Poge Eight
Saturday, August 17, 1974
Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Soturdtiy, August 17, 1974
Turks take northern Cyprus
Greek, Turkish soldiers
face-off at border Posts
(continued from Page1)
asked, but would prefer to hold
talks in the U.S. capital.
Nicosia resembled a ghost
town. Reliable sources estimat-
ed some 150,000 Greek Cypriots
had fled their homes in advance
of the victorious Turkish forces.
"It's all over," a British mili-
tary source said.
THE cease-fire agreement
yesterday was made through
announcements by Turkish Pre-
mier Bulent Ecevit in Ankara
and Cyprus President Glafcos
Clerides and his government
fled Nicosia for the south coast
port of Limassol as Turkish
jets and artillery pounded the
outskirts of the capital. The
departure was so hurried that
records were left behind and
the radio of the president's sec-
retary was left on, blaring mar-
tial music.
Very heavy artillery and mor-
tar fire still was heard in Ni-
cosia for a few minutes after
the cease-fire, apparently from
Hurkish guns directed at Greek
Cypriot positions.
The sky was clear of Turkish
planes but fighting continued
around the international air-
port until the last minutes be-
fore the deadline.
The Turkish army with some
40,000 men and 300 tanks fight-
ing against ragged Greek Cyp-
riot forces armed with World
War II weapons, carved out a
line 65 miles long across the
northern part of Cyprus.
The successful assault lasted
60 hours since it started at
dawn Wednesday and left the
Turkish army holding a belt
from Famagusta on the east
coast to Lefka on the west.
IN ANKARA, the Turkish pre-
mier told a news conference
that the Turkish advances "laid
the foundation for a federated
Cyprus state with two separate
autonomous regions" - one for
the Greek Cypriot majority of
502,000 and one for the Turkish
minority of 120,000.
Ecevit did not elaborate on
his idea of a federated state.
But he said Turkey did not in-
tend to enforce a population dis-
placement by moving thousands
of Turish Cypriots north and
thousands of Greek Cypriots
"The Greeks can stay in Tur-
kish areas and the Turks in
Greek areas," he said. "One
will be the guarantee of the
Ecevit said he would be will-
ing to return to Cyprus peace
tals at Geneva "as soon as pos-
sible," and ruled out fighting
again even if new talks in Ge-
neva failed to produce results.
ASKED whether Turkey would
be willing to give up any of the
land captured by the Turkish
troops on the island, Ecevit
said, "This can be discussed
later. I cannot say anything
now. We do not have irredentist
ambitions. We could have taken
the whole island. But we have
given up our empire for good."
He was referring to the Otto-
man Empire which collapsed
after World War I and con-
trolled Cyprus from the 16th to
the 19th century. Irredentism is
the act of incorporating terri-
tories from which one has been
deprived or which is ethnically
But Ecevit said Turkey would
not give up Famagusta, where
Turks have been living in the
enclosed old city ever since
the island became a British
crown colony in 1925.
He also said he would be will-
ing to meet with Greek Pre-
mier Constantine Caramanlis at
a place and time chosen by the
Greek leader, who pulled his
military forces out of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization
after the last round of the Ge-
neva talks collapsed.
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Associated Press Writer
Greece - Ioannis Patrelis and
Mehmet Aslanoglu stand with
bayonets fixed only 20 feet
apart, exchanging cigarets and
dirty jokes.
But Patrelis stands under the
white and blue flag of Greece
and Aslanoglu under the Tur-
kish crescent, soldiers of two
countries drawn to the brink of
war over Cyprus.
THE frontier where they face
each other every day is a nar-
row two-lane bridge spanning
the Evros river, a lazy stream
flowing to the Aegean and di-
viding Greek and Turkish
"The Greeks will never cross,
and if they did they would not
stand a chance," said the Tur-
kish lieutenant who commands
the military detachment at the
"Just give us the chance,
we'll be in Constantinople in a
few hours," said his Greek
counterpart across the Evros.
Since Turkey invaded Cyprus
July 20, Greece has massed
55,000 troops along the 130-mile
long border. Turkey is equally
well entrenched.
ON Wednesday Greece said
it would not send its troops to
fight the Turks on Cyprus, and
24 hours later Turkey said its
troops on the island would cease
fire at sundown.
This correspondent drove to
the border from Alexandrou-
polis, a seaside town brimming
with Greek troops and military
vehicles supporting the men at
the front.
Along the 25-mile stretch to
June, July, Aug.
207 E. Liberty
the border, along a dusty high-
way bisecting parched tobacco
fields, Greek army trucks and
jeeps shuttled back and forth
from the frontier. Most of the
trucks were filled with helmet-
ed soldiers carrying rifles with
fixed bayonets. There were no
signs of tanks or artillery but
local sources said this equip-
ment has been hidden and com-
ouflaged for weeks near the
AT THE border, travelers re-
turning from Turkey reported
seeing heavy military move-
ments along the highway from
"There were lots of soldiers
and even some tanks headed
toward the frontier," said Nino
di Rieti, heading home to Turin,
Italy, from a vacation in Tur-
At the Greek border post all
was quiet and the only move-
ment were tourists from Italy,
Germany and Holland. Despite
the tense situation, customs po-
lice searched tourist cars for
drugs just as carefully as be-
INSIDE the border post, how-
ever, Greek army officers sat
and bemoaned their country's
lack of action in Cyprus. They
blamed the Americans as well
as the Turks for the state of af-
fairs on the Mediterranean is-
land. "The best thing Cara-
manlis did was to get out of
NATO," saids a corps of engi-
neers lieutenant, referring to
Greek Premier Constantine Ca-
ramanlis' decision following the
breakdown of the last round of
the Geneva talks.
"It's clear the Americans are
no longer our friends, but we
will have to find a way to do
without their military equip-
ment. We get 95 per cent of our
hardware from the States, now
we should find another source."
Another officer took out his
vehemence on the Turks, curs-
ing them and later seizing Tur-
kish newspapers brought across
the border by a traveler.
Across the Evros, however,
the- talk was quite different.
"The Greeks are making a big
mistake, instead of screaming
about the Americans they
should be worried about our
common enemy up north," said
the Turkish lieutenant sipping
coffee with this correspondent
in the shade of a tree-covered
cafe. He was referring to the
Soviet Union.
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