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August 16, 1974 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-16

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Friday, August 16, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
SWest comes to Saine
ifore the first event got underway, '
o clowns entertained the crowds.
st week we played the White Sox,"
Wayne Speckerman, one of the
What happened," queried the an-
lcer. X1
'eat their socks off. Then we played
Red Legs," the clown continued. s
Aod the announcer asked.
eat their legs off. Then we pl yed
PhS 1I pened?"yF
ained out.e"
e clowns play an essential role in
eo events., Aside from entertaining
spectators, they distract angry ai- '
s from fallen riders, preventing ser-
first event was bareback bronc
ig The rider is required to stay on F
taunt for eight seconds. One hand
t at all times be held up in the air
er touching the horse.
he cowboy must also rake his spurs
iss the horses shoulders to keep him
ins'. A "bucking strap" is wrapped
tta around the horses rump and geni-
guaranteeing the animal will buck.
narrow chute opens into the arena x
800 pounds of enraged horse spilled
Together, the horse and rider jump-
soayed and pitched around the en- -
or an eight second eternity the two
le it out. The whistle blows and it's
he rider falls into the arms of a
rby cowboy on horseback. The buck-
strap is removed from the bronc.
or both man and beast the ordeal is
e winner of the bareback event was
('leveland, one of the top riders in
country. For his brief ride, he earn-
200. -
star rider, like Cleveland, can win
shere from $5,000 to $45,000 a year.
average rodeo rider, however, only
is about $3,000 annually.
iders must pay for entry fees (at Sa-
520 per event), transportation be-
it shows, medical expenses and their -
imweat. Many of them never break


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