relations with Com-
munist countries with Chmn. Pu-l-
bright, former See. of State Rusk,
& former Ambassador to Russia &
Yugoslavia, Geo. Kennan. 9:45 am.
Music Sth.: Laura Campbeil,
Prench horn, Recital Hall, 4:30 pm;
Keith Mc..abb, organ, Hill Aud.;
DMA Piano Series, Gyorgy Sandor.
dir., Recital Hall; both at 8 pm.
with only
5% down ... HURRY!
For more information
call salesmen

6:00 2 4 7 11 13 News
9 Andy Griffith
20 Leave It To Beaver
24 ac News-smith/
30 Zoom
50 Avengers
56 carrascolendas
57 sesame Street
6:30 4 13 NBC News-
John Chaneellor
7 ABC News-Smith/
9 5 Dream of Jeannie
s cas News-Waiter
24 Nanny and the Professor
24 Dich Van Dyhe
30 Lilias, Yoga and You
50 Thrilling etaoin
5..Those Thrililng nays of
7:00 2 cBS News-
waster Cronkite
4 News
7 Tn Teli the Truth
B Beverly Hillillies
11Toell the Truth
13 What's My Liar?
20 Rifleman
24 Dealer's choice
30 Impsressionss
5M Evening at Pops
7:30 2 13 Truth or Consequences
4 Audubon wildlife
7 New Price is Right
9 Bewitched
11 Hollywood Squares
20 nurke's Law
24 wait Till Your Father
Gets Home
30 Zoo
57 Lilas, Yoga and You
1:00 2 11 Maude
4 13 Adam-12
7 24 Happy Days
0 Starlost
30 56 57 Man Builds, Man
50 McHale's Navy
8:30 2 11 Hawaii Five-O
4 13 Snoop Sisters
7 24 Movie
20 Judd for Use Defense
30 56 57 Rye to Rye
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 0 News
30 5 57 Jeanne Woif
With .'.
9:30 2 11 Shaft
29 700 Cluh
30 56 57 Performance
10:00 4 i3 Poler Story
7 24 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 America
30 washington Debate for
the '70s.
50 Perry Mason
56 Detroit Black Journal
57 Ohio This week
10:30 56 Our Street
37 Day at Night
11:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 News
20 George and Diane
50 Sixth Sense
11:20 S News
11:30 2 11 Movie
"Th Mean who Died Twice"
4 13 Johnny Carson
7 24 wide World Mystery
20 Manna
50 Movie
"My Wild Irish Rose." (1947)
12:00 9 Sainb
1:00 4 Tomorrow
7 13 News
1:30 2 Movie
"The Mark of the vampire"
2:00 4 shadows on the wall
2:30 4 News
3:00 2 News

The union representing th e
University's graduate employes
and bargainers for the admti-
istration have agreed to hol d
public contract negotiations.
This arrangement - o pen
talks - differs with traditional
labor-management discussions
which are almost always con-
ducted in private.
THE.Graduate Employes Or-
ganization (GEO) requested the
open sessions earlier this sim-
mer because the union felt its
2,200 members and other per-
sons have a right to watch the
negotiations as they unfold.
As now planned, the negotia-
tions will be held every Tuesday
in the Rackham Assembly Hall
beginning at 8 p.m.
However, if both parties in
the talks - GEO and the ad-
ministration - agree any ses-
sion or part thereof may be
closed to the public.
DURING THE open negotia-
tions certain rules will be en-
forced including: no more than
50 visitors will be allowed to
view the proceedings at o n e
time: no photographs may be
taken: and only members of the
two bargaining teams may
Although the public negotia-
tion approach has not been tried
here before, at the University of
Wisconsin the administration
and a union of graduate work-
ers held open talks with rela-
tively successful results, ac-
cording to the GEO.
The contract talks should cen-
ter on a list of demands com-
piled last winter by the GEO.
At that time the employes who
inclile teaching fellows. re-
search assistants. and staff as-
sistants had no written agree-
ment with the University gov-
erning working procedures.
The union is seeking abolition
of tuition for graduate emoloy-
es, a grievance process, mater-
nity and sick leave provisions,
and other benefits.
volume LXXXIV, No. 66-s
Tuesday, August 20, 1974
is edited and managed by stuaents
at the University of Michigan, News
those 764-0562. Second ciasspostage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published da i l y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor. Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (eampus area);
$11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12. non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription roses:;t0.50 by carrier
campus area): H$.00 locai maii
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
locat mail (other states and foreign).

MON.-FRI.: 8-8
SAT.: 8:30-8
SUN.: 9-2

+Criminal Law.
If those words intrigue you,
you're reading thenright ad.

For the first time, The Institute
for Paralegal Training is offering
a course in Criminal Law.
Lawyer's Assistants who
graduate from this particular
course will be working in
District Attorney's offices,
Defender Associations, and
state and federal offices of the
Justice Department, doing
challenging, responsible work
that will enable them to put their
intelligence to some meaning-
ful use at a good starting salary.
The course is thirteen weeks
long and delves heavily into all
aspects of Criminal Law-
both the defense and the
prosecution-all the way from
constitutional rights and
limitations through post-trial
appeal. We think it will be a
super course.
Requirements for entrance
include a Bachelor's Degree

and a good college record.
As a student at the Institute,
you would be spending three
months in Philadelphia studying
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the criminal field.
We can't tell you evertyhing
about a career as a Lawyer's
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