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August 15, 1974 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-15

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Page Eight


Thursday, August 15, 1974

THE'MICHIGAN DAiLY Thursday, August 15, 1914

Memphis dents Whee

RUNNING BACK WILLIE SPENCER of the Memphis South men is met by a host of Detroit Wheel tacklers in last night's
action. But the Detroiters weren't able to stop him often enough, as they went down to another lopsided defeat.
Roylals rip Tilger s, 9-1

Is again
Special To The Daiy
YPSILANTI-It was a good night for
the fans at Rynearson Stadium. That is,
for the ones who didn't come to watch
football. They guzzled beer and threw
frisbees and did just about anything else
they could think of to amuse themselves.
Yes, the Detroit Wheels were alleged-
ly playing a football game, but as the
scoreboard indicated, the 37-7 pasting
the Memphis Southmen handed the
Wheels wasn't much to watch.
This was supposed to be the night
the Wheels put it all together after two
straight near misses against the Bfrm-
ingham Americans.
The Southmen, however, were the ones
who came out smoking, and by the end
of the first half it was evident that Mem-
phis had the game well under control.
The "Grizzlies" as they are known in
the Southland struck paydirt first march-
ing 29 yards after Seth Miller recovered
a Sam Scarber fumble. Willie Spencer
dove in from the one for the touchdown.
John Huarte hit Gary Shirk for the ac-
tion point and an 8-9 Memphis lead.
The Wheels cut the margin to 8-7
i-ith sixteen seconds left in the first
quarter when Bubba Wyche snuck over
from the one. The touchdown was
made possible by Terry Hoeppner's
interception at the Memphis 25 and
Mickey McCarty's leaping grab of a
halfback pass from Bill Sadler off a
fake field goal one play before the
Memphis came right back with a 56-
yard four play drive that culminated
with a 12-yard Huarte strike to Ed Mar-
shall The key play in the drive was a
40-yard end around by the speedy Mar-
shall that carried from the Memphis 47
to the Detroit 13.
The Southmen scored again before the
half after Wheels' punter Chuck Collins
shanked a 19-yard punt out of bounds at
the Detroit 30. Huarte scrambled for 12
yards on second and eight, then tossed
10 yards to Marshall to the Detroit 6.
Two plays later Spencer slashed off
right guard for the score.
The Wheels made a desperate at-
tempt to get on the board again
in the half's final thirty see-
ands as Wyche completed three
passes of 19, 16, and 25 yards to
the Suthmen's 11. With two
seconds remaining Wyche fired
into the end zone for Jon Hen
derson, but the Colorado State
flash droped the ball and the
half ended with Memphis on
top 23-7.
M e m p h i s crossed the
Wheels' goal again on De-
troit's initial possession of the
second half when David
Thomas picked off Wyche's
sideline pass and scampered
39 yards unmolested into the
~- endzone.
After that the game settled
down into a defenseive struggle
with the Wheels unable to
penetrate the Southmen's de-
fense, and the Southmen un-
willing to take any chances that
_ thiht give Detroit a cheap
.1 touchdown.
-, - Wanting one more touchdown,
Memphis coach John McVay re-
-,. turned Huarte to the lineup for
k, substitute Danny White. Huarte
needed only three plays to get
the score with a 31-yard strike
right down the center of the
Wheels' zone defense to Gary
Powel to end the scoring.
The Wheels were reduced
to only three healthy line-
backers as both Doinic Rig-
gio and Henry Adolfi, their
number one and two middle
linebackers left the game with
_ z injuries. Adolfi was reported-

- ly through for the season with
knee damage, while Riggio
will be out for an unspecified
period with a bruised thigh.
Even the arrival of part own-
er Marvin Gaye from Califor-
AP Photo nia in the third quarter couldn't
inspire the Wheels to victory.
Gaye's appearance brought a
ets train- loud ovation from the crowd.
amps as 1 2 34 73
Dt under- etri 7 7
Att. 14,424

DETROIT (MP-Steve Busby
fired a five-hitter and the Kan-
sas City Royals scored six runs
in the first inning, three of
them on Tony Solaita's homer,
and went on to defeat the De-
troit Tigers 9-1 last night.
The victory was the Royals'
sixth in their last seven out-
ings, while the Tigers have
dropped five of their last six.
Busby, 18-9, joined Chicago's
Wilbur Wood and Boston's Luis
Tiant as the only 18-game win-
ners in the major leagues.
THE FIRST hit off Busby
came with two out in the fourth,
a bad-hop single by Tom Very-
zer. His grounder took a high

hop and hit Royals third base-
man George Brett in the face.
Brett suffered an injured nose
and was forced to leave the
Detroit got two more hits in
the fifth, then got its only run
in, the ninth when Jim Nettles
walked, Veryzer singled him to
second and John Wockenfuss
delivered an RBI single.
The Royals sent 11 men to
bat in the first inning, routing
Detroit's starting pitcher, rookie
Fred Holdsworth. In addition to
Solaita's homer, his fourth of
the year, Kansas City got run-
scoring singles from Amos Otis,
Brett and Fred Patek.

Major League Standings

W L Pet. GB
aoston 64 52 .552 -
Cleveland 58 55 .513 4
Baltimore 58 58 .5006
New York 56 59 .487 7 '.
Milwaukee 55 62 .470 91:.
Detroit 55 63 .466 10
Oakland 69 49 .585 -
Kansas City 62 54 .534 6
Chicago 59 57 .509 9
Texas 60 59 .504 9'.
Minnesota 58 60 .492 11
California 46 711 .390 23
Minnesota 1, Cleveland 0
Chicago 5. Baltimore 4
Kansas City 9. Detroit 1
Milwaukee at Texas, inc.
New York at Oakland, inc.
Boston at California, inc.
Today's Games
Chicago (Kaat 13-9) at Baltimore
(Cuetlar 13-9), night.
Minnesota (Blyleven 11-13) at
Cleveland (G. Perry 15-7), night.
Only games scheduled.

W L Ptt. GB
St. Louis 62 57 .521 --
Philadelphia 60 58 .508 2r!
Pittsburgh 59 59 .500 2',
Montreal 55 60 .478 5
New York 51 63 .446 8%
Chicago 47 67 .412 12'
Los Angeles 75 43 .637 -
Cincinnati 71 48 .597 4%
Atlanta 63 54 .538 11'2
Houston 59 57 .509 15
San Francisco 54 65 .454 21%
San Diego 46 72 .395 281-
New York 3, Los Angeles 2
Chicago 6, Houston 5
San Francisco 6, Philadelphia 4
Atlanta 6, Montreal 1
Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgh 2, 10 inn.
St. Louis 5, San Diego 1
Today's Games
Houston (Griffin 11-5) at Chicago
(Reuschel 11-9). -
Only game scheduled.

Ready to play ball
Quarterback Joe Namath reports to the New York J
ing camp yesterday afternoon. Namath was one of
of veterans returning to National Football League c
the two-week truce between players and owners gi

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