Saturday, August 17, 1974 THE MCHIGNDAIL Page Three Ford finishes :initial week in office; meets labor leader WASHINGTON (l') Completing his first week in office, President Ford searched for ways to cut federal spend- ing yesterday and received without com- ment a labor leader's suggestion that he freeze prices and wages to shock Americans "back into reality." Ford held separate meetings with hold- over economic counselor Kenneth Rush and budget officials after the Oval Office meeting with Teamsters President Frank Fitzsimmons, the second labor leader Ford has conferred with in four days. AS FORD'S first-week anniversary passed, there were these other develop- ments at the White House: --His new lawyer, Philip Buchen, re- layed a decision that Richard Nixon's tapes and documents will remain in White House custody until Watergate legal issues are resolved. -Ford rounded out his press staff, AP Photo naming Justice Department information officer John Hushen as deputy press sec- retary to Jerald terHorst. In addition, two Ford vice presidential aides, Paul . District Miltich and William Roberts, will be (nee trial. iracy and blended into a staff of five holdover Wounded Nixon administration spokesmen-James Holland, Larry Speaks, John Carlson, Case completed American Indian Movement leader Russell Means leaves the U. S Court in St. Paul yesterday after the defense rested in the Wounded K Means and Dennis Banks, co-defendants, ar on trial for larcny, consp three counts of assaulting federal officers during the occupation of Knee in 1973. Soul City may hold key to interracial community Fitzsimmons Tom DeCair and Andrew Falkiewicz. -Ford met with his first visiting chief of state, King Hussein of Jordan, and arranged to host a White House state dinner in the King's honor last night. -Presidential spokesman terHorst said Ford's vice presidential nominee probably will not be announced until next Tuesday or Wednesday. He repeat- ed that Ford had not yet made up his mind, and Ford himself told a question- ing reporter as he left his suburban home that "I haven't been thinking about it." The meeting with Fitzsimmons follow- ed a Tuesday session with AFL-CIO President George Meany, a frequent and harsh critic of Nixon. In contrast, Fitz- simmons was a strong Nixon supporter and told reporters he intends to give Ford "the same cooperation" he gave the now-resigned chief executive. Talking with newsmen on the White House lawn after his 45-minute Oval Office meeting, Fitzsimmons said Ford had no comment on his advice that the nation needs to be "shocked back into reality" on the economic front with a "complete freeze on all prices and wages," including interest rates and dividends. Fitzsimmons said he also suggested that price rollbacks might follow a wage- price freeze, and again said Ford listen- ed without comment. SOUL CITY, N.C. (P)-Ribbons of red clay rutted by car and truck tires meet atop a gently sloping hill on the plains 'of North Carolina's Warren County. Where the roads cross, a highway mark- er reads: "Soul City." The simple sign stands as a symbol of transition from the days when Warren County was a center of slavery to the time-still in the future-when Soul City will be real: a self-sufficient town of 50,000 planned by blacks as an inter- racial community, SIX YEARS IN the making, Soul City today is 5,200 acres of rolling meadow- land, broken occasionally by tree groves and by mobile homes parked in clusters or alone. These are the temporary homes and offices of Soul City's first residents, 225 people in all. They are the staff that is building Soul City, and their families. Their leader is Floyd McKissick a bald- ing six-footer whose name is famous in civil rights. McKissick, now 52, resigned in 1968 as national chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality to return to his native North Carolina and develop Soul City. Most of McKissick's closest collabora- tors are blacks from the civil rights movement, But he also has recruited 21 whites and three Indians on his staff of 60. "WE HAVE BROUGHT together black, white and Indian here," says McKissick. "We find that they agree 90 per cent of the time and just by working together, you can destroy five per cent of their differences." Construction of the first permanent building is to begin next month. It's to be a factory shell called "Soul Tech I." McKissick says he already has a com- pany under contract to occupy the fac- tory and employ 350 people-the first step toward self-sufficiency. He won't name the company. Once the factory shell is started, con- struction of permanent homes and a shopping center is to begin in the fall. "PEOPLE SAY Soul City is idealistic, and it is," McKissick admits. ". . . but I believe we at least can organize a city free of racism, with job opportuni- ties and a happy society." Toward this goal, McKissick founded Floyd B. McKissick Enterprises, Inc., whose principal function is the construc- tion of Soul City at a final cost of $90 million. The U.S. Department of Housing See DEVELOPER, Page 9 Fleming to head bond drive By ANDREA LILLY University President Robben Fleming announced yesterday that he will serve as chairman of Gov. William Milliken's steering committee backing a $1.1 bil- lion transportation bond issue on the November ballot. Fleming urged citizen support for the proposal authorizing the sale of bonds to upgrade the state's transportation sys- tem. He said the proposed 1S-year con- struction program would provide an es- timated 10,000 jobs and bring in a con- siderable amount of federal "matching" funds to a state that "gets less trans- portation money per capita than any other urban state." THE FUNDS will go toward passenger and freight railroad service, a mass ur- ban transit system, Great Lakes ship- ping, and research on future means of transportation. Fleming argued that "this program is not just 'for Detroit' or 'for the Upper Pennisula,' but rather 'for all of Mich- igan.' . . . No region of the state can afford to ignore the benefits of an up- graded transportation system." Programs to be financed by the meas- ure include: $450 million for a southeast Michigan urban transit set-up, $362 mil- lion for upgrading passenger rail and intercity bus service, $100 million for air- ports, $50 million to expand Great Lakes port capacity, $20 million for research and $25 million to hard-surface over 65 miles of roads. Other committee members include Henry Ford, chairman of the board of Ford Motor Co., Leonard Woodcock, president of the United Auto Workers and William Marshall, president of the Michigan AFL-CIO.