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August 14, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-14

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vVednesdoy, August 14, 1974


Page Nine

Mitchell at PK: The Chavez continues fight

bianas anc roadies

(Gontinued from Page 5)
star burning out."
Since he rappearance at Hill,
however, Mitchell seems to ad-
justed very well to this hero
worship. Unlike most pop per-
formers, she makes no attempt
to be anything more than a hu-
man being. It must be a strange
feat, standing blindly there on
a lighted platform in front of
3000 people who seem to love
every move you make.
Her manner was quite casual,
though still very poised, as she
talked to the audience at
length. She wanted to talk to
the audience so much she even
tried to stop the band when they
were already five bars into
"Bar and Grill," but they just
ignored her waving arms, or
they were already too intent.
Undaunted, she walked up to
the mike and began to talk any-
When she was preparing to
perform "All I Want," sitting
down with her dulcimer, some-
body croaked out, as was com-
mon throughout the show,
"What is it?" From another
sector of the crowd came the
renly, "It's a dulcimer," and
Mitchell looked un and smiled,
and made the "You got it!
sign with her hand.
"Everybody who becomes
successful has to adjust to it,"
she said later. "They all do.
People are always thinking 'Suc-
cess spoils people,' so the first
thing you do when you become
successful is you say to your-
self, 'I'm not going to let it!
I'm not going to allow myself
to change in any way. I will
not change!' But of course, you
have to change. Everything in
your environment is changing."
It was a long concert - near-
lv 3%2 hours. Near the end, be-
fore the encore, we left our
seats in the pavilion and climb-
ed up and back, to the very
edge of the theatre, in the cor-
ner. The lights went down
again, and Mitchell came out to
the piano to play "The Last
Time I Saw Richard," (" . . -
ws Detroit in '68") - a collec-
tion of reflections on the death
of Richard Farina.
Surveying the scene from up
there, I too felt like I was out
in space - on the very edge of
the solar system, or a nebulae.
The bowl shape of the seats
gave the audience an appear-
ance of being in orbit around
the stage, from which irradi-
ated light and serenely flowing
piano notes. Then way down at
LONDON () - Patrick Mc-
Carthy, a 23-year-old student at
the L o n d o n Opera Center,
staged an unexpected debut at
the Royal Albert Hall,
McCarthy had only intended
to listen last Wednesday night,
until baritone Thomas Allen
collapsed after the start of Carl
Orff's "Carmina Burana."
The young singer knew the
role, so he volunteered and
conductor Andre Previn waved
him onto the stage. The packed
audience gave the young per-
former a standing ovation.
7' a ns e",s s: ..; ?s:. G svsw.' . .. x^. '.
Daily Official Bulletin
gsa- ", .-sssass-ss'.ssas
Wednesday, August 14
Day Calendar
WUOM: Stephen Banker, NPR,
interviews James McCord, former
FBI agent & convicted Watergate
burgiar, 10:00 am.
Amer Assoc Critial-Oare Nurses:
Russel Smith, "Hospital Manage-

meat of Substance P'roblem," Rm.
4, Ground Fl., St. Joseph Hosp.,
1 :30 pm,
Muate seh.: Steven Kane, organ,
Hill Aud.; James Dawson, saxo-
phone Doctoral, Recital Mall; both
at a pm.

the bottom of this bowl, with
spotlights streaming down, sat
this woman in white, at a
Then the lights came up a
little and she and the band fin-
ished off the evening with a
rendition of "Twisted." She
went into a long, cheerful rap
in the middle of it about the
joys of admitting you are
crazy. "We are all crazy!" she
said, gesturing about herself
and the band. "Are you crazy?"
(Audience: "Yes!")
"Is there anyone out there-
who is not crazy?" (Audience:
She may be right, of course.
Still, I was left with two nag-
ging questions:
How it is that a true artist,
who has gradually become re-
spected and famous by pouring
out her blood and soul into her
creations - how does she rec-
kon with the entertainment busi-
And - What is it like to re-
turn to a city like this, where
you have kicked around cof-
fee shops, unknown, and cre-
ate a 1500 car traffic jam?
On our way out, I noticed
ominous spirits had comman-
deered the loudspeaker system.
A WXYZ DJ actually had the
bogus audacity to do a com-
Then a new voice came on to
reassure us that no matter
which way we went from the
entrance, we would end up on
Joni Mitchell is definite-
ly changing. As I sit here typ-
ing and listening to Blue, I rea-
lize what an awful lot she has
changed since then. Her lyrics
are roughly the same, but her
voice has become more aggres-
sive, her melodies more con-
ventional, and her arrange-
ments are another thing entire-
ly now, and not so much her
I was not pleased with Court
and Spark, for reasons along
these lines, but I understand
that it took off commercially
like nothing she has ever done
before, and like nothing anyone
expected. From a personal
standpoint, I can understand
and appreciate her stardom.
"Love is touching souls," she
sings, "well surely you touch-
ed mine! "And surely, she has
touched quite a few herself.
But popular folk music is
losing a very sensitive and tal-
ented musician. And I, for one,
am going to miss her.
Abortion Alternative
Problem Pregnancy
24 hr. phone: 769-7283
Offie: 400 S. Division
Main floor4Street entrance
(corner of William
Hrs. Mon.-Thurs. 1-4:30 n.m.
Thurs. evenino 6-9 p.m.

(Continued from Page :3)
were being overcome. Ile insists
the UFW's troubles stem mainly
from a grower-Teamster "con-
siracy," an allegation denied
by both grasps.
Growers say Teamster pacts
are attractive bernose thev do
not reonire establishment of
,'ion-audninistered hiring halls.
Tnsstead of using the wsorkers dis-
nat"-ed by the 'ninn, a grower
an hire whomever he wants as
long as he ioins the Teamsters
in 10 dass. Chavez says this has
resilted in growers bringing il-
le"al Mexican immigrants who
often work for less than Ameri-
can farm hands. Growers deny
the allegation.
Growers who switched to the
Teamsters branded the UFW
hiring hall a failire because
workers weren't dispatched ef-
ficiently when needed.
"WE CAN'T be at the mercy
of union dispatch hall people,
and management has to have
the right to get its own work-
ers," said John Giumarra of
Delano, general counsel for the
state's largest table grape
Some ex-UFW workers claim-
ed the hiring hall dispatchers
played favorites. Others were
irritated at signup procedures
that sometimes split families
with only one car among dif-
ferent ranches.
In an interview Chavez ac-
knowledged there were some
"administrative problems" with
the hiring halls but said they
were being overcome as the
union passed through the "grow-
ing pains" phases of develop-
HE CONSIDERS the hiring
hall a must.

Teamster union

"It gives workers the right
to determine by their own
democratic process the rules
snd regulations about how they
get hired and the conditions of
their work," he explained.
('havez contends the growers,
still spiteful at the UFW for
unionizing farm workers, are
using the hiring hull issue to
cover a conspiracy with the
Teamsters to destroy the UFW.
"IF THERE were no Team-
sters, we'd easily have a $3
base pay scale instead of $2.50,"
Chavez said, "and our union
would have 100,000 workers or-
ganized in the state.
"Don't forget that the Team-
sters don't organize workers-
they organize growers. They
sign sweetheart deals with the
growers and tell the workers
they now belong to a union."
Teamsters President Frank
Fitzsimmons says the Team-
sters have worked hard for the
workers-"for the first time
there is a strong union of farm
workers of their own choosing,"
he explained.
SEVERAL growers say they
prefer working with the "pros"
of the Teamsters to the "angry
young men" of the UFW.
Fitzsimmons e a r li e r this
month officially chartered an
agricultural workers local -
Local 1973-which is being head-
quartered in Salinas. The states
covered by it are California,
Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada,
Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Ore-
gon, Washington, Montana, Ha-
waii, Utah and Alaska.
Whether California's 300,000
farm labor force wants the
Teamsters, the UFW-or no
union-has never been accur-
ately determined. There are no

secret ballot tniolsn represen-
tation electiants fur faormi work-
Mony su\rksrs is the stlate's
grap > veetable and fruit areas
- agricultslre is still c'alifornia's
No. 1 money-maker have car-
ried cards from both nions,
showing whichever is recognized
at a given ranch.
"I don't care what union
comes in or if none does," one
field hand said. "All I want is
to be able to work."
At Keene Larson's 1h0-acre
Coachella Valley vineyard-one
of the first to sign with Chavez
in 1970-workers voted 2 to 1
not to affiliate with either union.
The UFW accused Larson of
rigging the election.
Still, although nonunion senti-
ments are shared by him and
other growers, Larson later ne-
gotiated a contract with the
Teamsters. Most growers have
been told by their brokers that
publicity has made it almost im-
possible to sell grapes that have
not been picked by some union.
There are more than 130,000
known lepers in Brazil, the
majority of them in the western
region of the country's Amazon
rain Forest.

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